Club Membership – Club membership is now due. All players at every level must have membership paid before they are aloud to take to the field for training or games and unpaid members will not be aloud to gain entry to the club gym. Membership rates are as follows: family membership €100, Adult playing members both male and female €70, Adult playing members who are students both male and female €40, Juvenile playing members U-18 €40, Non-playing members €60, Mothers & Others €60. For any other queries please contact the club registrar Neil Nolan
Lotto – There was no winner of this week’s lotto jackpot of €4700 with the numbers 4-20-23-24 drawn out. The 5 winners of €20 are Berna Gibbons; Keadue, John Gilmartin; Ballinaglaera, Eamonn McGowan; Drumshanbo, Aran, Noah & Saida Meryl; Drumshanbo & Amaia Gilhooly; Drumduff north, Drumshanbo. Next week’s jackpot now stands at €4800. Thank you again to everyone for all your continued support.
DVS – Best of luck to the DVS Cadette A volleyball team in the All Ireland final this Wednesday.
25 Card Drive – The card game continues in Aras Padraig every Sunday night at 8:30pm. All welcome.
Sympathy – The Club extends deepest condolences to the family and friends of Michael Price who passed away in England last week. Michael was a part of our minor team in 1966 who won a county final. Also to the family and friends of Denise Elliott who tragically passed away last week. May they rest in peace.
Leitrim – Best of luck to Diarmaid, Kevin & all the Leitrim senior team and new management in the first round of the national league division 4 against Wexford this Sunday in Pairc Sean at 2pm.
Commiserations – Commiserations to Carrick Hurling who were heartbreakingly defeated by Castleblaney in the all Ireland semi-final by the narrowest of margins last Sunday.
Race Night: The annual Allen Gaels GAA Race night is coming around again and will take place on Saturday 9th February in Conways Corner House at 9pm. more details to follow.
Club Draw Tickets – The first club draw of 2019 takes place this Saturday night in the Copper Still – there are still tickets available from Club members and once again for just €20 you are guaranteed entry in all 12 monthly draws. All ticket sellers are asked to have their tickets returned to Brian Mallon or Shane Reynolds in advance of the draw.
Scór Sinsear 2019 – Anyone interested in participating in Scór in 2019 is asked to contact Aidan Dockery on 087 4636231 or at The County finals are fixed for Saturday, February 9th and as this year is the 50th anniversary of the commencement of Scór it is hoped to have a good representation from the club to mark this milestone in the history of the competition.
Hurling – Hard luck to the Carrick hurlers and to our own Cian Mallon who lined out at wing-back for them, on their heartbreaking semi-final defeat to Catleblayney on Sunday last in Mullingar. It has been a great year for the club, winning Leitrim’s first ever Connacht club title and hopefully the foundation stones of a positive future have been sown over the last few months
Sympathy – Our deepest sympathies are extended to assistant treasurer Martina Hackett on the passing of her father Paddy Joyce (Ballinamore) at the weekend. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé.
Texas Hold Em – The club will be hosting a Texas Hold ‘Em Poker night in the clubhouse on Saturday week, February 2nd. Registration will be from 8pm and play gets underway at 8.30pm. Entry is €20 per player and €10 buyback. Refreshments will be served and there is a 50% pay out on the night.
Membership 2019 Club Membership for 2019 is now open – Adult Playing Membership (which includes Gym access) is €100 (€40 for Students), Non playing members – €20, and non-playing membership (with gym access fee) – €100. Youth playing membership is €20 per player to a limit of €50 per family. Membership can be paid at any time to Registrar Jason Conroy or Treasurer Brian Mallon.
Operation Transformation – Classes continue in St Clare’s Gym, Manorhamilton on Tuesdays from 7-8pm and Boot Camp on Saturday mornings in The Park from 9.30-10.30am. Please remember to bring water and mats.
December Club Members’ Draw – €300 Fergus Torsney, €200 Camillus McMorrow, €150 Mary Gordon, €100 Ollie Conlon. Congratulations to all winners. If anyone would like to join the draw please contact a club officer or get in contact via social media for details. Membership includes underage registration for family members, free entry to league games in The Park and discounts in several local businesses.
Coaching – On Saturday morning our U15 and U17 squads travelled to the Connacht GAA Centre of Excellence in Ballyhaunis for Strength and Conditioning training. We will receive the results in the coming weeks and this analysis will give us an indication of where we compare with other clubs in the province and also what areas we are doing well in and where we need to improve going forward. Well done to all players who took part and a word of thanks to their coaches, Sean Kelly, Bing Morrison, David McGee, Willie Kelly and Martin Kelly for traveling with the lads.
Leitrim GAA – Everyone at Dromahair GAA would like to wish Terry Hyland and team the very best of luck as they get their Division 4 campaign underway on Sunday vs Wexford at 2pm in Carrick.
Fund Raising Draw – We held our annual fundraising draw on Saturday 19th January in The Dugout. The winner of the First Prize of €3,000 (sponsored by Tony & Bernadette McGovern, London) went to Rob Maguire, Drumreilly. The 2ndPrize of €1,000 (sponsored by Sambo Reilly) went to Michelle Earley. €100 winners were Adrian Tiernan, John Bohan Keshcarrigan, Sean Heaney Fenagh, John Casey Donegal and Roger Guiney, Tullamore. €50 winners were Sheila Holohan, Diarmuid Brady, Catherine Charles, Erina Delaney, Regina Canning and Hannah Bohan Australia. €50 Voucher for the Kilbracken Arms sponsored by the Caden Family was won by Martin McIntyre, €20 sponsored by James McIntyre was won by Seamus McManus, Bottle of Jameson sponsored by Ciaran & Marion McCabe was won by Damien Maguire, Bottle of Powers sponsored by Terry & Martina Williams was won by Barry McKiernan, Bottle of Gin sponsored by Ciaran & Marion McCabe was won by Ciaran Toole. We would like to thank Cllr Paddy O’Rourke, Peace Commissioner who oversaw the draw, Gerry McGovern, London who pulled out the tickets of the winners with the exception of the 2nd prize which was pulled by Pauline Harte. Thanks also to Pauline for the beautiful food and music by D.J. Mike Darcy from Shannonside. Thanks to Terry for his photography and finally we would like to thank all of you who bought tickets and supported our draw and of course our hard working ticket sellers.
Lotto – Our next Lotto draw is on Saturday 26th January in the Dugout out with St Joseph’s ladies hosting the draw. The jackpot now stands at €12,600.
Membership – Club membership is now due. Our registration weekend will be held in February, due to new GDPR rules each member has to complete an application form. Application forms can be got from Anna McKiernan 0877607026, Diane Charles 0860871550 or Ciaran Moran 0863686063. The membership Fees for 2019 are Adults/Senior Players €50, Students €25, Underage €20, Families €100, Gym Membership within Parish €50 Gym Membership outside parish €100. All club players must have their membership paid by end of February.
Registration – Registration takes place at the pitch this Friday 25th of January. Rates for 2019 are Adult Player €40, Adult Student Player €25, Non-Playing Adult €40, Underage (Un6 – Un11) €25, and Family Rates Available on request.
Senior Scór – Leitrim Senior Scór will take place on February 9th. If you are interested in participating please contact Maria Fallon on 0872261538.
NFL Predictions Competition – Will Leitrim beat Wexford? Our annual NFL Predictions Competition gets underway this weekend with the first match at 7pm on Saturday 26th January. Paper Slips must be submitted before the first Match gets underway and are available from any Club Player, Gerties Bar, Rockin Mollies, Sheemore Inn, Lakeside Tavern, Micheal Scollan Meats & TalknTech. We also have an Online Pay & Play option where you can submit your picks by Online Form, visit to Pay& Play or contact Eoin on 0863153438.
Lip Sync Legends DVD – There is a handful of Lip Sync DVDs still available to purchase for €10 from Gertie’s Bar, Kesh.
Referees – With the 2019 Club Season due to get underway in the coming weeks anyone within the Club with an interest in taking up the Whistle is asked to contact Sheila 087 285 0377.
Adults €25, Underage €10. Reduced membership fee for members of the Ladies’ Club €10. Membership of the club allows you full use of the gym and club room facilities.
Club Lotto – Results for the draw from 9th January 2019. Numbers Drawn: 4, 16, 19, 23. No jackpot winners, €20 winners: 1. Brian McGlade, Arva, 2. Benny Smith, Kildallon, 3. Eoghan McGovern, Corlough, 4. Aoibhin Flanagan, Cully, 5. Joan O’Reilly, Drumlogher, 6 .Jim McManus, Bawnboy, 7. Siobhan Quinn & Teresa McManus, Lidgruddy. Next draw will take place on 23 January in the Ballymac Inn. Next jackpot €4,300.
Junior Management – Thank you to Pat Flanagan & Pat Joe McNiffe for their contributions to the Junior team over the past couple of years, most notably winning the Junior B Championship. We are now looking for a new Junior management team for 2019, if you have any nominations for the job, please let Michael Quinn know.
Cards – Games of 25 have resumed on Friday evenings from 8.30-10 at Aughawillan Clubrooms. Come along & bring a friend!
Dinner Dance – A Dinner Dance to honour the first Senior and Junior Championship double in the club’s history is being held on Saturday 9th March in the Slieve Russel Hotel. Music on the night! Tickets are €35 and will be on sale in the coming weeks. You can book your tickets in advance, contact a member of the club executive.
Comhghairdeas – Congratulations to Gary Plunkett who is being presented with Club Player of the Year 2018 Award at the county board dinner on January 25th. If you are interested in attending, tickets are €30 and available from Michael Quinn by Wednesday.
A Great Night for the Club – The “Harte of the Matter” in the Great Northern Hotel, Bundoran turned out to be a great night’s entertainment for all who came along. The guest speakers on the night, Caroline Currid, Mickey Harte, Aiden O’Mahoney, Brian McEniff and Rory Gallagher were all very inspiring. Everyone who came along was very impressed by the speakers and the event as a whole. Colin Regan did a fantastic job interviewing the guests and organising in general. The audience were also entertained by “Theresa May” and “Donald Trump” who came along at short notice, and gave their views on matters in the GAA. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the night a success and to all who donated prizes for the raffle. Thanks to all the guests for coming along and all in the community for the support. The victorious Under 20 Championship winners were presented with their medals by Aiden O’ Mahoney on the night. Congratulations and well done to them all and their mentors. This is an event that will need to be repeated as many people were disappointed that they couldn’t make it on the night. Well done to all the organisers.
Community Walking Starts – Melvin Gaels Healthy Club Committee is joining up with Operation Transformation, the GAA and the Community, for Ireland Lights Up 2019. It starts on Thursday night next. It continues every Thursday night until February 21st.. The track will be lit up from 7pm to 8pm and everyone of all ages is asked to come along and join in this free weekly event.
Good Luck Cathal – The Club would like to Cathal Gallagher, Askill, Good Luck and every success in his part as one of the leaders in Operation Transformation.
50/50 Draw – The winner of the 50/50 draw last week was Clara Gallagher, Edenville, Kinlough who won €224. Get your ticket now for this week’s draw.
New Development Project – Many people from the locality and further afield have supported the Community Development Project at the Community Centre, Melvin Park and Dressing rooms, which is well under way. Any Kinlough people travelling home at Christmas will see that Melvin Park has changed a lot. The Committee is appealing to anyone who has yet to support the development to try to help, by joining the draw or sponsoring in any way. A lot of money is needed to complete the project which will be very impressive when completed and will be a huge benefit to all the Community. The fundraising involves “Make Your Mark on Melvin Park” for €100 which will represent a square of Melvin Park, entry into a draw, prizes 5x €1000, and your name on a commemorative plaque. To get your “Mark on Melvin Park” contact Spar, Kinlough or Pat at 0871787194 or Katherine at 087 287 0086 any of the Committee or go to The Club is very much involved in this fundraising and any donation would be greatly appreciated.
SCÓR NA NÓG CONNACHT FINAL – Well done to all of the St. Mary’s participants at the Connacht Scór na nÓg on Sunday in Claremorris. It was a great day’s entertainment and we were strongly represented in the Rince Foirne by Emma Morgan, Áine Morgan, Nicole Glancy, Grace Duignan, Rhianna Ward, Kaneisha Beirne, Sienna Beirne and Thomas Connorton and in Aithriseoireacht by Michael Connorton
Congratulations to our Ballad Group who are Connacht champions for the 4th time. Well done toAva Brogan, Roisin Noone, Elsie Harman, Eleanor Smith and Rionach Nic Conmara who have all earned a place in the All Ireland Final on the 16th February in Castlebar.
Huge thanks to Laura Crossan our cultural officer and all the mentors for preparing our acts so well.
LAUNCH OF THE LEITRIM GAA SUPPORTERS CLUB – The Launch of the Leitrim GAA Supporters club (Dublin Branch) will take place this Thursday 17th January in Croke Park. Transport will be provided from Leitrim for anyone who wishes to attend FOC, the following are the bus times.
Pick up Drumshanbo Swimming Pool at 4pm
Pick up Páirc Seán at 4.15pm
Pick up Bornacoola GAA pitch at 4.40pm. Please contact any member of the Executive to book your place.
OPERATION TRANSFORMATION 2019 – As part of the ‘Ireland Lights Up’ campaign St Mary’s Kiltoghert walking group continues this THURSDAY night. Meet at Páirc Naomh Mhuire at 8pm.
Everyone welcome – players, members, friends, family!
Walk the 4km Castlecara/Summerhill loop.
All you need is your Hi-Vis!
Let’s get Mary’s moving.
LADIES AGM – The Ladies AGM will take place this Friday 18th January at 8pm in The Clubhouse. All parents and new and existing members are very welcome and encouraged to attend.
GALA DINNER – Tickets are continuing to sell for the club’s Gala Dinner on Saturday 2nd February 2019 in The Landmark Hotel. It will include a 4-course dinner and music by the ever-popular band Late Night Radio.
It will include presentation of medals to our Intermediate ladies and U20 boys teams.
Tickets for the Gala Dinner evening are priced at €35 per person. If you haven’t already purchased your ticket, please contact Paula Butler 087 2480670 or Maureen Diffley 086 390 7092 or private message our Facebook page.
CARRICK HURLING – Very best wishes to all in Carrick Hurling in the All Ireland Junior Hurling Club semi-final against Castleblaney Hurling this Sunday the 20th January in Cusack Park, Mullingar at 2pm. There are lots of dual players from our club so please make sure to get to Mullingar to support them. There is a bus going from the Swan Bar so call in and put your name down.
LEITRIM GAA AWARDS – Congratulations to Clement Cuniffe and Cian Singleton who have been awarded Senior Club Hurler of the Year and U16 County Player of the Year respectively.
The Leitrim GAA Awards night takes place on Friday night 25th January 2019 in the Bush Hotel. Tickets are available to anyone who wishes to attend at a cost of €30 each,
If you are interested in attending, please let Maureen Diffley know asap.
Lotto Results for 13/1/19 – Numbers drawn were 4, 10, 19, 22. No jackpot winner. Lucky dip winners were Gerry Mahon Mohill, Therese + Mel Foy Eslin, John Gerard Diffley c/o Michael Reynolds, Enda Mc Crann Attimanus. Next weeks draw is in Carroll’s. Jackpot €13,450. Thank you for your support.
Dinner Dance – Tickets for the upcoming Dinner Dance in Lough Rynn Castle are now available and will be on sale in Stenson’s Foodfare, Cusacks Bar and Paul’s Shop, or can be got from anyone on the executive.
Good Luck – The club would like to wish Joe Reynolds the best of luck and many healthy years in his retirement.
Hurling – The club wishes Conor Beirne, James Mc Nabola and the Carrick Hurling club the best of luck when they take on Castleblaney in the All-Ireland Junior Club Championship semifinal in Cusack Park in Mullingar on Sunday 20th at 2pm. It has been a wonderful achievement to get this far, but let’s hope they can go a step further.
Training – Training continues on Tuesday nights at 8pm in the gym, Friday nights at 9pm in the complex and Sunday mornings at 11am on the pitch for all players.
Latest News
- Master Fixture Plan of Club Competitions for 202511th March 2025 - 8:00 am
- Handball News: It’s All Ireland Silver for Leitrim’s Maxim and Daniel | Leitrim Juvenile Handball Trials10th March 2025 - 10:00 am
- LEITRIM SENIOR TEAM V OFFALY ANNOUNCED28th February 2025 - 8:58 pm
Contact Details
GAA Administrative Office
Páirc Seán Mac Diarmada
County Leitrim
N41 RY88
Eircode for Centre of Excellence:
N41 E7Y4