Irish Heart Foundation FAST awareness campaign
Each year, 10,000 people in Ireland have a stroke, 2,000 of these die and thousands others face severe disability. Research from the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) has show that awareness of stroke symptoms has risen by 124%. Since the F.A.S.T campaign, the thrombolysis rate in Ireland has increased by 500%. We estimate that this is saving an extra 150 stroke patients a year from death or severe disability. However, the gains made by the Act F.A.S.T. campaign to date could easily be lost. The RCSI research showed that in a matter of weeks after major bursts of campaign activity, stroke admission rates were falling back to normal levels. Unless we can maintain awareness after the end of the campaign at a level where people remain motivated to act F.A.S.T, then our efforts will have no long-term impact.
Further information on the Act F.A.S.T campaign is available at
28-May-13 by Colette Fox – PRO