Leitrim coaches/clubs welcome to attend.
Sligo County GAA
Coaching night
Sligo Park Hotel
Wednesday, 9th March 2011 – 7-10pm
Sligo County Coaching & Games Committee are delighted to announce
details of their upcoming Coaching night, which will be held in Sligo
Park Hotel, on Wednesday March 9th, starting at 7.00pm Sharp
With an expert panel of coaches and players including Packie Bonner,
Matin Carney, Mark Breheny, Maurice Sheridan and Mickey McGeehin, this
is sure to a fantastic evening. Along with discussing the various
aspects of coaching, video coverage will also be included illustrating
coaching drills/techniques in the areas of Goalkeeping, Tackling and
Attacking Play.
MC for the night will be well known analyst and commentator, Martin
Carney, who also had a distinguished career as a footballer, and more
recently as an analyst and coach.
Packie Bonner has enjoyed legendary status in Ireland for his
goalkeeping heroics playing with both Ireland and Glasgow Celtic.
Packie has also commanded senior goalkeeping coaching roles, and will
discuss the different aspects of goalkeeping coaching.
Mickey McGeehin, director of Coaching Ireland, is an expert coach,
previously working with the Ulster Council GAA, and has vast
inter-county coaching experience with Mayo, Fermanagh, Roscommon,
Laois and Clare. Mickey will speak about coaching the tackle, and
demonstrate various coaching exercises and conditioned games held at a
recent U21 training session.
Attacking Play
Mark Breheny & Maurice Sheridan are two of the games masters in the
art of free-taking and attacking play. Having played at the highest
level in the game, they will discuss the finer points of forward play
and free-taking techniques, included some excellent exercises from a
recent workshop.
This is an excellent opportunity for all coaches to learn from these
leading coaches/players.
Tickets are €20 each, and are available from Mattie Coleman
(087-6296914), Liam Óg Gormley (086-8254420), Stephen Carty
(086-8326908) and Eamonn McMunn (087-0524574)
05-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO