Following recent enquiries for clarification of derogation from Rial 129 the following has been supplied by the CCC.

It appears that further clarification on the CCC Interpretation of Liatroim derogation from Rial 129 TO 2007 may be required. Please note the following points:

The League Status of Players graded for the ACL by having been named on First/Second/Third 13s is not in any way affected by the their championship status as determined in Club Championship 2007 and vice versa.

If your club uses less than 17 players at a particular grade, it is not necessary to bring that number up to 17 by subsequently naming two extra players, if they have not yet played. They become ineligible to play at a lower grade only when they have played at the higher grade and are among the first 17 players used at that grade.

If your club uses only 15 players in Round 1, and subsequently uses a 16th and/or 17th player at that grade in subsequent games then these players only become ineligible from that point forward to play at any other grade other than your clubs highest grade team, irrespective of whether they have played a lower grade in the meantime. The same applies in the grading of your club’s second and subsequent teams.

Ordinarily, the order in which substitute players play in any given match will determine if they are among the 17 players ineligible to play at a lower grade, in other words if a club uses 5 substitutes in Round 1 or any subsequent round, the first 2, in order, of these players used will be ruled ineligible to play at a lower level, until such time as the club has used 17 players at a givenÓgrade. Exception: Blood/Temporary Substitute(s) used at any grade.

In the case of team which may use 15/16 players in Round 1 and subsequently makes changes to its starting 15 in Round 2, or any subsequent Round, which brings the total number of players used at that grade over the maximum 17 excluded from playing at a lower grade, the club will be required to nominate the players from among the extras used, ie the said 1 or 2 players who will be added to the 15/16 used at that grade in the earlier rounds, to bring the total number ineligible at lower grade to a maximum of 17. If it is the case that the games take place in successive grades on consecutive days, or indeed immediately following each other, clubs are advised, in this case, to have that nomination done immediately following the first game by informing Rúnaí CCC. This may apply from Round 2 forward only.

In the case of a club with three/four championship teams, if the club has only used 15/16 players in its first team and has used 17 players in its second team, then if/when 1/2 players are used in the first team to bring the number to the maximum of 17 deemed ineligible to play at any other than the club’s highest graded team, then the next 1/2 players to play on the clubs second team will have been deemed ineligible to play at any other grade than the club’s first or second team. The same will follow from second to third team.

Put simply:

A Club with 2 Championship teams the maximum number of club players ineligible to play on 2nd team = 17

A Club with 3 Championship teams the maximum number of club players ineligible to play on 3rd team = 34

A Club with 4 Championship teams the maximum number of club players ineligible to play on 4th team = 51

Members of the Leitrim Senior Panel for Connacht SFC/All-Ireland Qualifier 2007 are ineligible to play at any grade of Club Championship other than a club’s highest graded team.



19-Jul-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Archive results from 2004 Championships to present day are now available via the links on the left hand menu. The links covering 2004, 2005 and 2006 are located on the lower section of the menu. 2007 is on the Championship Tables link in the Clubs section. The software is designed to allow a filtered view of a club so that you can see their progress inÓgroup and final stages.

A number of queries regarding the derogation to Rial 129 have been sent in by email and via the guestbook. In order to address the queries properly the CCC will issue a statement before Friday evening with regard to their interpretation of this derogation.

In addition a more detailed set of fixtures for the Championship will also be released which give firm dates for as many fixtures as possible.



18-Jul-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

All clubs are invited to this event in Ardan Mhic Samhrain (Level 3 Meeting Room), Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada on this Thursday 19th July at 8.30 pm.

This will be an opportunity for all clubs to get up to speed with Insurance Forms and Processes and any questions relating to GAA Insurance will hopefully be dealt with on the night.

It is very important for all who deal with insurance in each club to familiarise themselves with forms etc.



16-Jul-07 by PJ Meehan Development/Insurance Officer

A New Player Welfare Initiative For All GAA/CLG Club and County Players Giving Rapid Access and Reporting
To MRI & X-Ray Services At Competitive Prices From Sunday 15th July 2007

[b]Medical Services – better services, lower costs and a better deal for Players[/b]
An issue of concern that has regularly been brought to our attention is the high cost of medical treatment of our players and, specifically, the high cost of MRI scans.
We have been looking at ways of reducing the expenditure of clubs and counties in this regard and have been examining ways of nÓgotiating lower prices nationally at strategically located MRI Centres throughout the country.

As a first step towards that end, we have nÓgotiated a service level contract, on a pilot basis initially, with Northwood Imaging Ltd, which comes into effect from Sunday 15th July 2007. In addition to the player centric approach and benefits, the prices agreed with Northwood Imaging will yield considerable savings to clubs and the GAA as a whole.

[b]Value for Money[/b]
The current prices being charged to GAA players, and in most cases being covered by the Player Injury scheme, vary from between €400 to over €600 per MRI Scan. We have nÓgotiated a price of €295 for a single MRI scan and €50 for an x-ray at Northwood Imaging in Dublin. These prices are all inclusive of professional fees, copies of scans on film or on CD etc. These rates represent a significant savings to our clubs, units and County Boards and clearly signal that a good cost containment policy is sustainable and consistent with improved standards of service. If this pilot scheme operates successfully, we hope to extend it to other regions during 2008 but for the duration of the pilot project these prices will be available to all players, club and inter-county, from all 32 counties, at Northwood Imaging only.

Northwood Imaging’s state of the art diagnostic imaging centre is located just 20 minutes from Croke Park and within 10 minutes from Dublin airport. The Centre has been added to the list of approved facilities by the major accreditation/funding agencies, including the HSE, NTPF and all private medical insurers, including VHI Healthcare, Quinn Healthcare, and VIVAS Health. ESB Medical Provident Fund, Garda Medical Aid etc

[b]Opening Hours meeting Player’s needs and schedules.[/b]
As an integral part of this exclusive GAA service level contract, Northwood Imaging will extend its opening hours giving GAA players and our medical support personnel unrivalled access to their services for a total of 96 hours per week

Additional Opening Hours for GAA Players

• Sunday 12 noon to 8pm
• Monday to Thursday 8.00pm to 12 midnight

These arrangements are in addition to the normal opening hours

• Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm
• Saturday 8.00am to 6.00pm

Paddy Creedon, the CEO at Northwood Imaging and his qualified staff are always available to answer any questions you may have on this service. You can contact him at 01.8627361 or 087.2532011 at any time.

Starting on Sunday 15th July
This service will operate on a pilot basis from 15 July to 31 October 2007. A number of GAA players have already availed of the diagnostic modalities at Northwood Imaging since it opened in April 2005.

[b]How does the scheme work?[/b]
1. Make contact directly at 01-8627333 and make an MRI appointment. No appointment is necessary for an X-Ray as a walk in service is available at Northwood Imaging

2. Download and complete the relevant “MRI Scan/X-Ray Request Form” from or on the GAA website at

[b]3. On arrival at Northwood Imaging, the player will present the necessary MRI Scan/X-Ray Request Form signed by his club or county secretary and medical doctor. All requests must be supported and signed off by registered medical practitioners.[/b]

4. The player will pay the fee of €295 (MRI) or €50 (X ray) and claim reimbursement through the GAA Player Injury scheme, subject to the rules of the scheme. If the player has Private Medical Insurance (e.g. VHI Healthcare) the necessary claim form for these insurers will be completed and no fee will be collected. (Please note that travel and accommodation expenses are not covered).

The only way we will know if this scheme is to be successful or not is if we use it at club and county level when the need arises. Please encourage all players and the medical team attached to your club/unit/county to try out the service during the course of the pilot scheme and let Paraic O Dufaigh, Bainisteoir Leasa na nImreoirí, or the people at Northwood Imaging know what you think of the service. All feedback and comments will be taken into account in the development of our medical services policy going forward and as we seek to develop this pilot project to other centres in 2008.



15-Jul-07 by Pauric Duffy – Croke Park

Progressive Co. Leitrim club Aughavas last week made history when they became the first Co. Leitrim to make their weekly Lottery available online.

The club have teamed up with Co. Galway company [link= “ “][/link] to make it possible for fans of the club all over the world to support them on a weekly basis.

“Sports clubs all over Ireland have been using [link= “ “][/link] to sell their weekly Lotto tickets for the last year, but we are the first club in Co. Leitrim to do so, ” said Terry Williams of Aughavas GAA Club.

“The weekly Lotto draw plays a huge part in our fundraising efforts. You can now take part in our draw on our club website [link= “ “][/link] or on [link= “ “][/link]
whether you are in Aughavas, Dublin, Galway, London or New York.

“It is a safe and secure system, and it helps us reach people who live all over the world but who give their allegiance to Aughavas GAA Club. ”

The idea of [link= “ “][/link] came when founder Warren Healy lived in America, and realised he had no way of supporting his home GAA club, Carna-Cashel in Co. Galway.

“It grew from there, and now clubs all over Ireland are getting weekly revenue from supporters who no longer live locally, and are therefore not able to buy a weekly Lotto ticket in the local pub or shop, ” said Warren Healy, who runs [link= “ “][/link] from An Spideal, Co. Galway.

“We also discovered once we set up the site that people living locally also started to buy online, which is another welcome development for clubs like Aughavas. We realise how difficult it is to keep a club afloat and this definitely opens up a new source of revenue. ”

Clubs who require more details of how [link= “ “][/link] operates should contact Warren (, 087-2365854, 091-553855.)



12-Jul-07 by Aughavas GAA

Now that the dust has settled after the fantastic Feile Peil na nÓg Liatroma event that finished on Sunday evening its time to reflect on the effort by many to host such a spectacle.

The event captured the heart and imagination of may people in the support counties Roscommon, Sligo and the main host county Leitrim as it did with many of the visiting teams who traveled near and far to the picturesque North west.

It was a huge undertaking and the subsequent praise heaped upon the various local committees and the main event committee is justified. While the counties Leitrim, Roscommon and Sligo may jostle on the field while in competition the unity if the three while under the Feile flag was very evident over the last number of months and in particular last weekend.

This event was a logistical nightmare with 170 plus teams participating in 11 competitions divided between boys and girls teams with all the visiting teams hosted in the local communities. An extra competition, Division 7 boys, was introduced for this event and the winners received a cup donated in memory of Niall Higgins, Drumshanbo.

The parade alone would have been enough of an event for any committee to organise and it went extremely smoothly considering over 5,000 team members were asked to assemble in an organised fashion on the field in Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada. Thankfully a large car park exists to handle the numbers of buses and coaches required to transport everyone. The Gardai, local stewards and local businesses must come in for praise for organising the parking and traffic arrangements on a very busy national route.

Throughout the weekend the results came flooding in to the results centre from the 41 event centres located throughout Leitrim, Roscommon and Sligo. By Saturday afternoon almost 236 games were played and it was down to the 22 semi-finals for the evening. Saturday night the results were processed and we had 22 teams to play in the 11 finals on Sunday. The finals started at 9am and a great start for Leitrim with our first ever Feile winners- Drumreilly/ Aughawillan. The rest of the day saw thousands watch the remaining finals, including the skills final, all of which were recorded by Setanta Sports. Our new stand was never without a calling supporter or on occasion a tearful eye.

The results centre was a picture of calmness while the results website was anything but quiet as on Friday alone over 5,000 pages of results were served. Saturday was extremely busy as the administrative team verified and posted the results while 13,200 pages were demanded throughout the day. Sundays finals saw in excess of 7,000 requests for results and even on Monday as everyone recovered 5,400 pages were reviewed. A big thank you to the 41 coordinators for speedily relaying the results back to the centre and to the team there who quickly received, verified and uploaded each result into the software that managed 55 tables which were required to keep track of proceedings.

The curtains were drawn on a wonderful event on Sunday evening as the mix of elated winners, happy runners-up and supporters made their way home. Finally the Feile Committee made up of a very hard working group of people could take a collective sigh of relief. These individuals lead by Chairman Stephen Flynn and Secretary Patricia Bohan should be extremely proud of their efforts.

Thanks also is due to the National Feile Committee who were at hand throughout the weekend and the best of luck to the Cavan representatives who received the Feile flag on Sunday evening and who have 12 months to prepare for Feile Peil na nÓg 2008. To all the parents and members of local committees throughout Leitrim, Sligo and Roscommon please take a bow as you fed, entertained and housed the visiting teams. Each of you did your selves proud in the presentation and smooth running of your own local events. While Setanta Sports recorded the field action it was down to the 2 men James Molloy and Willie Donnellan to catch all of the action on camera and their efforts are on display via the Photo Gallery on this website.

To all concerned Feile Peil na nÓg Liatroma was a wonderful event and will stay in the memory of many for a long time.



05-Jul-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Connacht Council are this year honouring the Leitrim U21 Connacht Football Champions of 1977 on Connacht Final day this Sunday, July 8th. The panel will be introduced to the crowd following the Connacht Minor Final at 1:20pm.

Leitrim won their first Connacht U21 title in 1977 overcoming Roscommon with a courageous performance on a wet and windy day in Sligo. Leitrim had prepared well for this campaign and had caused a surprise in the first round with a merited win over Galway (1-09 to 0-10)

The Conancht final ended 1-3 to 0-5 in favour of Leitrim and the half back line of Joe Reynolds, Frank Holohan and Sean Leydon (RIP) were the heroes, as was Mickey Martin.

Unfortunately this team subsequently went down in the All Ireland semi-final to a great Kerry team with Jack Oshea, Seanie Walsh and Ogie Moran on display.

The 1977 Connacht U21 Champions as lined out in the programme are:

1 Gerry Beirne – Mohill
2 Michael Flynn – St. Marys
3 Dan Meehan – Glencar/Manorhamilton
4 James Flynn – Gortletteragh
5 Joe Reynolds – Eslin
6 Frank Holohan – Drumreilly
7 Sean Leyden(RIP) – Fenagh-St.Caillins
8 Des McNulty – Glencar/Manorhamilton
9 Seamus Mulhern – St. Marys
10 Frankie Bohan – Bornacoola
11 Frank Smith – Aughawillan
12 Michael Martin – St. Marys
13 Hugh Murphy – Sean O Heslins
14 Mel Kiernan – Annaduff
15 Gerry Logan – Sean O Heslins

16 Leo Logan – Sean O Heslins
17 Liam Flynn – St. Marys
18 Pat Flynn – Gortletteragh
19 Thomas McKenna – Drumkeerin
20 Sean Crossan – Sean O Heslins
21 Joey Bird – Dromahair
22 Richard Ellis – Fenagh-St.Caillins
23 Pat McDonald – Glencar/Manorhamilton
24 Charlie Kelly Aughawillan
25 Mickey Quinn Aughawillan
26 Tommy Mulvey – Allen Gaels

Bainisteoir: Michael McGowan – Melvin Gaels
Selector: Eamonn McGowan – Allen Gaels
Selector: Joe Sorohan – Gortletteragh

Cathaoirleach: George O Toole – St. Marys
Runai: Tony McGowan – Allen Gaels



05-Jul-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

The All Ireland Qualifiers between Leitrim and Donegal is this Saturday evening at 7pm in Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada. The game will be cash at the turnstiles except for the New Stand which will be by ticket only. Tickets will be distributed to the Clubs by tomorrow evening and you should contact your Club for details of local distribution.


Stand – €20
Terrace/Uncovered Seats – €15
Student/OAP* – €10
Under 16s – Free

*Note that a limited number of OAP tickets (€10) will be available for the stand and will be distributed through the clubs.



02-Jul-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

FEILE PEIL na nÓg 2007
29th /30th June, 1st July

Leitrim will host the 26th Feile Peil na n Og this year, with the kind help and support of our neighbouring counties Roscommon and Sligo. This is Leitrim’s first time to host the national competition and it is a great honour to be able to do so.

Feile na n Og is one of the largest events in the National G.A.A. calendar, and was launched by the President of the G.A.A. Mr. Nicky Brennan at a special ceremony in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon on Wednesday 23rd May.
The President of the Ladies Football Association Ms Geraldine Giles, along with officials from G.A.A. and Ladies Boards in the three counties and participating clubs were all present on the night.

This year, a total of 164 teams have registered to take part in Feile, made up of 104 boys teams and 60 girls teams. There will be over 4000 players in total between visiting and host teams in the three counties for the weekend from Friday June 29th to Sunday 1st July.

Feile is an international competition for U14 Gaelic footballers with approximately 4100 children taking part this year. Amongst those participating in the competition this year will be a club team from each county in Ireland, teams from England, Scotland and the United States.

One of the highlights of the weekend for all of the players is a parade of all 164 teams in Carrick on Shannon on Friday evening. A total of ten bands have been confirmed to take part in the parade starting in the newly developed Pairc Sean Mhic Dhiarmada which was officially opened by the President of the GAA Nickey Brennan on Sunday last, and parading through the town.

Bands taking part in the parade are The Artane Boys Band, Western Command Band, Longford Pipe Bank, Kiltubrid Pipe Band, Mullingar Town Band, Catlerea Brass Band, St. Michaels Band, Enniskillen, Boyle Marching Band and Killoe N.S. Band, Longford.

Each team will parade in their club colours behind their club banner and there are prizes for best Banner, Visiting Team and Host Team. The Presidents of the GAA and Cumann Peil na mBán will present Pennants to each team captain at the review stand which will be situated at The Town Clock. The parade will be a colourful spectacle and not to be missed. This will be the biggest parade ever in any of the 3 counties and there will be huge crowds in Carrick-on-Shannon on Friday evening to watch it. People are advised to arrive in town early as traffic restrictions will be in place by the Gardai on the approach roads to the town.

During the course of the weekend there will be a total of 271 games played. On Friday 29th June each host club will play their visiting team in the opening round of the competition and the second round games and semi-finals will be played on Saturday at the following venues.

Bee Park, Manorhamilton Kiltoom St. Patrick’s
Aughavas Roscommon Town Calry
Leitrim Gaels Michael Glaveys Geevagh
Annaduff Boyle St. Mary’s Sligo
Ballinamore Clan na Gaels Tourlestrane
Drumshanbo St. Dominics Drumcliffe
Carrick-on-Shannon St. Ciarans Tubbercurry
Ballinamore Strokestown Shamrock Gaels
Fenagh St. Croans St. Johns
Drumkeerin Castlerea Eastern Harps
Mohill Croghan Curry
Aughnasheelin Cootehall Coolera
Dromod Elphin St. Farnans
Gortletteragh Enniscrone

On Sunday July 1st, the finals will take place in Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada, Carrick-on-Shannon, commencing at 9.00am. There will be 11 finals in total,
7 boys and 4 girls games.

During the second round games on Saturday 30th June a competition in the skills of Gaelic football also takes place. This involves 1 nominated player from each team going through set routines from different distances. The skills finals are held on Sunday July 1st with an overall winner in both the boys and girls competitions.

If you would like further information on any aspect of the Feile weekend please contact Mary Glancy at 086-8446960.



29-Jun-07 by Mary Glancy – Feile Peil na nÓg PRO

Two new Feile Peil na nÓg websites are unveiled today in time for the big event which commences tomorrow (Friday) in Sligo, Roscommon and in the host County Leitrim.

Both sites, one web based and one mobile phone based, are updated by an administrative team and the WAP site is specifically for those on the move who which to keep in touch with fixtures and results as they happen. The sites are FREE* to use however a minor operator charge will apply when using the WAP site.

The main site is web based and is: [b][link= “ “][/link][/b]

If you are on the move the latest scores, live results and other information, is available FREE* on your mobile phone.

The mobile phone version* of the site can be accessed via a Feile link at [b][/b]

(* Std. Mobile Operator WAP Charges will apply)



28-Jun-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Due to the Feile Peil na nÓg event that commences on Friday afternoon and continues through to Sunday evening there will be no fixtures for Clubs. We hope to release fixtures for the following weekend by next Sunday.



26-Jun-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

The Qualifier draw between Leitrim and Donegal is fixed for Saturday evening July 7th at 7pm in Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada.

James Molloy has uploaded 12 pages of photos of yesterdays game, click on the Photo Gallery link on the left hand side.

This weekend its the Feile Peil na nÓg Competition which commences Friday afternoon and finishes on Sunday evening. More details to follow.

Club News:
Results for the weekends shield games will be uploaded tonight.



25-Jun-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO