Referee Foundation award course
Referee co-ordinator Sean McCartin has organised a Referee Foundation award course commencing this Friday evening at 7pm in the Bush hotel. All clubs are asked to have an active trained referee. Without trained match officials we can not have any games so we would encourage any interested adult to come along on Friday evening to the Bush Hotel.  

For further details please contact.

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431 or
Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or



13-Mar-14 by Leitrim GAA

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development

Childrens First Bill 2012 

Garda Vetting

The new Childrens First bill 2012 is due to become law in the first quarter of this year. Following this it will be a legal requirement for clubs to ensure that all persons involved with children within their club are Garda vetted. No personshould be allowed have any involvement with groups up to 18 years if they are not Garda Vetted.

Clubs should request a copy of the Garda Vetting clearance letter from all personnel involved with any teams under the age of 18 years. Clubs can get confirmation of the vetted status of its members by submitting a full list of all current members working with children up to 18 years to County childrens officer Terence Boyle.

Coach Education 


We would ask all club coaching officers/club secretaries to please submit a full list of coaches for all your teams for 2014 to Thomas, Padraig or Terence and we will confirm  the current coaching qualification status of each coach, which will allow clubs seek places on coaching courses. 

On-line Foundation award course

Our on-line course commenced last weekend and will be available for completition untill February 23rd. Coaches interested in completiting the course are asked to book through their club secretary and ensure they provide an email address. The theory part of the course will be completed on line with the practical module & the child welfare & protection module completed on designated dates.

Foundation award course

For any coaches not comfortable with the on-line course we will host a foundation award course in Drumshanbo on Friday February 28th and Saturday March 1st. Course will commence at 7pm on the Friday evening. This course will only proceed if sufficient coaches are booked onto the course by their club secretaries.

Code of best Practise in youth sport

The first code of best practise course will take place in Allen Gaels GAA centre on this Friday, February 21st commencing at 7pm. A limited number of places are still available on this course. Booking is essential so please contact Padraig or Thomas to reserve your place.

Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps

The following are the dates for this years Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps.

Week 1 June 30th-July 4th – Ck-on-Shannon, Manorhamilton & Ballinamore

Week 2 July 7th – 11th – Drumshanbo, Kinlough & Annaduff

Week 3 July 14th – 18th – Dromahair, Gortletteragh & Aughavas

Week 4 July 21st – 25th – Drumkeerin, Fenagh & Leitrim village

Week 5 July 28th – Aug 1st – Mohill 


For further details on any of the above contact.

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431

Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or






17-Feb-14 by Leitrim GAA

Coach Education

On-line Foundation Award Course

We have kicked off our coach education season with an on-line foundation award course. This course will be available for completition from February 8th till February 23rd. Coaches interested in completiting the course are asked to book through their club secretary and ensure they provide an email address. The theory part of the course will be completed on line with the practical module & the child welfare & protection module completed on designated dates.

Foundation Award Course

For any coaches not comfortable with the on-line course we will host a foundation award course in Drumshanbo on Friday February 28th and Saturday March 1st. Course will commence at 7pm on the Friday evening. Coaches wishing to do this course are asked to book through your club secretary.




05-Feb-14 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development

Childrens First Bill 2012

Garda Vetting

The new Childrens First bill 2012 is due to become law in the first quarter of this year. Following this it will be a legal requirement for clubs to ensure that all persons involved with children within their club are Garda vetted. No person should be allowed have any involvement with groups up to 18 years if they are not Garda Vetted.

Clubs should request a copy of the Garda Vetting clearance letter from all personnel involved with any teams under the age of 18 years. Clubs can get confirmation of the vetted status of its members by submitting a full list of all current members working with children up to 18 years to County childrens officer Terence Boyle.

Coach Education

On-line Foundation award course

We have kicked off our coach education season with an on-line foundation award course. This course will be available for completition from February 8th till February 23rd. Coaches interested in completiting the course are asked to book through their club secretary and ensure they provide an email address. The theory part of the course will be completed on line with the practical module & the child welfare & protection module completed on designated dates.

Foundation award course

For any coaches not comfortable with the on-line course we will host a foundation award course in Drumshanbo on Friday February 28th and Saturday March 1st. Course will commence at 7pm on the Friday evening. Coaches wishing to do this course are asked to book through your club secretary.

Code of best Practise in youth sport

A number of courses will be held regionally to suit the coaches completiting the foundation award courses. Full details will be published in the next few weeks.

Primary school coaching programme

Club school link

Our Primary school coaching programme is due to commence at the beginning of March and we are currently asking clubs to nominate a person to act as a club school link. It is important that the persons nominated would be active in their club and better still that they were working with the underage teams. We are asking clubs to return names to Padraig McGourty by the weekend.


Steve Feeney has been re appointed as our hurling GPO. Steve will commence his duties in April and will be in contact will all bodies before this date to organise his schedule for the year.

Development squads

U15 & U16 Football squad

Both squads are working on a conditioning programme under the guideance of Connacht  conditioning officer Cathal Cregg.

U14 Football & Hurling squads

These squads are not due to commence untill April/May.

Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps

The following are the dates for this years Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps.

Week 1 June 30th-July 4th – Ck-on-Shannon, Manorhamilton & Ballinamore

Week 2 July 7th – 11th – Drumshanbo, Kinlough & Annaduff

Week 3 July 14th – 18th – Dromahair, Gortletteragh & Aughavas

Week 4 July 21st – 25th – Drumkeerin, Fenagh & Leitrim village

Week 5 July 28th – Aug 1st – Mohill


For further details on any of the above contact.

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431 or

Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or



05-Feb-14 by Colette Fox – PRO

Conditioning programme for next years under 15 & under 16 squads
The first phase of our conditioning programme for next years under 15 & under 16 squads takes place on this Friday evening (13th Dec) in the Mayflower Drumshanbo. The under 15 squad will commence at 6pm with the under 16 lads on at 7.30 pm. Cathal Cregg from the Connacht Centre will be in attendance to demonstrate the exercises and answer any queries players may have.



11-Dec-13 by Thomas Keenan

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development

Development squads trials

U16 Football squad

Trials for next years under 16 development squad will take place on Saturday next. No venue has been finalised as yet but details will be published on our website and all club coaching officers will be advised of time & venue details.

Minor squad trials

Trials for next years minor squad will take place on Saturday next, 09/11, in Kiltubrid commencing at 12 noon. All eligable players are welcome to attend.

Under 17 squad

Our under 17 squad played their first game of the season on Thursday evening last againts Mayo, in the Connacht centre. After a very entertaining game Mayo won on a scoreline of 2-10 to 0-10.

Coach Education


On-line Foundation award course

We have kicked off our coach education season with our first on-line foundation award course. This course will be available for completition during the month of November. Coaches interested in completiting the course are asked to book through their club secretary. The theory part of the course will be completed on line with the practical module & the child welfare & protection module completed on designated dates.

For further details on any of the above contact.

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431 or

Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or





07-Nov-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development

Kellogg’s GAA Cul Camps

We would like to thank all those who have already booked into our Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps for 2013. Camps will commence on July 1st in Manorhamilton, Ck-on-Shannon and Ballinamore.

Application forms for this years Kellogg’s Cul Camps have been distributed through our Primary Schools and are also available from all clubs. The on-line booking is in full swing and we would encourage using this system of booking if possible. A €5 discount per child is available by using the coupon from selected Kellogg’s cereal boxes and booking on-line.

For a chance to win a free place on a Kellogg’s Cúl Camp of your choice,check out our free places competition in conjunction with the Leitrim Observer over the next few weeks.

Hurling Camps

Leitrim coaching and games will host a 3 day hurling only camp in each of the hurling clubs on the following dates.

Manorhamilton – July 15th to 17th

Ballinamore – July 29th to July 31st

Carrick – August 12th to August 14th

Gortletteragh/Mohill – August 19th to 21st

Hurling Workshop

Leitrim hurling mentor Shane McClearn from Galway will conduct a coaching workshop in St. Mary’s GAA centre, on Wednesday next June 19th, commencing at 6.30pm. All hurling coaches are welcome to attend. Shane will be working with the St.Mary’s U14 squad who will represent Leitrim at the National feile & the Leitrim U14 development squad.

Club Skills Competition

Clubs will be advised of the dates for the regional and County final of the under 12 skills competition this week, so all players should be out practising their skills for the inter club test. Additional skill test cards are available from Thomas Keenan, James Holahan or Padraig McGourty.

U14 Development Squad

The first of our trials for this years U14 development squad took place on Saturday last in Drumkeerin GAA grounds with 36 young footballers taking part. The second trial will take place on Friday evening next June 21st in Kiltubrid GAA grounds, commencing at 6.30pm.  Players who attended the the trial in Drumkeerin are not required to attend the trial in Kiltubrid.

U16 Development Squad

Our under 16 squad recommenced on Saturday last with a very good win in a challenge game against Monaghan. Their next game is againts Sligo on Sunday morning at 11.30am. No venue finalised as yet.

U14 Hurling Development Squad

Our under 14 squad made a winning start to their season in their first outing of the year againts a strong Sligo squad last weekend. They are in action again on Saturday next, when they will take part in a Connacht feile in the Connacht centre in Bekan.

For further details on any of the above contact:-

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431 or

Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or




18-Jun-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

A meeting of club coaching officers will take place in Páirc Seán on Wednesday night 19th June at 8pm.

Can all clubs also please ensure that their U-12 coaches also attend this meeting as further details will be released on the U-12 skills competition and what is required by clubs?



11-Jun-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development


Award 1 Child & Youth/Adult Course

Our Award 1 Youth/Adult Course will conclude on Wednesday next June 12th in Pairc Sean MacDiarmada, Ck-on-Shannon commencing at 7pm.

Kellogg’s GAA Cul Camps

We would like to thank all those who have already booked into our Kellogg’s GAA Cul Camps for 2013. Camps will commence on July 1st in Manorhamilton, Carrick-on-Shannon and Ballinamore.

Application forms for this years Kellogg’s Cul Camps have been distributed through our Primary Schools and are also available from all clubs. The on-line booking is in full swing and we would encourage using this system of booking if possible. A €5 discount per child is available by using the coupon from selected Kellogg’s cereal boxes and booking on-line.

Hurling camps

Leitrim Coaching and Games will host a 3 day Hurling only camp in each of the hurling clubs on the following dates.

Manorhamilton – July 15th to 17th

Ballinamore – July 29th to August 2nd

Carrick – August 12th to August 14th

Gortletteragh/Mohill – August 19th to 21st

Club Skills Competition

We will publish the dates for the regional and County final of the under 12 skills competition in the next few weeks so all players should be out practising their skills for the inter club test. Additional skill test cards are available from Thomas Keenan, James Holahan or Padraig McGourty.

Development Squads

U14 Development squad

Trials for this years U14 development squad will take place on Saturday June 15th in Drumkeerin GAA grounds commencing at 11am and on Monday June 17th in Kiltubrid commencing at 7pm.


For further details on any of the above contact.

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431 or

Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or



11-Jun-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development



Award 1 Child & Youth/Adult course

Our Award 1 course will commence on this Wednesday May 29th in the Bush hotel Ck-on-Shannon commencing at 7pm, please note registration from 6.30pm. The course will be split to cover the child module and also the youth/adult modules. There are some places still available on both courses and any coach interested should contact Thomas Keenan without delay.


Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps

We would like to thank all those who have already booked into our Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps for 2013. Camps will commence on July 1st in Manorhamilton, Ck-on-Shannon and Ballinamore.

Application forms for this years Kellogg’s Cul camps have been distributed through our Primary schools and are also available from all clubs. The on-line booking is in full swing and we would encourage using this system of booking if possible. A €5 discount per child is available by using the coupon from selected Kellogg’s cereal boxes and booking on-line.


Hurling camps

Leitrim coaching and games will host a 3 day hurling only camp in each of the hurling clubs on the following dates.

Manorhamilton – July 15th to 17th

Ballinamore – July 29th to August 2nd

Carrick – August 12th to August 14th

Gortletteragh/Mohill – August 19th to 21st


Club skills competition

We will publish the dates for the regional and County final of the under 12 skills competition in the next few weeks so all players should be out practising their skills for the inter club test. Additional skill test cards are available from Thomas Keenan, James Holahan or Padraig McGourty.


Development squads

U14 Development squad

Trials for this years U14 development squad will take place on Saturday June 15th & Monday June 17th. Full details of venues & times will be advised to all clubs during the week.





28-May-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA Coaching & Games Development


Club coach mentor programme

Our club coach mentor programme has commenced over the past few weeks in Carrigallen & Melvin Gaels clubs. It will be expanded to Kiltubrid & Drumkeerin clubs over the next two weeks. This programme designed by our coach education committee and promoted by our coaching and games development committee aims to assist clubs and coaches with what is considered best coaching practise, initally at grades up to under 12 but expanding to include all grades up to Minor.


Award 1 Child & Youth/Adult course

Our Award 1 course due to commence this evening Wednesday 15th has been postponed for one week due to the lack of registration. We would ask all coaches interested in completing either the child or youth/adult modules of the course to register before Friday next May 17th on the google doc sent to all club secretaries. If there is not sufficient numbers registered by Friday next then we will be forced to postpone the course.


Kellogg’s GAA Cul camps

Application forms for this years Kellogg’s Cul camps have been distributed through our Primary schools and are also available from all clubs. The on-line booking is in full swing and we would encourage using this system of booking if possible. A €5 discount per child is available by using the coupon from selected Kellogg’s cereal boxes and booking on-line.


U8, U10 & U12 Go-Games Blitz & Mini league

It has been brought to our attention that the spirit of these blitz and mini leagues seems to have been lost on some mentors. It is very sad to think that some mentors still seem to think that it is ok to shout abuse at children. I would ask all club officers to please address this issue urgently and if a coach is not prepared to adhere to the official code of conduct for working with children then they should not be coaching children.


Development squads

Our U15 & U16 squads are on a break at the moment while dates for the U14 squad trials will be finalised shortly.


For further details on any of the above contact.

Padraig McGourty 086-8106431 or

Thomas Keenan 087-6591049 or



20-May-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

The meeting for all club coaching officers will take place in Pairc Sean on Tuesday 23rd April at 8:30pm.
All club chairpersons and club secretaries are also asked to attend this meeting.
Club secretaries are asked to ensure a full attendance from their club.



22-Apr-13 by Colette Fox – PRO