Motions for Convention have been sent in by clubs in recent weeks. So what does this mean ?. Motions to Convention are proposals that are generated by the clubs and its members to change the rules governing all aspects of the GAA including the running of the GAA at national level, provincial level and most important of all at our own county board level including the format of the club competitions in Leitrim.
Why ? – Contrary to popular belief – rules and guidelines originate from clubs and form the basis of the rule book that governs the whole association.
This year, like every other year, clubs in Leitrim are asked to submit their motions to Leitrim Convention. To do so every Club holds a meeting, which should be attended by all of its members, and suggestions are requested for the amendment, changing or introduction of new rules. The suggestions become motions which are then sent to the County Board for inclusion in convention. Motions are categorised as either affecting Bye Laws, Congress, Competitions, General Law or as a Recommendation.
On the day of Convention (i.e Sunday) a club representative (delegate) speaks about the proposed motion and when all discussions are over – all club delegates and county board officers must vote on accepting or declining the motion. Should a motion be voted in favour then this motion will form a part of the rules for 2008 (or it might be put forward as a motion towards a higher level depending on its category).
The bottom line is that each and every member of each parish club holds the power to change the way the GAA operates.
The following is a list of the motions put forward by Leitrim clubs regarding the running of the GAA for 2008:
Motions for Convention 2008
Bye Laws
1. In accordance with Rule 58, TO 2007 the County Committee shall consist of the Officers, the Provincial and Central Council representatives, a representative of each of the following committees: Coiste na nÓg, Coiste Iomána, Coiste Liathróid Láimhe, Cumann na mBunscoil, Second Level Schools Committee and the Co. Referees Administrator (elected in accordance with Rial 59(h), TO 2006) and 2 representatives of each adult club, one of which, at least, being Club Cathaoirleach/Runai. All shall have voting power.
(Bye Law 2 to be amended accordingly)
(Coiste Chontae Liatroma)
2. That in view of the continuing occurrences of umpiring errors, the relevant committee of Cumann Luthchleas Gael is asked to speed up the process of finding a solution to this serious problem.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
3. Go mbeadh Oifigeach Cultúir agus Teanga ceapaithe ag gach club agus go mbeadh an duine sin ar anÓgCoiste Bainisti den Chlub de reir bhunreacht an Chlub. (Aithrigh Rial 7.2 faoi Bhunreacht an Chlub)
(Sean Ui Eislin)
4. That Central Council commission an analysis of the benefit of development squads at county level, their success in bringing players through to senior level, the possible effect of increasing levels of burnout on young players and the possible nÓglect of young players considered to be non-elite. The report shall be made available to each club as soon as possible after completion.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
5. All Leagues to have the top 4 teams play in semi-finals and a final and discontinue the present format of only the top 2 teams qualify for a final.
(Fiodhnach-Naomh Caillin)
6. That the U21 Championship should be played in the month of March, rather than the latter end of the year.
(Achadh na Sileann)
7. That the Executive Committee establish a special committee to examine the management of Coiste na nÓg fixtures, the incidences and causes of postponements, the possible need for greater liaison between fixture making bodies within the county and to make recommendations to achieve a smooth running of Coiste na nÓg fixtures. This special committee to report before competitions commence.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
8. That each club shall receive a copy of the Central Council and Provincial Council financial reports before Annual Congress/Provincial Convention respectively.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
9. That Referees from within the county shall be assessed by an outside assessor commencing 2008.
(Fiodhnach-Naomh Caillin)
10. That committees dealing with disciplinary issues in Liatroim should concentrate on penalising offending individuals by longer suspensions and that fines should only be used in the most exceptional cases and in case of repeat offences.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
11. That a club which permits a suspended player or official to be part of their match party on the field be fined a minimum of €500.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
12. That all decisions on Disciplinary matters by the County Competitions Control Committee, Hearings Committee and any other relevant appeals body be reported to County Committee meetings.(For information purposes only)
(Sean Ui Eislin)
13. That each club shall register its club colours annually, with photograph accompanying registration. Referees Committee shall decide where a clash of colours is liable to occur and to inform clubs accordingly. Where clubs cannot agree on alternatives for championship games the CCC shall decide on alternatives. The responsibility for avoiding a clash in league games to be with the travelling club. A Fine of €200 shall be imposed for breaches of Rule in League games plus any penalty resulting from a consequent delay in match starting time.
(Sean Ui Eislin)
14. That assessment of referees should be carried out a number of times a year to ensure consistent performance of referees.
(Achadh na Sileann)
06-Dec-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO