All is in readiness for the two Scór Sinsear semi finals this coming weekend. There is a very good level of entries with 16 of the 24 clubs entered in some events at least.

On Friday night the venue is Bornacoola Community Centre with a 8.00pm start. On Saturday the venue is Drumreilly Community Centre with a 8.00 start also.

The line up of clubs is as follows:

Friday in Bornacoola: Kiltubrid, Fenagh, Bornacoola, Leitrim Gaels, Glenfarne, Ballinamore, Dromahair, Allen Gaels, Aughavas.

On Saturday night in Drumreilly: St Mary’s, Aughawillan, Glencar/Manorhamilton, Sean O’Heslins, Carrigallen, Aughnasheelin, Drumreilly, St Osnatts. Some individual items from clubs have asked to switch nights and these will be accommodated.



29-Feb-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

There were a large number of applicants for the Leitrim Co Board GAA Gaeltacht Scholarships and a very high standard among the youngsters who attended for interview. There were 14 scholarships in all, and four of these were for people who participated in Scór na nÓg last year.

Buíochas do na buachaillí agus na cailíní go léir a chuir isteach ar na scoláireachtaí agus comhghairdeas do na buaiteoirí.

Seo iad na daoine a fuair scoláireachtaí don bhliain seo:

Scoláireachtaí do dhaoine a ghlac páirt i Scór

Clár Ní Chianáin, Clonart, Barr na Cuille (€200)
Aoife Heeran, Drumhawley, Droim Sean Bhó (€100)
Niamh Nic Uidhir, Lavareen Achadh Easa (€100)
Gráinne Ní Mháille, Carraig Álainn (€100)

Scoláireachtaí Eile

Eibhlín Nic Aodha, Droimrewey, Droim Caorthainn (€250)
Yvonne Ní Chrosáin, Lisconnor, Coill an Chláir (€250)
Seán Mac Suibhne, An Ross, Cluainín Uí Ruairc(€100)
Seánacháin O Beirn, Bóthar an Stáisiúin, Maothail(€100)
Oisín Mac Pheaircín, Gortnalibbert, Cluainín Uí Ruairc(€100)
Aaron Reynolds, Fawn, Leitrim(€100)
Orla McHugh, Cornacloy, Glenfarne(€100)
Michelle OHagan, Foxfield, Manorhamilton(€100)
Jackie Nic Mhanais, Cill Srianáin(€100)
Padraig Mac Aodha, Droimrewey, Droim Caorthainn(€100)



22-Feb-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

None of the four Leitrim clubs were successful at the All Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals in Athlone on Saturday last. It was disappointing for the Mohill, Aughnasheelin, Sean OHeslins and St Caillins clubs but the standard in all competitions was extremely high. All of the Leitrim performances were on a par with the others but when the results were announced there were none in the winners list. However, most of the contestants are still eligible for next year when we are sure they will have another go at the various competitions.


Scór Sinsear

Next Friday is the deadline for entries for Scór Sinsear and all clubs are asked to have their details in with Scór Rúnaí, Maura Mulvey by then. The competitions are on the following weekend.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí comórtas ana mhaith de Thráth na gCeisteanna do Sheachtain na Gaeilge i Smyths Siopa Ól ar an Aoine seo caite. Bhí deich foireann san iomaíocht ó na clubanna seo leanas: Naomh Caillin (Dhá fhoireann), Seán Ó hEislin (Dhá fhoireann), Gaeil na hAilne, Barr na Cuille, Achadh Easa, Achadh Mhaoileann, Achadh na Sileann, Naomh Osnatt. Bhí an bua ag Barr na Cuille agus bhí Naomh Caillin sa dara háit agus Gaeil na hAilne sa tríú háit. Beidh trí fhoireann ag dul go dtí babhtaí Chonnacht ar an 7 Marta.



17-Feb-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

On Saturday four Leitrim clubs bid for All Ireland glory in the Scór na nÓg All Ireland Finals. Fenagh in Rince Seit, Aughnasheelin in Aithriseoireacht, Mohill in Amhranaíocht Aonair and Sean OHeslins in Bailéad Ghrúpa will be taking the stage with high hopes of taking all Ireland titles.  The Finals are in Athlone on Saturday next.

 Best of luck to all the participants.



Seachtain na Gaeilge Quiz

The Leitrim round of the Seachtain na Gaeilge quiz will take place in Smyths Siopa Tae, Ballinamore on this Friday night starting at 9.00



12-Feb-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Seachtain na Gaeilge Quiz

The annual Seachtain na Gaeilge quiz which starts at county level and ends up with the All Ireland Finals in Croke Park on St Patricks Day will take place in Leitrim on Friday week, 15 February in Smyths Siopa Ól in Ballinamore. All clubs are asked to send a team. There can be four persons on a team and all questions are team questions. This year three teams will qualify for the Connacht Finals from each County. The Connacht Finals are on 7 March



05-Feb-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Gaeltacht Scholarships

Closing date for entries for Gaeltacht Scholarships is Friday next 8 February. Forms are mow available from club secretaries or from Irish teachers in secondary schools. Alternatively forms can be had from the Oifigeach Cultúir agus Teanga, Seán O Suilleabháin (071- 9644227).



04-Feb-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Leitrim were the big winners at the Connacht Scór na nÓg Finals in Claremorris yesterday. Leitrim clubs took four of the eight events on a night where the high standard of Scór in Leitrim shone through. It was a Connacht Final with a wonderfully high standard of performance on stage and a packed Town Hall in Claremorris.

Leitrim were declared the winners in Solo Singing, Recitation, Ballad Group and Set Dance. Roscommon also had a successful night with the Kilglass Gaels club winning both the Figure Dance and the Question Time. Galway won the Instrumental Music and Sligo won the Novelty Act.

The full list of winners was as follows:

Rince Foirne : Kilglass Gaels, Roscommon

Amhranaíocht Aonair: Rachel McLoughlin, Mohill, Leitrim

Ceol Uirlise: Ardrahan, Galway

Aithriseoireacht: Fintan Fitzpatrick, Aughnasheelin, Leitrim

Bailéad Ghrúpa: Sean OHeslins, Leitrim

Trath na gCeist: Kilglass Gaels, Roscommon

Nuachleas: St Farnans, Sligo

Rince Seit: Fenagh, St Caillins, Leitrim



The All Ireland  Scór na nÓg Finals are in Athlone on Saturday 16 February




20-Jan-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Scór Sinsear

Clubs are now preparing for Scór Sinsear and Coiste Scór Liatroma is asking all clubs to put the maximum effort into having their clubs taking part in Scór. The two semi-final nights are on Friday 29 February in Bornacoola and Saturday 1 March in Drumreilly.



12-Jan-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Leitrim Scór na nÓg

The Leitrim Scór na nÓg finals were held in Manorhamilton this evening. It was a wonderful occasion with 160 participants taking part in the eight different events.

This year, for the first time, all competitors were presented with a certificate to acknowledge their participation in a County Scór na nÓg Final. The winners were presented with their medals by two of the girls from the Leitrim All Ireland winning Ladies team, Amanda Sweeney and Anna Conlon. Interestingly both Anna and Amanda have not only taken part in Scór but both of them have reached All Ireland Scór Finals. Amanda Sweeney won an All Ireland in Figure Dance with Glencar/Manorhamilton in 1999 and Anna was part of the Dromahair Music Group which reached the All Ireland Final in 2007.

The winners in the different events this evening were as follows:

Rince Foirne: Glencar/Manorhamilton

Amhranaíocht Aonair: Rachel McLoughlin, Mohill

Ceol Uirlise: Aughnasheelin

Aithriseoireacht: Fintan Fitzpatrick, Aughnasheelin

Bailéad Ghrúpa: Seán OHeslins

Trath na gCeist: Bornacoola

Nuachleas: Bornacoola

Rince Seit: Fenagh St Caillins

Club of the Year: Bornacoola

The Connacht Finals are in Claremorris on Saturday 19 January starting at 2.00pm



06-Jan-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

The County Finals of Scór na nÓg are in Manorhamilton on Sunday next starting at 3.00pm. This is the great annual gathering of the best young talent in the County displaying their ability at Irish music, song dance, acting and at question time. Scór is truly the great show piece of Irish Culture for the youth of Leitrim and great credit is due to all of the clubs that take part every year. This year 17 of the 24 clubs took part and most of them will be appearing in some of the events at the finals.

Scór Sinsear

As soon as the County Scór na nÓg finals are complete, clubs will be directing their attention to Scór Sinsear. The semi finals this year will take place on the 29 February in Dromod and the 1 March in Drumreilly.



02-Jan-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO


The Leitrim Scór na nÓg Finals will take place in Manorhamilton on Sunday 6 January starting at 3.00. As usual there will be a feast of Irish music, song and dance and much more as Leitrim clubs contest for places in the Connacht Finals.

This year, Coiste Scór Liatroma has introduced a new and novel idea with a Certificate being presented to every buachaill or cailín who takes part in the Finals. Thus some of the disappointment of not winning will be tempered by the recognition that everyone took part in a wonderful occasion, the night of the Leitrim Scór na nÓg Finals.

As soon as Christmas is over, clubs will be thinking of Scór Sinsear. The semi finals are due this year on 29 February in Bornacoola and 1 March in Drumreilly, with the Co Finals a week later in Manorhamilton.



19-Dec-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Seventeen clubs took part in two big nights of Scór na nÓg Liatroma in Ballinamore on Saturday and in Carrick on Shannon on yesterday, Sunday.

The clubs which qualified for the Co Finals in Manorhamilton on Sunday January 6 next are as follows

Rince Foirne:


Amhranaíocht : St Mary’s, Drumreilly, Mohill, Allen Gaels

Ceol Uirlise: St Mary’s, Dromahair, Ballinaglera, Aughnasheelin

Aithriseoireacht: Aughnasheelin, Carrigallen, Bornacoola B, Eslin

Bailéad Ghrúpa, Bornacoola A, Seán O’Heslins, Mohill, Eslin

Trath na Gceist: Leitrim Gaels, Bornacoola A, Ballinaglera, Dromahair

Nuachleas: Sean O’Heslins, Aughavas, Bornacoola A, Aughnasheelin

Rince Seit: Fenagh, Seán O’Heslins A, Aughavas, Seán O’Heslins B



04-Dec-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain