1. Club games, training and team events
All GAA Club games, training and team events at all ages and grades are postponed until after the 29 March inclusive.The decision shall be monitored on an ongoing basis as the situation evolves over the forthcoming period. Further instructions will be issued before March 29th.
2. GAA Injury Benefit Fund and insurance cover
GAA Injury Benefit Fund cover and Public Liability insurance cover is suspended from 13th March – 29th March inclusive, in respect of any playing or training activity undertaken by GAA Clubs or members or undertaken on club property.
Should an incident arise during this current period and, upon investigation, it is determined that a club acted in conflict with the advice of health authorities, cover will not be provided by the Liability Insurance.
3. Club meetings
Club meetings conducted in person are not prohibited but are discouraged. Wherever possible, club meetings should be conducted via video conference or phone.
Where it is essential to conduct a meeting in person then such gatherings should be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines:
- Adhere to the advice available from the health authorities;
- Provide instructions and health and safety guidance in advance to all attendees;
- Avoid shaking hands and maintain distancing within the meeting venue as far as possible and communicate this approach to attendees before and during the meeting;
- Ensure surfaces are wiped down and cleaned in advance and after the meeting;
- Ensure no attendees have travelled to an affected area or been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus within the past 14 days prior to the meeting. Any individuals who fall into such category should be directed not to attend the meeting in person. Alternative measures may be put in place – video conferencing – for such individuals;
- Ensure that all attendees record their name and contact phone number and provide same to the meeting facilitator.
The facilitator of a meeting has a particular responsibility to ensure that the meeting is conducted in accordance with the above guidelines and the advice of health authorities and that all attendees are advised of same.
Clubs may use their official GAA email accounts to set up an online Meeting / Skype call. Details on how to do this are available via the following LINKs:
How to Set up in Outlook:
How to Set Up in Web / Office 365:
4. GAA Officer Training events
All official officer training workshops scheduled through the Club Leadership Development Programme are deferred until further notice.
All club planning workshops should also be deferred until further notice.
All club coaching workshops should also be deferred until further notice.
5. Clubhouse facilities
GAA premises and property may remain open at the discretion of a club executive.
In such cases relevant health and safety and Coronavirus guidance should be prominently displayed on club property
Club premises must be kept cleaned and all surfaces are wiped down and cleaned regularly.
6. GAA Club bars
Club bars and social centres may continue to operate but must adhere to the restrictions around gatherings of more than 100 people. Clubs should also promote social distancing.
7. Social gatherings and events
Club Events should be cancelled or postponed if the expected attendance will exceed the permitted numbers per current advises. (max. 100 for indoor event – max. 500 for outdoor event).
Where events proceed, the club must record all attendees and their contact information.
8. GAA Club gym facilities
Club gyms are to be closed and access suspended.
9. Informal/Unorganised use of other GAA Club facilities and pitches
The Club may continue to facilitate normal community and recreational use of its pitches and playing areas by members.
10. Use of GAA clubhouse facilities by third parties
Clubs should request regular third-party users of club property to review their activities in line with current advises from health authorities;
11. GAA membership and registration
Clubs can continue to register their players and members electronically using the GAA Management System via the following Link: https://people.gaa.ie/admin/login.jsp
12. GAA Clubs and the wider community
GAA clubs may still have a role to play as a focal point in the community and we encourage clubs to consider how you may be of assistance on a wider societal base. This may involve, subject to health authority guidelines, a co-ordinated approach to helping older members of the community or making facilities available to the health authorities or other entities after consultation with the GAA at central level.
Important Attachments:
HSPC – cover your cough & sneeze the right way