FREE Living Well programme – places available.

The Living Well Programme is a key evidence-based resource of the Self-management Support Programme across Community Healthcare Cavan Donegal Leitrim Monaghan Sligo (CH CDLMS).

Living Well supports adults living with chronic health conditions and their carers to develop the core self-management skills to optimise health outcomes and quality of life.

The programme is free and is available online and in-person.  Participants on the online programme are supported to access and use the virtual platform.



Start date

Finish date




 13th May


 1st July


10.30am – 1pm




 23rd May 

27th June

10.30am – 1pm

Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre, Mountain Rd, Tubbercurry,

 Co. Sligo. F91 YR25

 Please check the webpage: for further programmes in CH CDLMS


Phone: 087 1800 286

To order Living Well Programme leaflets contact

For more information visit:

On Monday 22nd April at 7:30pm the GAA Community & Health Department will facilitate a National Substance Use Webinar for all GAA units in conjunction with the Regional/Local Drugs task Forces and Ascert.


Please see article HERE from providing information on the webinar.

Geevagh Community Health & Wellbeing Night

Geevagh GAA Club this year have the honour of being the Sligo representative in the Lidl One Good Club initiative.

Lidl One Good Club is run in association with the LGFA and Jigsaw. The One Good Club programme is based on Jigsaws ‘5-a-day for your mental health’ framework that provides a simple set of evidence based actions for people to improve their wellbeing.

As part of the ‘Give’ phase of this programme, Geevagh Ladies football team have planned a health and wellbeing information evening. This event will take place in St Brigids Church, Highwood, Co. Sligo on the 27th April 2023 at 7.30pm.

Dermot McDermott, project leader of the Geevagh One Good Club Committee said ‘We were delighted to be able to ask our club member Valerie Cogan and her colleague Hubert McHugh to help us organise this event. They both have lots of experience having organised Leitrim’s Health is Wealth since 2017’.

Valerie Cogan explained the urgent need for the conference, saying, “We live in a world where we can communicate with one another like never before and yet we live in a world where people are lonely and disconnected from one another. Through our work as a community mental health nurses, the one common denominator that causes the most problems is loneliness and the feeling of isolation. Indeed, some of us know all too well from our own experience just what that is and what it feels like. Sometimes the most connected people are the most disconnected”.

The conference moderator will be broadcaster and playwright Tommy Marren (Midwest Radio).

Speakers on the night will include

· Sean Keane – traditional singer and musician, speaking about dealing with personal grief from his experience of his wife’s death

· Cora Staunton – Irelands best known ladies Gaelic footballer, author and RTE sports pundit

· Frank Diamond – Chief Operating Officer, ALPS suicide prevention

· Sligo’s own Sandy Kelly – Irish singer and television presenter.

· Dr Eimear McGuire – Consultant Psychiatrist Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services


Special guest on the night is Charlie McGettigan – singer/ songwriter & broadcaster and former Eurovision winner.


Let’s talk about it!


Our next online Living Well programme is starting on Thursday 23rd Feb at 2pm and there are still a few places available – See Poster Below For More Details.

This free HSE programme  is run across Ireland for anyone living with a long term health conditions or carers of people with long term health conditions. 
They are run across the year, predominantly online at present but moving back to face to face.