Club Youth Officer.
The person holding this position has a responsibility to the under age members of the club, ensuring that there are regular games for all under age club members in internal club leagues and competitions. See that responsible personnel are in charge of youth activities. Delegate specific jobs to youth members in the club by encouraging them to..
– Line and flag pitches
– Maintain Footballs
– Take charge of jerseys
– Act as referees, umpires and linespersons
– Look after the first aid kit
– Send match reports to club PRO
– Compile scrap book for the year
– Make sure all youth messages are on club notice-board.
By involving youth they will be more interested in the games and, later, in administration.
Youth Officer to involve parents in helping out at the club by:
– Attending Coaching Courses
– Assisting with coaching of players
– Assisting in training young referees
– Providing and arranging transport
– Caring for jerseys, footballs, hurleys etc..
Parents are not always involved in the running of the club and may wish to become involved.
The Youth Officer should develop high standards of presentation, sportsmanship and discipline among youth. Encourage the Youth Section to plan the year ahead. Examine how they could improve matters within the club in relation to: Coaching, Games, Promotion of Games, Social/Cultural Activities, Special Projects etc.
13-Apr-05 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer