Message from Brendan McGlynn

I am a native of Driney, Drumcong, and in my youth I played football for Kiltubrid.   I am a member of the Leitrim Supporters Club, in Dublin.  I am a founder member of Naomh Olaf,  Hurling, Football and Camogie Club, in Sandyford, Dublin 16, which was founded in 1981.

I have compiled and edited a thirty year history of the Club entitled “Treasured Memories”.  It is a hard back in full color, containing almost four hundred pages and more than two hundred and eighty photographs, many of them team pictures.  Its contents include the remarkable story of the founding, success and development of a The highs and lows on the field of play in Football, Hurling, Ladies Football and Camogie.  The building of a magnificent Club premises.  The Clubs Annual Corporate Lunch in Croke Park. Details of off-field activities including Scór, a thriving Golf Society, the Clubs Annual Golf Classic.  How the Club financed its development as well as many articles of special interest to G.A.A. people.

This book was launched by the then President of the G.A,A, Christy Cooney, on the 10th of December, 2011  and already almost eight hundred copies have been sold.  It has been highly commended by many of its readers.  The President Michael D. Higgins Officially opened a
new Pastoral Center, in Balally Parish recently and the Pastoral Centre Committee was pleased to present the President with a copy of the book

This book would be of interest to any G.A.A. member, but it would be of exceptional interest to any Club or individual who would be considering writing or compiling a history of their own Club,  It costs €20 plus postage, if any.

Kind Regards,
Brendan McGlynn

or Tel 01 295 6139




15-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Chairman of Coiste Chontae Liatroma, Joe Flynn wants the countys gaels to row in behind the Leitrim Supporters club.

Joe released a statement – printed in The Leitrim Observer this week – asking fans to show their support of Leitrim GAA by getting behind the Supporters Club, 2013:

“The Supporters Club is the lifeline that allows us prepare all our teams in the professional way that is necessary if we wish to compete in a meaningful fashion,” he notes.

After listing the ongoing endeavours at all levels within Leitrim GAA, the chairman adds: “Obviously all of these activities require a huge financial commitment from the Board and the success of our Supporters Club draw is paramount to our continued efforts to provide for the  ongoing needs of Leitrim GAA.”

The draw for the Leitrim Supporters Club takes place on Saturday 23rd March in Coxs Steakhouse, Dromod.


Show your pride and passion in Leitrim


Join the Supporters Club


Your contribution is an appreciation of the efforts being made


And you, like Leitrim, could be a winner


Valuable Draw Prizes for members


Come on board with us !


Membership forms available on Leitrim GAA website or through clubs or Supporter Club Branches in Leitrim and beyond


Míle buiochas to all of you!



15-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

 Seachtain na Gaeilge, Tráth na gCeist


Bhí seacht gclub páirteach sa Chomórtas Tráth na gCeisteanna do Sheachtain na Gaeilge i gclubtheach Ghaeil na hAilne ar an Satharn seo caite. Bhí an bua arís ag Barr na Cúille. Sa dara háit bhí Cumann Sheáin Uí Eislin agus Gaeil na hAilne sa tríú hait.


In all seven clubs took part: Barr na Cúile, Achadh na Síleann, Achadh an Mhuilinn, Droim Caorthainn, Seán Ó hEislin, Fíonach Naomh Caillin agus Gaeil na hAilne. The winning Barr na Cúile team was comprised of Aodhán Ó Dochraigh, Pól Ó Dochraigh agus Brian Ó Dubhthaigh. Beidh comórtas Chonnacht ar anÓgCéadaoin seo i gClár Chlainne Mhuiris. There was surprise to learn that there will be no All Ireland Final this year in a competition which started in 2006.


This event which is organised “as Gaeilge” was enjoyed by all and the Fear na gCeist was Sean Mac Colla from Co an Cabháin.





05-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA wish to recruit a number of suitably qualified personnel to work as coaches on our Kelloggs GAA Cul camps during the month of July. 
Candidates must be over 18, have attained a minimum of Foundation Level Coaching Qualification, have completed the GAA or Irish Sports Council Child Welfare & Protection Course and be Garda vetted to be eligible for consideration.
Please forward letter of interest and a current CV to: Thomas Keenan,  Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada, Dublin Rd., Ck-on-Shannon, Co.Leitrim by 4 pm on Wednesday March 20th 2013. 



05-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Message from the Organisers


Preparations are entering the final stages for the special 10km & 4km run/walk in memory of our team-mate Sandra Earley. The run/walk will take place THIS Sunday February 24th commencing at 2pm from The Sheemore Inn, Kilclare, with registration starting at 12.30 on the day. Entry fee is €10 per adult/€15 per family with all funds raised going to The Heart Appeal at the Mater Foundation, Dublin. This is a special heart screening clinic for family members who have lost a loved one to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. For more information contact 0871337322. Hope to see you all out to support this great cause.


Important notes – Parking


Parking on the day will be available at Kilclare, however space may be limited so parking is also available at Drumcong NS and the Church car park with a free shuttle bus provided. If at all possible we would encourage locals to park at the school to avoid congestion at Kilclare. 


RED is the ï”Heart” colour this month so if anybody is interested in joining us in wearing red for the run please do!


We will be closing the online registration on Saturday the 23rd Feb @ 6.30pm so please get registering before then Don’t worry if not however you can always register on the morning of the run. As always thank you for your continued support with the event.



Ard na Spéire 10Km & 4Km Run/Walk

Sunday 24th February 2013 in memory of the late Sandra Earley


‘€’Ard na Spéire’€’ 10KM and 4KM Run/Walk

Sunday 24th February 2013 at Kilclare, Co. Leitrim

Registration from 12.30pm at Sheemore Inn (McNamas) Kilclare

Run/Walk Commences at 2pm. Entry Fee €10



Anja on 087-1337322 or Micheal on 086-3862196

Email: ardnaspeirerunÓ

or check out the ‘€’Ard na Speire Facebook page’€’ for regular updates.




22-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Coiste Chontae Liatroma C.L.C.G.


The National Inclusion and Integration committee through the local Coiste Chontae Liatroma Inclusion and Integration Committee are asking that all clubs would host a “Fáilte Isteach” morning to which all members of the local community would be invited. The invitation should be all inclusive, inviting new members, members of non Irish communities, newcomers to the area, minority groups, people with disabilities, and in general, people in the community who have not been involved in the GAA club.


For this occasion the club would provide a very warm welcome, introduce new members to the GAA game with the go games model being used.


Introduce new members to the clubs facilities, dressing rooms , meeting areas,Gym etc.


Display all club memorabilia, and perhaps video’s of games at all ages in which the club took part.


This exercise can have many benefits,


  • Newcomers to the community get the opportunity to get involved in the local GAA club.

  • Increase the club’s membership,

  • New people could come on board to help with the running of the club.

  • Increase the playing numbers particularly at under age, at a time when the numbers available to play our games is getting smaller.


There are many benefits for the club, and the local community from this exercise. It is hoped that all clubs will make an effort to host a “Failte Isteach” morning in the not too distant future and preferable before the end of March.


For further enquiries contact the Inclusion and Integration officer of Coiste Chontae Liatroma Gearoid MacSamhráin 0863742058 or email



The invitation should be all inclusive, inviting new members, members of non Irish communities, newcomers to the area, minority groups, people with disabilities, and in general, people in the community who have not been involved in the GAA club.

For this occasion the club would provide a very warm welcome, introduce new members to the GAA game with the go games model being used.

Introduce new members to the clubs facilities, dressing rooms , meeting areas,Gym etc.

Display all club memorabilia, and perhaps video’s of games at all ages in which the club took part.

This exercise can have many benefits,

  • Newcomers to the community get the opportunity to get involved in the local GAA club.

  • Increase the club’s membership,

  • New people could come on board to help with the running of the club.

  • Increase the playing numbers particularly at under age, at a time when the numbers available to play our games is getting smaller.

There are many benefits for the club, and the local community from this exercise. It is hoped that all clubs will make an effort to host a “Failte Isteach” morning in the not too distant future and preferable before the end of March.

For further enquiries contact the Inclusion and Integration officer of Coiste Chontae Liatroma Gearoid MacSamhráin 0863742058 or email




19-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

John Murray RTE Walk Glenfarne Co Leitrim 17th February 2013


On Sunday last, 17th February 2013 the Radio 1 John Murray Walk was in Glenfarne in Lovely Leitrim where in excess of 1,200 people turned out.  John Murray kindly invited representatives from the Leitrim Senior Football Team who recently won the Connacht FBD League to the walk.  James Glancy and Gerry Hickey with the FBD Cup in hand were interviewed and presented to the 1,200 plus crowd and received rapturous applause.  Photos from the walk are available in the photo gallery on the Leitrim GAA website, on our Facebook page and on the Connacht GAA website. 

