Scór na mBunscoileanna winners
The 2 nights of Scór na mBunscoileanna took place in Carrick-on-Shannon on Thursday 4th and Ballinamore on Friday 5th last.
Both nights had huge crowds in attendance and a wonderful line up of the best in Irish culture, music, song and dance.
The standard of performances were a credit to the schools, parents and teachers, the children really promoted the culture and talent of the schools and showed true team spirit cheering on their classmates and waving their banners and posters.
The best performance on each night in each event got medals and the Cormac MacGiolla shield for the best school overall was won by Scoil Bhríd Naofa, Ballinamore.
Leitrim Scór na mBunscoileanna winners
Rince Foirne: Drumcong NS and Drumlea NS
Amhranaíocht: Kathy McLoughlin, Leitrim NS & Aoibheann Quinn, Aughawillan NS
Ceol: Gaelscoil Liatroma and Aughnasheelin NS
Recitation: Mark Dolan, Carrigallen NS & Niamh Donogan, Drumlea NS
Rince Aonair: Ríona McKeon, Drumcong NS & Ella Galligan-Maguire, Drumlea NS
Trath na gCeist: Drumcong NS and Fenagh NS
Nuachleas: Carrigallen NS and Aughnasheelin NS
Ceol Aonair: Hanna Ní Fhearghail, Gaelscoil Liatroma & Shannon Edwards, Drumlea NS
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Leitrim NS and Fenagh NS
Rince sean Nós: Tara Noone, Scoil na Maighdine Muire, Carrick & Sarah Ward, Aughnasheelin NS
Rince Seit: Fenagh NS
Cormac McGill Shield for Overall School of the Year: Scoil Bhríd Naofa, Ballinamore
07-Nov-10 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor