Are you on a Team ?

We will be publishing the initial list of names of those who are on our Fundraiser Teams NEXT WEEK. These individuals are members of one of the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Green, Yellow and White Teams. We have had an excellent response so far but we know that many more intend joining.

The Stand is at an advanced stage and final payments will be pending over the coming few months. We are anxious to ensure that we have all our costs are covered without recourse to costly financial loans.

This list of names will be published here on the website in the coming weeks and in local press.

[b]If you intend joining a team and have not yet done so then please ensure your donation is made to the County Board immediately and ensure that the yellow Donation form is fully completed. The form is already partially completed and you must add some final details.[/b]

[link= “ “]You can download the form here [/link]



11-Apr-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO