Junior Scór is fast approaching with two weeks to the semi finals. The first night is being held in the community centre in Ballinamore on the 5th of December at 6pm and the second in St Marys hall Carrick-on-Shannon on sunday 6th at 3pm. Clubs are reminded to have their entries in with Rúnaí, Máire Mulvey, by this Friday 27th November at the latest and the line out of clubs for each night will then be decided.



23-Nov-09 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO Liatrioma

The third night of Scór na mBunscoileanna took place in Manorhamilton on Friday last. It was another big night with St Clares NS and Gaelscoil having big representation on stage. Two other schools, St Michaels, Glenfarne and Leckaun also took part.

Over the three nights, 19 schools took part. In all there were 171 items on stage which was an increase of 26% on last year. Over 400 pupils took part overall. Míle buíochas to all of the schools who put such an effort into Scór. All of the participants got certificates and the following were the winners in Manorhamilton on Friday.

Rince Foirne: St Clares A
Ceol Grúpa: Gaelscoil ChluainínC
Aithriseoireacht: James Johnston, St Clares
Amhranaíocht Aonair: Joanne OHagan, St Michaels Glenfarne
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Gaelscoil Chluainín
Nuachleas: Gaelscoil
Rince Aonair: Declan Byrne, St Clares
Ceol Aonair: Aoife Feeney, Leckaun
Tráth na gCeist: St Clares J

The Sciath Chormaic Mhic Ghiolla was awarded to Drumlea National school



14-Nov-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

The first 2 nights of Scór na mBunscoileanna have taken place in Carrick on thursday 5th and Ballinamore on friday 6th last.  15 schools and over 300 children from south leitrim participated over the two nights. The standard of performances were a credit to the schools and parents, the children really promoted the culture and talent of the schools and showed true team spirit cheering on their classmates and waving their banners and posters.  All children received a certificate of their participation in the event and medals were presented at the end of each night for the best performance in each category.

The third and last night is taking place in Manorhamilton on Friday 13th next at 7pm. The Cormac Mac Ghiolla shield will be awarded to the best overall school.




Question time – Bornacoola NS
figure dance – Aughanasheelan NS
Solo Singing – Kathy Mc Loughlin, Leitrim NS
Instrumental Music – Leitrim NS
Recitation – Aaron ODonnell, Aughnasheelan NS
Ballad Group – Leitrim NS
Novelty Act – Aughavas NS
Set Dance – Aughnasheelan NS
Solo Music – Matthew Blake, Leitrim NS
Solo Dance – Sarah Ward, Aughnasheelan NS

Question Time – Fenagh NS
Figure Dance – Drumlea A St Marys NS
Solo Singing – Aideen Quinn, Aughawillan NS
Instrumental Music – Carrigallen NS
Recitation – Emer Masterson, Carrigallen Ns
Ballad Group – Mohill NS
Novelty Act – St Marys NS Carrigallen
Set Dance – Ballinamore NS (A)
Solo Music – Colm Kiernan, Carrigallen NS
Solo Dance – Clodagh Mitchell Mohill NS



08-Nov-09 by Claire Crossan – Scor PRO Liatrioma

Less than two weeks to Scór na mBunscoileanna and indications are that we will have great participation. This year we will have three nights with the top item in each event getting medals and all participants will get certificates in recognition of their participation in a night of Irish cultural entertainment.

On Thursday week, 5 November, St Marys Hall, Carrick on Shannon is the venue and on Friday 6 November, Ballinamore is the venue. Schools will be informed on Monday next, when they return after their mid-term break as to which venue they will be attending. Both evenings start at 6.00pm with Trath na gCeist first item on the agenda. The north Leitrim schools will be taking part on Thursday 12 November in Manorhamilton, with starting time at 7.00.

Scór na nÓg

Clubs are now getting organised for Scór na nÓg which is now just six weeks away. Details have been forwarded to Oifigigh Cultúir in the clubs and we hope to have two good nights of Scór na nÓg activity on 5 and 6 December. Please note that the venues for Scór na nÓg on those two dates have been swapped. Ballinamore is now the venue on Saturday 5 December and Carrick on Sunday the 6th December.



27-Oct-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

Dátaí le haghaidh Scór

Dates for Scór 2009/1010 have been set as follows:


Scór na mBunscoileanna.

Beidh Scór na mBunscoileanna ar siúl ar na dátaí seo leanas

Carrick on Shannon – Thursday 5 November ag tosnú 6.00

Ballinamore – Friday 6 November ag tosnú 6.00

Manorhamilton Thursday 12 November ag tosnú 7.00


Scór na nÓg

Semi -finals

Cora Droma Rúisc – Satharn 5 Nollaig ag tosnú 6.00

Béal an Átha Móir- Domhnach 6 Nollaig ag tosnú 3.00



Cluainín – Domhnach 10 Eanair 2010 ag tosnú 3.00



Banada – Satharn 23 Eanair


Scór Sinsear

Semi finals

Baile na gCléireach – Aoine 5 Márta

Droim Oir Bhealaigh – Satharn 6 Márta


Cora Droma Rúisc – Satharn 13 Marta

Connacht – Saturday 20 Marta


Dances excluded this year (Does not apply to Scór na mBunscoileanna)

Scór na nÓg Rince Foirne: 3 Tunes

Rince Seit: Plain Set

Scór Sinsear Rince Foirne: 3 Tunes

Rince Seit: Roscommon Lancers



11-Oct-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

Ballinamore/Sean OHeslins won the novelty act event at the All Ireland Scór Sinsear Finals, which took place in the Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney yesterday.

Included in the Ballinamore/Sean OHeslins novelty act group that claimed victory in Killarney were Raymond McHugh, Brendan Brennan, Tommy Moran, Ross Dooner, Bríd Sullivan, Philip McHugh and Sean McKeon.

Leitrims other representatives at the All Ireland Scór finals Glencar/Manor were narrowly defeated in the figure dance event by the Emyvale dance troupe from Monaghan.

Dancing for Glencar/Manor troupe that narrowly missed victory yesterday in Killarney were Nicole OHara, Amanda Sweeney, Edel Fowley, BronÓgh Rooney, Shane Connaire, Emmett McMorrow, Michael Joe Rooney and Aidan McLoughlin.

Meanwhile the winners of yesterdays six other All Ireland Scór finals were – solo singing – Freemount, Cork – instrumental music – Corofin, Galway – recitation – Moate, Westmeath – ballad group – Clara, Offaly – question time – Allenwood, Kildare and set dancing – Abbeyknockmoy, Galway.



19-Apr-09 by PJ Leddy

Scór Liatroma celebrated 40 years of Scór in style on Friday night last in Ballinamore. It was a memorable occasion as many of the famous names and famous acts from 40 years of Scór took the stage to sing the song, or perform the act, which brought them Scór fame over the period of forty years.

Rince Foirne

The night started with an Aughnasheelin Figure dance group from 1979, many of whom havnt danced in some time, but they managed it flying. Glencar/ Manorhamilton had some of the teams that won them two All Ireland titles in Rince Foirne

Singers and reciters

What a wonderful array of solo singers we had: Mai Malone, Brid Megahy, Éamon Daly, Sinéad Egan, Elaine Duignan, Deirdre McCabe and Aisling Maxwell. All were former All Ireland finalists and in most cases we heard the songs they originally sang in All Ireland Finals while representing Leitrim. In Recitation we had Lorna Heslin, Brian Reilly, and two All Ireland winners: Aidan Dockery and Tom Fitzgerald. The latter was the first ever Leitrim representative to win an All Ireland when he took the Aithriseoireacht title in 1971, the second year of Scór. .

The great Aughnasheelin Ballad Group that brought the All Ireland to Leitrim in 2006 was on stage. Thirty-two years earlier in 1974, Charlie McGettigan and Éamon Daly were part of a Ballad group that represented Allen Gaels and Charlie and Éamon sang "Only our Rivers run free" again on Friday night. The Bornacoola group of the early 1980s and the St Marys Group that got to last years All Ireland Final also took part.


Robbie and Tom Morrow from Carrigallen won the All Ireland in Scór na nÓg in 1989 in Ceol Uirlise and it was a pleasure to listen to them again. Theresa Smullen came from Galway to take part and played some delightful music accompanied by John McCartin. The Dromahair group which reached All Ireland finals two years ago were also there.

Sean OHeslins revived the Novelty Act, "The refugees" which won the All Ireland in 2001 and Fenagh and Drumkeerin also took part.

Rince Seit

The famous Bornacoola Set which reached the All Ireland five years in a row performed again, well not quite all of them, but enough to bring back memories. Great memories were also awakened with a showing of a video of the famous Aughnasheelin Set form the 1970s, as they appeared on the Trom agus Éadrom programme on RTE.

It was a wonderful occasion, compered by Fear a Tí Tomás Ó Moráin, himself a performer on many a Scór stage. Scór Liatroma is indebted to all of the participants who came to perform and many of whom travelled long distances. Thanks also to SeánÓgreene who put together the Aughnasheelin Set video. Míle buíochas. For anyone who missed this memorable occasion, videos or DVDs can be obtained form Seán Duignan at 071 9620260



07-Apr-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

Congratulations to all of the clubs on winning their respective category in the finals last Saturday night. 

Rince Foirne: Glencar Manorhamilton

Amhranaíocht Aonair: Drumreilly

Ceol Uirlise: Glencar/Manorhamilton

Aithriseoireacht: St Marys

Bailéad Ghrúpa: St Marys

Nuachleas: Seán OHeslins

Trath na gCeist: Bornacoola

Rince Seit: Glencar/Manorhamilton


Connacht Scór Finals

The Leitrim representatives will take the stage in the Connacht Finals in Elphin on Sunday next starting at 5.00pm


40th Anniversary Concert.

The Scór Ceolchoirm or commemorative Concert takes place on Friday week, 3 April in Ballinamore starting at 9.00pm. It promises to be a great occasion. More details in next weeks Observer



24-Mar-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

The County Scór Finals are in Ballinamore on this Saturday night starting at 7.00pm sharp. After two great nights in the semi-final it promises to be a great occasion. Just one week later on Sunday 29 March the Leitrim winners will represent their county in Elphin at the Connacht Finals.



18-Mar-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

Coiste Scór Liatroma celebrated the 40th year of Scór in style with two nights of top class entertainment this weekend. On Friday night in a packed Community Centre Aughavas proceedings started at 8 o’clock and finished at 1am. On Saturday in Ballinaglera there was another packed house as the remaining clubs took part. 18 of the County’s 24 clubs took part which, proportionately, is probably the highest participation rate in the whole of the 32 counties this year.  Leitrim’s Oifigeach Cultúir agus Teanga, Seán Ó’ Suilleabháin paid tribute to all of the clubs who answered the call to ensure high participation by clubs in the 120 year of the GAA and the 40th year of Scór.

The qualifiers for the Co Finals in two weeks time are as follows:

Rince Foirne:
Bornacoola, Glencar Manorhamilton , Drumreilly

Amhranaíocht Aonair:
Seán O’Heslin’s, St Mary’s, Eslin, Drumreilly, Mohill

Ceol Uirlise:
St Mary’s. Glencar/Manorhamilton, Eslin

Seán O’Heslins, Aughnasheelin, Bornacoola, St Mary’s

Bailéad Ghrúpa:
Glencar/Manorhamilton Ladies, St Mary’s, Mohill,


Aughnasheelin, Fenagh, Seán O’Heslins, Aughavas

Trath na gCeist:
Bornacoola, Aughawillan, Seán O’Heslins, Fenagh, Allen Gaels, Eslin

Rince Seit:
Bornacoola, Glencar/Manorhamilton



09-Mar-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

40th Scór Commences

The 40th year of Scór Sinsear Liatroma starts this weekend with events in Aughavas on the Friday night and on Saturday in Ballinaglera. It looks like the best Scór for many years with 20 of the 24 Leitrim clubs entered. This is great news and it promises to be two great nights of entertainment.

Both nights will start on the button of 8.00pm and there will undoubtedly be full houses for both nights. The line up of clubs is as follows

Friday night in Aughavas Community Centre at 8.00pm: Bornacoola, Carrigallen, Aughavas, Drumreilly, Seán O’Heslins, Annaduff, Gortletteragh, Fenagh and Mohill.

Saturday night in Ballinaglera at 8.00pm: Glencar/Manorhamilton, Melvin Gaels, Glenfarne, Leitrim Gaels, Kiltubrid, Ballinaglera, Allen Gaels, Eslin, St Mary’s, Aughnasheelin, Aughawillan.

Some individual items on clubs will appear on opposite nights.


Coiste Scór Liatroma extends sympathy to the Mulvey Family, Aughnasheelin on the death of Sadie Mulvey. Sadie was mother of Maura, current Rúnaí Contae of Scór Liatroma. Sadie was herself a participant in Scór and was part of the memorable Aughnasheelin Rince Seit that reached the All Ireland in 1976. Sympathy also to the Keaveney Family, Manorhamilton on the recent death of Johnny Keaveney’s mother. Go ndéana Dia trócaire orthu.



03-Mar-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan

All Ireland Scór na nÓg.

Neither of the two Leitrim clubs, Seán OHeslins and Glencar/Manorhamilton, were winners at the All Ireland Scór na nÓg in Athlone on Saturday. Both clubs performed of their best and were in with a chance but the Rince Foirne went to Watty Grahams, Derry and the Bailéad Ghrúpa went to Saul, Co Down.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí comórtas Trath na gCeist do Sheachtain na Gaeilge i mBéal an Átha Móir ar an Aoine seo caite. Bhí an bua ag Barr na Cuille agus beidh Naomh Muire agus Achadh Easa ag dul ar aghaidh go Craobh Chonnacht freisin



24-Feb-09 by Sean o Suiilleabhan