South and North Leitrim Clubs & Community Group Sports Forum Meetings
Leitrim Sports Partnership (LSP) works to promote participation, inclusion and coordination in sport at a local level. LSP aids the continuous development of all the clubs and community groups that are located within the County. This is achieved by providing information in relevant areas, offering education and training programmes to improve the knowledge of the clubs and their members and implement programmes which provide adequate assistance to help the clubs and community groups grow and develop further.
Leitrim Sports Partnership is establishing a North and South Leitrim Sports Forum to represent all of the various sports clubs and community groups in the area. Every sports club/group based in the County can nominate one/two individuals to represent it on the Sports Forum, where members will tackle issues of:
- Mutual interest,
- Discover methods of overcoming local community issues,
- Looking at funding opportunities for clubs/groups,
- Identifying best practice in club development etc.
This group allows for better communication between clubs and community groups and act as a coordinated voice for local level sports clubs in the County. Leitrim sport partnership will advise on how they can help, support, and advise best practice in sport development.
Leitrim Sport Partnership in partnership with North Leitrim clubs & community groups would like to invite clubs/community groups to the North Leitrim sport forum on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 @ 7.00pm in the Beepark resource centre, Manorhamilton.
Leitrim sport partnership in partnership with South Leitrim clubs & community groups would like to invite one/two officers from each clubs/community groups to the South Leitrim sport forum on Wednesday 9th November 2016 @ 7.15pm in the Canoe Donaghue Hall, Mohill.
Both evenings will commence with a coffee/tea and sandwiches with ample time being given for Q&A and discussion during the meeting.
I would be extremely grateful if you could R.S.V.P by no later than Friday 21st October to or 0719650498 or if you require additional information about the meeting, please don’t hesitate to get in contact. Please let us know of any issues arising in your club/ issues you wish to discuss in this meeting. Please advise us of any special mobility or dietary requirements you may have.
Attendance Form completed and posted to Leitrim Sport Partnership
(Club to nominate one/two club officers to attend, address above)
I hope you are able to accept this invitation and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Leitrim Sports Coordinator
Declan Boyle
02-Nov-16 by Declan Boyle – Leitriim Sports Partnership