An incredible night for Leitrim in the Connacht Scór Finals in Loughrea, Co Galway on Saturday. Leitrim topped last years record of 5 titles by winning 6 of the 8 events. This is Leitrims best representation ever in an All Ireland Scór Sinsear finals since 1984 when Leitrim won no less than seven of the eight events. The 6 titles won seen the County top a record 100 Connaught titles in the 40th year of Scór. Leitrim was also the only county to be represented in all 8 categorys and in turn was awarded with the award of Connaught County of 2010. The Cormac MacGiolla Cup was presented to Rúnaí Maura Mulvey and Cathaoirleach Séan O Suilleabháin by Ailbhe McGill.

Glencar-Manorhamilton first to the stage won the Figure Dance beating the 8 ladies from Kilglass, Co Roscommon. This is the clubs 8th trip in a row to Killarney and they will be hoping to go the extra mile and bring the title back once more having last won it in 2002.
Elaine Duignan from Ballinamore gave a fabulous rendition of the Rocks of Bawn but Claire Igoe of Corofin took the Solo Singing title back to Galway.
Leitrim Gaels had every foot in the hall tapping with their quirky and modern take of arrangements for Instrumental Music sailing through to the All-Ireland finals. They last featured in the finals in 2008.
Louise Staunton from Bornacoola won Recitation, she also went through in Question Time and has doubled her chances of bringing a medal home from the All-Irelands.
Ballad Group was one of the tightest competitions of the night with 4 of the 5 counties taking part. St Marys clinched the title with their superb harmonies and contrast of songs.
Question Time went to the knowledgable Bornacoola club after a nail biting 4 rounds head to head with Claremorris Co. Mayo to break the equal marks throughout.
The fantastic and witty Seán OHeslins won the Novelty Act. Having won the All-lreland in 2009 the club will be hoping to repeat their sucess again in 2010.
Set Dancing was won by Abbeyknockmoy, Co Galway, a narrow call by judges between our ownÓglenar-Manor and Mayo, all giving fine performances.

Tickets for the All Ireland.
Tickets for the All Ireland Finals in the INEC Killarney on Saturday 24th April must be ordered in advance. For the competing clubs, tickets must be ordered through your clubs Scór officer as soon as possible. For people outside those clubs they can be ordered directly through County Scór Rúnaí, Maura Mulvey. It is not certain that all orders for tickets can be accommodated due to the large volume of numbers from our County so please contact your Scór officer asap if you wish to order tickets. Clubs are also asked to make sure that anyone who orders tickets pays for them with the order, as tickets are non-refundable and the clubs must pay for all tickets when ordered.



21-Mar-10 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

Leitrim Scór Finals took place in the Canon Donohue Hall Mohill on Saturday last. It was a packed venue with an eager audience to see Leitrims talent showcase their finest performances in the hope of securing a county title.

Rince Foirne

Figure dancing saw Glencar-Manorhamilton win the title for the 8th time in a row but not without stiff competition from the Sean OHeslins club. Dancing for Glencar Manorhamilton were Nicole OHara, Amanda Sweeney, Clare Mc Loughlin, Edel Fowley, Damien OBrien, Shane Conaire, Ciaran McManus and Aiden McLoughlin.

Amhranaíocht Aonair

Solo Singing had 5 competitors through to the finals with Aughawillan, Sean OHeslins, St Marys, Ballinamore and Melvin Gaels all hoping for a win. Elaine Duignan took the title for the Ballinamore club.

Ceol Uirlise

There were three groups in the music, Aughnasheelin, Leitrim Gaels and Dromahair. Leitrim Gaels group of Mick Blake, Cyril Geoghgan, KevinÓgeoghgan, SeanÓgeoghgan and Gerard Mc Andrew repeated their success of 2008 and 2009 and will be hoping for another trip to Killarney in 2010.


Louise Staunton won the recitation for Bornacoola, also competing were St Marys, Carrigallen and Melvin Gaels.

Bailéad Ghrúpa

A fabulous performance from St Marys in the Ballad group clenching the title for them once more. This is the 3rd win in succession for the club and their competitors Laura Crossan, Laura Phillips,Clodagh Flynn, Brian Farrell and John Butler. Glencar-Manorhamilton, Aughnasheelin and Kiltubrid also gave great performances.

Trath na gCeist

Question Time was won by the Bornacoola team of Aiden Dockery, Louise Staunton and Liam Rabitte, 6 in a row for the trio. Their whirlwind of knowledge seeing off teams from Sean OHeslins, Allen Gaels and Ballinamore Hurling team who also scored very high marks.


Novelty Act was won by Sean OHeslins with Raymond McHugh/Brendan Brennan, Rowena ORourke, Ross Doonan, Brid OSuillivan and Paddy Prior. The club having won the All-Ireland title last year will be hoping to go the distance in the Connaught final and repeat their success. Hilarious and entertaining sketches by Drumreilly, Aughnasheelan and Kiltrubrid.

Rince Seit

Glencar-Manorhamilton team of Barbara Byrne, Claire Murray, Nicole OHara, Amanda Sweeney, Aiden Mc Loughlin, Shane Conaire, Ciaran Mc Manus and Michael Rooney won the Leitrim Title for Set Dancing beating Aughnasheelan.

Club of the Year award was won By Dromahair for the first time. The Cormac MacGiolla shield was presented to Scór Officer Stephen McInerney by Joe Flynn Cathaoirleach of the Leitrim County Board.

The Connaught Final will take place this Saturday in Loughrea Co Galway at 6pm.




15-Mar-10 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

The two Leitrim Senior Scór semi finals were held at the weekend with 18 clubs taking part over the two nights in Ballinaglera on Friday and on Saturday in Drumreilly. The County Final will be held in The Cannon Donohue Hall Mohill this Saturday 13th March at 7pm sharp.

The Qualifing teams from the heats are as follows:

Rince Foirne: Glencar/Manorhamilton, Seán OHeslins.

Amhranaíocht: Melvin Gaels, Seán OHeslins, St Marys, Ballinamore Hurlers, Aughawillan.

Ceol: Dromahair, Leitrim Gaels, Aughnasheelin.

Aithriseoireacht: Seán OHeslins, Melvin Gaels, Carrigallen, Bornacoola.

Bailéad Ghrúpa: Kiltubrid, Glencar/Manorhamilton, St Marys, Aughnasheelin.

Trath na gCeist: Seán OHeslins, Allen Gaels, Bornacoola, Ballinamore Hurlers.

Nuachleas: Aughnasheelan, Drumreilly, Seán OHeslins, Kiltubrid.

Rince Seit: Aughawillan, Glencar/Manorhamilton.



07-Mar-10 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

Scór Sinsear semi finals are being held this coming weekend 5th and 6th of March. There is a very good level of entries with 19 of the 24 clubs taking part.
On Friday night the venue is Ballinaglera Community Centre and on Saturday the venue is Drumreilly Community Centre, both starting at 8pm sharp.

The line up of clubs is as follows:

Friday night – Me lvinÓgaels, Dromahair,Ballinaglera, Glenfarne, Fenagh, Bornacoola, Mohill & Allen Gaels.

Saturday night – Kiltubrid, Aughnasheelan, Glencar-Manorhamilton, Aughawillan, Cloone, Drumreilly, Aughavas, Leitrim Gaels, St Marys, Sean OHeslins & Carrigallen.



28-Feb-10 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

Seachtain na Gaeilge – Trath na gCeist

Bhí an bua ag Seán O hEislin Béal an Átha Móir i dTráth na gCeist do Sheachtain na Gaeilge ar an Déardaoin seo caite. Bhí Barr na Cuile sa dara háit agus Achadh na Sileann sa tríú háit. Beidh na trí fhoireann ag dul ar aghaidh go babhta Connacht ar an Déardaoin seo chugainn

The Leitrim heats of Seachtain na Gaeilge quiz took place last Friday 26th February in the new clubhouse in Allen Gaels.
Congratulations to Sean OHeslins, Bornacoola and Aughnasheelan who came out on top.
Wishing them the best of luck in representing the County this Thursday 4th March in the Connaught finals in Ballyhaunis.



28-Feb-10 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

All Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals

Leitrims two representatives at the All Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals – Glencar/Manorhamilton in Rince Foirne and James Hazlette were both unsuccessful at the Finals in Athlone on Saturday last. As usual there was very strong competition and both were very much in the running. Indeed the only Connacht success came in Trath na gCeist where Roscommons Ballinameen took the title after many years of trying. They scored full marks as did Boherbue from Cork. There followed two rounds of tie-breakers and Ballinameen answered all of their questions again.

The winners were

Rince Foirne: Glenflesk, Ciarraí
Amhranaíocht Aonair: Shamrocks Uíbh Fháilí
Ceol Uirlise: Millstreet, Corcaí
Aithriseoireacht: Causeway, Ciarraí
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Moate, Iar Mhí
Trath na gCeisteanna: Ballinameen, Ros Comáin
Nuachleas: Kilteely/Drumkean, Luimneach
Rince Seit: Boherbue, Corcaigh and The Downs, Iar Mhí.



22-Feb-10 by Colette Fox – PRO

Seachtain na Gaeilge – Tráth na Gceist

The annual Seachtain na Gaeilge quiz will take place in Leitrim on Friday 26th February at 8pm in the new clubhouse in Allen Gaels, a fine new venue at the Shane Mc Gettigan park in Drumshanbo. All clubs are asked to send a team. The quiz which starts at county level, sees the winning teams through to the Connaught final and winners from there go on to the All Ireland Finals in Croke Park on St Patricks Day. There can be three to four persons on a team and all questions are team questions as Gaeilge. This year three teams will qualify for the Connacht Finals from each County. The Connacht Finals are on 4th March.

Scór Sinsear

The two semi-finals of Scór Sinsear Liatroma are scheduled to take place on Friday 5th of March in Ballinaglera and saturday 6th in Drumreilly. Club officers are asked to have entries with Runai Maura Mulvey by Friday 19th if possible.

Claire Crossan
Scór PRO Liatroim



09-Feb-10 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO

Leitrim won two titles at the Connacht Scór na nÓg Finals in Banada, Co Mayo on Saturday evening last.

James Haslette from Drumkeerin won the Solo Singing and in Rince Foirne the Glencar/Manorhamilton club were the winners. Congratulations to both clubs.

The full list of winners was:

Rince Foirne: Glencar/Manorhamilton, Leitrim

Amhranaíocht : James Haslette, Drumkeerin, Leitrim

Ceol Uirlise: Corofin, Galway

Aithriseoireacht: Grace Dooley, Na Pearsai, Roscommon

Bailéad Ghrúpa : Caltra, Galway

Trath na gCeist: Ballinameen, Roscommon

Nuachleas: St Farnans, Sligo

Rince Seit: Abbeyknockmoy, Galway


The All Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals are being held in Athlone IT on Saturday 20th February. The very best of luck to James and the Glencar Manorhamilton dancers.


Claire Crossan

Scór PRO Liatroma




25-Jan-10 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO

The County Finals of Scór na nÓg took place last Sunday in the Community Centre in Ballinamore. Fourteen clubs were on stage as almost 160 participants provided the best in Irish cultural activity, music, song and dance.

It was great to see such a packed hall and with the cream of the crop of leitrims finest entertainment provided for the audience.  The adjudicators had a difficult job to do to settle on winners, as the standard was very high in all events. All of the winners received Scór medals presented by James Glancy of the Glencar-Manorhamilton Club and Leitrim County Player. Also, all participants received a Scór na nÓg Certificate indicating that they had participated in the County Finals.

A special mention must be given to the Fenagh Set Dancers who scooped the Leitrim Title for their 10th year running, a fine achievement by the Club.

Thank you to Fear a Tí for the night, Karl McCartin from Drumreilly who did an excellent job and helped to keep the event running smoothly for the afternoon. Overall, Scór na nÓg in Leitrim is a credit to the Clubs and Coiste Scór Liatroma for the effort they put into the event. The Cormac MacGiolla Shield for Club na Bliana was won by the Aughnasheelan club and was presented to Brendan Sammon.

The Connacht Finals are being held in Banada, Co Mayo this Saturday 23rd January at 3pm.  The Leitrim winners were:-

Rince Foirne: Glencar/Manorhamilton
Amhranaíocht Aonair: James Haslett, Drumkeerin
Ceol Uirlise: Leitrm Gaels
Aithriseoireacht:Aaron ODonnell, Aughnasheelan
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Mohill
Trath na gCeist: Seán OHeslins
Nuachleas: Fenagh Naomh Caillin
Rince Seit: Fenagh Naomh Caillin

Wishing all of the competitiors the very best of luck in the Connacht Final

Claire Crossan


Scór PRO Liatroma




18-Jan-10 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO


The county final due to take place last Sunday was rescheduled due to bad weather and road conditions. It will now takes place this Sunday 17th at 3pm in the community centre in Ballinamore. Wishing all competitors the best of luck and safe journey to the venue.



11-Jan-10 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO Liatrioma

The County Finals of Scór na nÓg take place this Sunday January 10th, in the Bee Park Centre, Manorhamilton starting at Fourteen clubs will be on stage as almost 160 participants provide the best in Irish cultural activity, music, song, dance and drama from the clubs of the county.

The winners of each category will go forward to represent Leitrim in the Connacht Finals in Mayo on Saturday 23rd of January.

The line up for the County Finals on Sunday is as follows:-

Rince Foirne: Bornacoola, Glencar/Manorhamilton, St Josephs, Drumreilly.
Amhranaíocht: Aughnasheelin – Megan ODonnell. Aughawillan – Dearbhla Smith, Drumkeerin – James Haslett, Fenagh – Shauna Bohan.
Ceol Uirlise: Fenagh, Leitrim Gaels, St Marys, Dromahair.
Aithriseoireacht: Leitrim Gaels – Sadhbh Sweeney, Aughnasheelin, Aaron ODonnell, Kiltubrid – Claire Mc Keon, Mohill – Amy Cosgrove.
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Aughnasheelin, Leitrim Gaels, Mohill, Eslin.
Trath na Gceist: Seán OHeslins, Bornacoola, Glencar/Manor, Fenagh.
Nuachleas: Fenagh, Aughnasheelin, Allen Gaels, Leitrim Gaels.
Rince Seit: Seán OHeslins A, Fenagh, Aughnasheelin, Seán OHeslins B. Scór na nÓg Liatroma

Best of Luck to all competitors.
Claire Crossan
Scór PRO Liatroma



08-Jan-10 by Claire Crossan – SCOR PRO

The two semi finals of na nÓg take place this weekend in Ballinamore on Saturday and in Carrick on Shannon on Sunday. Both evenings promise a feast of entertainment and in total there will be 18 clubs taking part.

The clubs taking part on each night are as follows:

Saturday in Ballinamore Community Centre starting at 6.00pm:
Aughawillan,Fenagh St Caillins, Drumreilly,Aughnasheelin, Aughnasheelin Ladies, Carrigallen, St Josephs, Aughavas, Seán OHeslins,

Sunday in St Marys Hall, Carrick on Shannon starting at 3.00pm:
St Marys, Eslin, Fenagh Handball, Allen Gaels, Drumkeerin, Mohill, Glencar/Manorhamilton, Leitrim Gaels, Bornacoola, Kiltubrid GAA, Kiltubrid Ladies, Dromahair.



30-Nov-09 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO Liatrioma