Tune in tomorrow morning (Wednesday 20th February) between 9 and 10 am for a report on John’s visit to Lovely Leitrim.




19-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

You can download a copy of this year”s master plan by following this link



18-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Coiste Chontae Liatroma extend sincere sympathy to the family and friends of  valued member of Allen Gaels GAA, his community of Drumshanbo and the wider area through his involvement with many community organisations.  Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Funeral Arrangements

Aughriman, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim who died on February, 17th.

Reposing at his residence from tomorrow (Tues) until four o’clock on (Wed), house private thereafter.  Removal on (Wed) evening to St. Patrick’S Church, Drumshanbo, arriving at seven o’clock.  Requiem mass on (Thurs) morning at eleven o’clock, followed by burial in Drumshanbo new Cemetery.  Family flowers only please, donations if desired to a charity of your choice.



18-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

The Tony McGowan 10K run and 3K family walk takes place this Sunday at 12noon in Drumshanbo For further details on the event please contact 086-8281412

Tony McGowan

Tony McGowan was a school-teacher, a community leader, a sportsman, a musician, a man of strong values, a friend to many and – above all – a family man. Like other members of the Mc Gowan family, past and present, Tony brought a selfless commitment, an optimism, a vitality and a decency to his job and to the many activities in which he was involved. The achievements that graced his life were numerous.

Tony epitomised all that is good in voluntary work. Many groups and organisations benefited from his talents and from his generosity of time and spirit. From the early days of the St. Francis GAA club, founded in 1956, he was a member of all teams, including the trail-blazing Junior Football team that won the County Championship in 1963. He continued to play at Senior and Junior level into the early 70s, while increasing his involvement in the administration and coaching aspects of the game.

He served as Secretary of Leitrim County Board from 1971-80 and the Board’s Chairman from 1987-95. He was Joint Manager of the Leitrim Senior Team in 1989 and acted as a selector to PJ Carroll from 1990-92. One of his proudest moments was Leitrim’s Connacht Championship success of 1994. Tony served Allen Gaels as player, coach, Manager, secretary, chairman, Scór winner and club president through his lifetime. He founded Drumshanbo Athletics Club in 1980.

Tony was a person who  would look at a far horizon while others looked at the ground. His ideas became goals for his club, his parish, his county. It was his inspiration and enthusiasm that shaped fund – raising projects like the successful OSullivan Beare walk (265 miles) from Glengarriff (Co. Cork) to Drumshanbo in 1983, and the two fruitful concert tours of England undertaken by Drumshanbo people in 1985.

During his very active participation in voluntary work, Tony was blessed with the indispensable support, help and love of Phil, their children – Martin, Diarmaid, Eilish, Lorraine and Mairead – and Tonys brother, Eamonn.Tonys interest in many sports ranged from that of the admirer to that of the devotee, depending on the sport. Apart from Gaelic Games, one of the sports he loved and coached was Athletics. So, it is very appropriate that his life as a liberal giver of his many talents is remembered and honoured by The Tony Mc Gowan 10K Road Race.



Tony McGowan distinguished himself in the GAA and held the following positions for club and county.
Secretary Leitrim CLCG ‘71 – ‘80
Chairman Leitrim CLCG ‘87 – ‘95
Joint Manager of Leitrim senior team ‘89
Selector on Leitrim senior team ‘90 – ’92
Former player, Manager, secretary, chairman and President Allen Gaels GAA club.



16-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

 Kilglass Gaels GAA Club Seminar.

Kilglass Gaels to host keeping an eye on the ball’ GAA Seminar.

Kilglass Gaels GAA club is set to host a special seminar that aims to offer inspiration and information to young GAA players, and their coaches, mentors, and administrators, while tackling some of the challenges they all may face during their sporting careers on and off the field.

The once-off event will take place in their clubrooms on Monday February 25th at 7.30 p.m. The seminar, entitled ‘Keeping an eye on the Ball’, will feature some well-known GAA personalities from Roscommon and across the country including Oisin Mc Conville , John O’ Mahony, Cathal Cregg , Colin Regan, Gareth Foley, Cliodhna O’Connor and the Rooskey based club are expecting to add some more high profile names closer to the date.

The open debate format will allow all present to explore all aspects of sporting life including issues such as:

  • The relationship between sport and physical, emotional and mental health.

  • The thorny question of the relationship between sport and alcohol in a society where alcohol is an endemic part of all aspects of culture, including the sporting culture.

  • The demands and pressures on high performance athletes – what do they have to say no to in order to get to the top.

  • The importance of leadership, management and preparation so that teams and individuals can make winning a habit.

  • Lifestyle choices that have to be taken in order to succeed at top club & county level.

  • How to last the pace of the GAA race & pro-longing your football career.


    Everybody involved in sport – budding future stars, those who are competing at club, county or national level now, parents, coaches and Managers are invited to attend and join in the interactive night.


Kilglass Gaels have worked hard to make this both educational and interesting for all attending. As well as possibly coming away with some hints & tips that will possibly give your team or club that edge that is needed now more than ever.

The lineout for the night that will take to the stage in Kilglass is as follows:

Former Armagh Inter county Footballer & All star Oisin Mc Conville will be in attendance. All Ireland winner with Armagh in 2002 & winner of 6 all Ireland club titles, will give us an insight into his sporting life both on and off the field and his past experiences.

Former Leitrim, Galway & Mayo Manager John O, Mahony will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the night. Capturing Connacht titles with every county he has managed and All Ireland titles with Galway in 1998 & 2001 he is sure to be a massive attraction on the night.

Former Leitrim Footballer Colin Regan, who is now the GAA’s Community and Health Promotion Officer. Colin will be there to advise us on mental health & well being as well as the touchy subject of alcohol & other such addictions that can prevent players from reaching their real potential.

Current Roscommon senior football Team captain Cathal Cregg will be there to tell the audience on what it takes to compete at the highest level in sport & how sport has changed. He will also talk on some of the studies he has carried out while studying sport in college.

Current Dublin senior Ladies team Goalkeeper and former all star and All Ireland winner in 2010 Cliodhna O’Connor will also attend. As well as being successful on the field Cliodhna also happens to be working at the top level in ladies Gaelic football as she works in Croke Park for the association as part of the games development staff. She will add some insight into the challenges the ladies game faces & how to overcome them as well.

Former Leitrim footballer Gareth Foley, who has undergone treatment for alcohol addiction, will talk about his challenges on and off the field. He will also give insight in how he came to overcome this to work his way back to overcome the addiction. He now is part of the inter county refereeing circuit.


So Kilglass Gaels GAA club would like to invite all clubs from both inside & outside the county to take this opportunity to learn from the people who will ‘desire to inspire’ us with their experiences within the GAA.

We would hope your club will take this opportunity to attend this seminar in what can only be a night that will be of benefit to everyone attending.

For more details contact PRO Kilglass Gaels Niall Kilcrann on 087 7640679 or pro.kilglassgaels.roscommon Or check the Kilglass Gaels facebook page for more details.



15-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Leitrim GAA is delighted to announce that Leitrim will have two representatives on the Connacht GAA Football Panel for the weekend Inter Provincial semi final game versus Leinster.  The game is to be played this Sunday (17/2/13) at 2pm inÓglennon Brothers Pearse Park, Longford.

Leitrim Players Paul Brennan and Emlyn Mulligan have the honour of being named in the panel and we heartily congratulate both and wish them the very best of luck.  

We also congratulate Brian Breen who is a member of the management team alongside John Tobin (Galway) and Martin Carney (Mayo).

M. Donnelly GAA Football Interprovincial Championship Semi-Final

Sunday 17th February 2013
Leinster v Connacht
Throw in: 2pm
Referee: D. OMahony
Venue: Glennon Brothers Pearse Park, Longford
E.T. if Necessary

Connacht GAA Football Panel
Galway: Finian Hanley, Joss Moore, Gary O Donnell, Gary Sice, Paul Conroy, Michael Martin.
Leitrim: Emlyn Mulligan, Paul Brennan
Mayo: David Clarke, Ger Cafferkey, Lee Keegan, Barry Moran, Aidan O Shea, Seamus O Shea, Michael Conroy, Jason Doherty, 
Roscommon: Geoffrey Claffey, Niall Daly, Cathal Cregg 
Sligo: Charles Harrison, Mark Brehony

Management team: John Tobin, Martin Carney, Brian Breen.

Admission Prices

OAPs / Students – €5
Under 16s free

Interprovincial Football Championship – Roll of Honour

Ulster – 30 titles
Leinster – 28 titles
Munster – 15 titles
Connacht – 9 titles





15-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO