On Saturday night, 25th March, the draw was held for the Leitrim Supporters Members 2006 in Cox?s Steakhouse, Dromod.

The 10 winners were:

10th Prize:
[b]Neville Murray, Aughnasheelin [/b]won [b]? 300 [/b]sponsored by [b]Sean Clarke, Rynn Valley Lodge, Mohill[/b]

9th Prize:
[b]Christopher MimnÓgh, Drumreilly [/b]won [b]? 300 [/b]sponsored by [b]Commercial Hotel, Ballinamore[/b]

8th Prize:
[b]Johnny Clancy, Sligo [/b]won [b]? 300 [/b]sponsored by [b]Gerry O?Rourke, Longford[/b]

7th Prize:
[b]James & Phill Moran, Carrick [/b]won [b]? 300 [/b]sponsored by [b] Gerry Murray, Foodstore, Sligo [/b]

6th Prize:
[b]Pat Feely, Manorhamilton [/b]won [b]? 300 [/b]sponsored by [b] Aoife Gorman, Longford [/b]

5th Prize:
[b]Shauna & Cormack Faughnan, London [/b]won [b]Sony DVD Recorder[/b] sponsored by [b] Berney Crossan Electrical, Longford [/b]

4th Prize:
[b]Sean Mulhern, Sligo [/b]won [b]28? Colour TV[/b] sponsored by [b]Mohill Hardware[/b]

3rd Prize:
[b]Marie Murray, Sligo [/b]won [b]?1,000[/b] sponsored by [b]Joe Layden, Dublin[/b]

2nd Prize:
[b]Aidan Foley, Kinlough [/b]won [b]? 1,500[/b] sponsored by [b]Kevin Quinn, Embassy Rooms, Sligo[/b]

1st Prize:
[b]Gerry Gurn, Sligo [/b]won [b]? 5,000[/b] sponsored by [b]Cox?s Steakhouse, Dromod.[/b]

Many thanks to all our supporters and sponsors and congratulations to the 10 lucky winners !



25-Mar-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

This Weekends action:

Lots of actions for football followers in Leitrim as there are many games at Underage, Club and County level:

There 8 are U16 league games scheduled for this evening in the various categories.

More League games scheduled for Divisions 3,4 & 5 with 8 of the games on Saturday followed by 7 on Sunday morning.

Ladies have 7 games fixed for on Sunday in divisions 1, 2 and 3.

[b]County Minors: [/b]
The County Minor football team take on Roscommon in Dromod tomorrow evening at 5pm in the League.

[b]Supporters Draw[/b]
The draw for the 10 prizes in the Leitrim Supporters Membership draw is this Satruday night in Coxs Steakhouse in Dromod.

[b]Senior Team: [/b]
The Seniors are playing Round 6 of the Allianz League against Roscommon in Pairc Sean on Sunday at 3:30pm.

This game should be a very competitive local derby.

Last year Leitrim proved worthy winners as the beat Reocommon by 6 points in Cloone.

Best of luck to all the competitors in the Connacht Senior Scór in Tubbercurry on Sunday evening starting at 6:30pm

[b]County Board Meeting[/b]
There is a county board meeting arranged for this Monday night at 8:30pm in the Bush Hotel.



24-Mar-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

St Patrick?s Weekend action:

Another busy weekend for football followers in Leitrim as there are many games at Underage, Club and County level:

The minor games scheduled for today are postponed however the U16 league games are expected to be played as scheduled on Sunday.

[b]U21: [/b]
The County U21 football team take on Mayo in the preliminary round of the Championship in P?irc Se?n Mac Diarmada at 3:30pm on St Patrick?s Day. Six of the senior panel are also eligible for the U21?s.

Attempt number 2 to get the All County League off the ground after the bad weather last weekend. Most of last weekends postponed fixtures have been rescheduled for this weekend and Division 5 games start this weekend.

Ladies division 2 games are on Sunday with 6 teams in action in three different league pairings.

[b]Senior Team: [/b]
The Seniors are playing Round 5 of the Allianz League against Carlow across country in Carlow on Sunday. Leitrim played in the same venue last year and came a cropper as Carlow proved difficult opponents on their home turf and ran out eventual winners.



17-Mar-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

It was a busy day today in Leitrim as we had competitions in Hurling, Handball and Ladies League:

[b]Hurling News:[/b]

Leitrims opener in the Allianz National Hurling League Div. 3A at home in Carrick ended in a draw as the hurlers finished Leitrim 1-09 0-12 Louth.

This was a good start to the League for Leitrim who are playing with a similar lineout to last years team.

[b]Handball News:[/b]

Competing today in the Senior Handball Championship final were Kiltubrid?s Noel Gill and Drumshanbo?s Martin Raftery. The game was played in the Mayflower in Drumshanbo and was a competitive affair with Martin Raftery winning the 2 games in a best of three competition. The results were 21 – 13 and 21 – 8.

Other awards presented at the Mayflower included the Connacht Novice B Doubles Handball Award which was won 2 weeks ago by Kiltubrids pairing of Niall Foley and James Gill (a brother of Senior finalist Noel Gill).

[b]Ladies Football:[/b]

Leitrim Ladies preformed in style to-day in Tuam to win their League game against Clare by 10 points. The final score was Clare 0-10 to Leitrims 3-11, the goal spree proving too much for the Clare Ladies.

Leitrim Team: Louise Loughlin, Amanda Sweeney, Maeve Quinn, Camilla McDonagh, Sharon Kerrigan, Mary McKeon, Eilis Quinn, Sarah McLoughlin, Emer McGlade, Clare Owens, Karen McGovern, Phillipa Maguire, Ann Marie Cox, Sinead Quinn, Anna Conlan.

Subs Used: Mairead Stenson, Naomi Faughnan, Teresa Mylott.



19-Feb-06 by Brendan Doyle

[b]Seachtain na Gaeilge Quiz[/b]

All clubs are asked to send a team to the Seachtain na Gaeilge Quiz in Smyths Siopa Ol in Ballinamore on Friday 17 Feb. This very interesating quiz was great crack last year and this year we want to see more clubs involved. Starts at 9.30 with no entry fee but medals for the winners and they go on to a Connacht Final. The Connacht winners will be invited to Croke Park for the All Ireland Final on St Patricks day

[b]Gaeltacht Scholarships[/b]

Leitrim Co Board GAA is offering Gaeltacht Scholarships to Leitrim boys and girls as part of their promotion an ghaeilge. Four scholarships will be awarded, two to under 14s and two to over 14s. The scholarships are valued at ?250 each. This scheme is open to registered and paid-up club members only, boys or girls. Anyone who received a scholarship in previous years is not eligible to apply again.

There will be an oral interview conducted before the end of February and the successful candidates make their own arrangements to attend a college of their choice. When they return they can claim their scholarship money on production of evidence of having successfully completed the course.

Application forms can be had from any club R?na? or from Sean ? Suilleabh?in, Oifigeach Cult?ir agus Teanga, (071- 9644227)
Beidh na hiarratais freisin le fail i ngach meanscoil sa Chontae.
The closing date for applications is Saturday 18 February.



10-Feb-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain

It was a very successful Leitrim GAA Supporters night last night in Dublin as a large crowd attended to see the official launch of the Supporters Member pack and to get an update on various activities of Leitrim GAA. There were various speakers on the night including Dessie Dolan, Gerry McGovern, Eamonn Duignan and Packy McGarty.

Dessie Dolan, Senior and U21 Manager, gave a very detailed account of Leitrim’s exploits in the various competitions in 2005. He also outlined his plans for 2006 in terms of team development and the future direction of on field activities.

Gerry McGovern, Chairman – Leitrim County Board, gave a very enlightening overview of the two proposed developments which the County Board are committed to achieving. The first is the proposed Centre of Excellence located in Annaduff and the second is the erection of a 2,500 seater covered stand in Páirc Seán MacDiarmada. It is anticipated that both of these developments will start in the near future with the Páirc Seán project on target for completion this year while Annaduff is currently subject to planning permission. Some funding has already been secured but Gerry appealed to supporters to give these two substantial projects their full backing and to assist in meeting the costs involved which are likely to reach ?5 million.

Eamonn Duignan, Chairman of Leitrim Supporters Club Dublin, gave a very informative presentation on Tax Relief that is available to sponsors of Leitrim GAA. Various methods apply to the different employment categories, e.g. PAYE, Self-Employed, Corporate.

Finally, the surprise for the night was the guest of honour Packy McGarty who paid many compliments to the work of all concerned in Leitrim GAA and he then proceeded to officially launch the Supporters Member pack which includes the 2006 car sticker.

All speakers were very well received and much delight was shown by supporters on the progress to date and the bright outlook for the future both on and off the playing field.

Many thanks to Eamonn Duignan and Mike Feeney on their organisation of a very successful event.

Leitrim Supporters Packs are now available from any of the officers or if you wish you can become a member by using the online link on the left hand menu.



27-Jan-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

The Dublin based Leitrim Supporters Club will hold its Annual Launch in The Herbert Park Hotel on Thursday 26th January at 8.30pm. All supporters are welcome.

Eamonn Duignan, Chairman, Leitrim Supporters Club (Dublin)



10-Jan-06 by Eamonn Duignan, Chairman, Leitrim Supporters Club

I d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year!




22-Dec-05 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

There is no change in the makeup of the GAC following last nights County Board Meeting held in Drumshanbo.

There were 8 nominations for the 5 posts but after all delegates had voted the 2005 committee members were re-elected to form the 2006 GAC committee.

2005 was one of the busiest years ever in Leitrim GAA with over 400 plus games played at all levels. As a result this committee is one of the busiest committees with 31 meetings held in 2005. Their work rate is evident in their ability to maintain a smooth flowing schedule of games based on a master fixture plan which was prepared last February.

The 2006 GAC Committee Members are:

Pat Feely – Glencar-Manor
Tom Guckian – St. Marys
James Holohan – Drumreilly
Sean McGovern – Cloone
John Mulvey – Ballinaglera



20-Dec-05 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Congratulations to Ballinaglera Club on winning the Club grounds of the year award.

This was a closely contested competition with Ballinglera proving worthy winners.

The Grounds Safety Committee evaluated each Club grounds in Leitrim with regard to the following:

1. General Layout
(a) Entrance gates and name of park
(b) Directional signÓge
(c) Boundaries
(d) Litter
(e) Entrance and presentation of park to public
(f) Dressing rooms and showers
(g) Toilet facilities
(h) Ticket admission point
(i) Extra facilities
(j) Training grounds including lighting
(k) Press facilities

2. Safety
(a) First Aid Facilities including Kit and Stretcher
(b) Safety Hazards
(c) Storage of machinery and equipment
(d) Storage of Mobile Goal Posts
(e) Disability Access
(f) Emergency Services Access

3. Pitch.
(a) Quality of Surface
(b) Maintenance of Surface
(c) Line marking and Flags
(d) Goal Posts both permanent and mobile
(e) Sideline Player accommodation
(f) Pitch enclosure

4. Other.
(a) Is Property vested
(b) Are Trustees up to date



14-Dec-05 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Leitrim GAA supports the Second Annual Leitrim Goal Mile which will take place in the grounds of Bornacoola GAA Club on January 1st 2006 at 2pm.

Organised by former Bornacoola and Leitrim player Noel Mahon, this event was huge success on January 1st last, raising ?9,000 approx for GOAL.

Noel is anxious to involve as many clubs as possible in this this years event.



12-Dec-05 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

A very successful Convention was held yesterday in Carrick-on-Shannon at which all clubs were well represented.

The meeting went very smoothly and ended ahead of schedule with the Secretary, Treasurer and each Committee presenting their reports.

The Chairman Gerry McGovernÓgave an accurate and detailed account of activities both on and off the field during 2005. He thanked Club and County officers for their efforts during the past year. He also welcomed 2006 as a year in which much progress was planned especially in the construction of the new 2,500 seated stand in P?irc Sean and the development of the School of Excellence in Annaduff.

The list of officers elected is as follows:

President Sean Maxwell
Chairperson Gerry Mc Govern
Vice- chairman Peter Flynn
Secretary Declan Bohan
Ass. Sec John Keenan
Treasurer Jim Meehan
Ass. Treasurer John Mulvey
Dev. Officer P.J Meehan
Coaching Officer Thomas Keenan
Cultural Officer Sean O Suilleabhain
P.R.O Brendan Doyle
Connacht Council (2) Joe Flynn, Seamus Prior
Central Council Gerry Mahon



12-Dec-05 by Brendan Doyle – PRO