Culture and Language Officer

The Culture and Language Officer position should be filled by someone who has a working knowledge of Gaeilge. Tact and perseverance are vital attributes for success in this position.

Duties are as follows..

-The duties assigned to this position can include the following:

-Providing a back-up service in the use of Gaeilge for all Officers and Members

-Ensuring that all rules regarding the use of Gaeilge are adhered to

-Organise Scór Teams

-Running Irish nights

-Providing for and organising a Gaeltacht Scholarship Scheme

-Running Irish classes and Set Dancing classes

-Liaise closely with the County Irish Officer and any relevant Committee

-Encourage and promote the use of Irish phrases and greetings among members

-Liaise and co-operate with other Irish/Cultural organisations in the area.

-Liaise with other Clubs regarding Irish Language Promotion initiatives.



05-Apr-05 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer