Scór na nÓg Finals – The County Finals of Scór na nÓg took place last Sunday, December 17th in Ballinamore Community Centre. The finals which were due to take place on December 10th was postponed due to icy weather conditions. While an inconvenience to clubs and participant’s during the busy festive season, it was a very enjoyable evening and the audience were entertained from start to finish  with music, song & dance. Adjudicators from Cavan & Mayo had the task of deciding the Leitrim finalists and had no easy tasks on the day as the standard of competitors and efforts from the club left them with a lot of hard decisions to make. St Mary’s Kathy Butler hosted the afternoon’s competition as Bean an Tí.
Clubs that took part, made huge efforts to enter most of the competitions,  in particular, Mohill and St Marys with a phenomenal turnout of competitors. It was great to see such a large crowd for the 2018 finals and to see many clubs making a comeback this year -Leitrim Gaels, Melvin Gaels,  Dromahair & Sean O’Heslin’s, fantastic to see new faces on the stage. Congratulations to all of the clubs that took part and help keep the tradition alive.

Mohill produced a novel Leiriu, it was lovely to have one back on Leitrim stage. A funny & comical piece that will hopefully see them do well in Connacht finals. Aughnasheelan Set dancers also made a comeback, having last participated in the 2015/16 All-Ireland, they will be hoping to put their best foot forward in Connacht to make the All-Ireland final in Sligo in February.
Medals were presented to the all the Leitrim winners by Terence Boyle, Chairperson of Leitrim County Board. The Cormac MacGiolla Shield for Club na Bliana was won by Mohill club for their huge participation. The club managed to have double entries in each discipline with the exception of set dancing. The shield was presented by Ailbhe Mc Gill to Mohill’s Roisin Kennedy.

Thanks to all the clubs and mentors for giving of their time so selflessly to aid and encourage the young people of their clubs to take part this year. It is safe to say the future of our Irish heritage and culture is safe and well in these young hands.

The Leitrim County Title Winners are as follows:

Rince Foirne: St Marys

Amhranaíocht Aonair: Amelia Pajak, Mohill

Ceol Uirlise: St Marys

Aithriseoireacht: Michael Connorton, St Marys 

Bailéad Ghrúpa: St Marys 

Leiriu – Mohill

Set Dancing – Aughnasheelan

The winners proceed to the Connacht Finals in Claremorris, Co Mayo, on Sunday 14th of January 2017 at 2.30pm. Wishing all of the clubs the very best of luck.

The launch of 2018 All-Ireland Scór took place in Sligo  IT on October 12th last. The launch event was officiated by Aogan O’Fearghail, Uachtaran Cuman Luthchleas Gael Scór and Sligo Scór Chairman Keith Henry along with county board committees. Sligo is honoured to have been chosen as the host venue for Junior and Senior Scór finals for 2018 as initially proposed Connacht Chairman & Leitrim native Gerry McGovern and supported by Coiste Scór Connacht. It is anticipated it will encourage an increase in participation across county finals in the province vying for places in both finals.  What an honour it would be to have some of our Leitrim talent representing us in our neighbouring county. As always we ask all the Leitrim clubs to make their very best efforts putting together their entries. Craic agus Ceoil being the core element of this cultural event.

The following dates have been set for Leitrim Scór Finals for 2017/18. Also included are the dates of provincial & all Ireland dates.
Further details as available will be posted on our Facebook page – Scór Liatroma, Leitrim GAA website & the Leitrim Observer.

Scór na nÓg

Leitrim County Final Sunday 10th December 2017 2pm, venue TBC

Quiz Sunday, January 8th, Venue TBC

Connacht provincial final Sunday 14th January 2.30pm Claremorris

All Ireland Final Saturday 17th February 2018 Sligo IT

Senior Scór 

Leitrim County Final 24th February 2018, venue TBC

Connacht Provincial Final March,  venue & date to be confirmed

All Ireland Final Saturday 14th April 2018 Sligo IT

Scór na mBunscoileanna

Date yet to be confirmed

The following dates have been set for Leitrim Scór Finals for 2017/18. Also included are emails of provincial & all Ireland dates. We are honoured to be welcoming all Ireland Scór to the west once again, with the IT Sligo being selected to host this year’s Finals.  What an honour it would be to have some of our Leitrim talent representing us in our neighbouring county.
As always we ask all the Leitrim clubs to make their very best efforts putting together their entries. Craig agus Ceoil being the core element of this cultural event. If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact any of the committee members or by reply of email.
Further details will be posted as available on our Facebook page – Scór Liatroma, Leitrim GAA website & the Leitrim Observer.

Is mise le meas
Claire Crossan Cathaoirleach
Aoife O`Malley Carrigallen
Laura Crossan, Carrick on Shannon
Roisin Kennedy, Mohill
Gerry Keegan Cloone
Brendan Reynolds, Aughnasheelin

Scór na nOg 

Leitrim County Final Sunday 10th December 2017 2pm, venue tbc

Connacht provincial final Sunday 14th January 2.30pm Claremorris

All Ireland Final Saturday 17th February 2018 Sligo IT

Senior Scór 

Leitrim County Final 24th February 2018, venue tbc

Connacht provincial final March,  venue & date to be confirmed

All Ireland Final Saturday 14th April 2018 Sligo IT

Scór na mBunscoileanna  date yet to be confirmed

Gaeltacht Scholarships

Leitrim County Committee GAA is offering grants for attendance at Gaeltacht courses to Leitrim boys and girls as part of their promotion of an Ghaeilge. These grants are open to registered and paid-up members of Leitrim GAA clubs, boys or girls.

Some of the grants are part-sponsored by Gaeltacht colleges. In the case of cash grants, when students return they can claim their grant money on production of evidence of having successfully completed the course.

Application forms can be printed from the link below or can be had had from the Secretary of any GAA club.

Beidh na hiarratais le fáil i ngach meanscoil sa Chontae freisin

The closing date for applications is Friday 10 November 2017.

2018 Scoláireachtaí Application Forms

All-Ireland Scór Finals 2017

The sight of the bonfire blazing and the crowds assembled to celebrate on the approaching road to Manorhamilton last Sunday at 3pm was a very warm welcome to the team.  At the victory celebration, the  Leitrim dance team were greeted by club  Executives Colette Fox & Hugh Mc Gurrin (Scór officer) as well as Cathaoirleach Scór Liatroma Claire Crossan and Coiste member Roisin Kennedy. A convoy of cars beeping horns and flags flying took the team, their family & friends to the market square where they performed the dance that took them to glory. A memorable occasion for Leitrim Scór & the Glencar – Manorhamilton club, their 4th title to bring home in Figure.

The other four acts through from Leitrim were not as fortunate to clinch the cup or bring home an All-Ireland medal. The table quiz took place separately than the main event early on Saturday morning in the Waterfront Belfast. Leitrim was represented by previous All-Ireland title holders Bornacoola, however, The Monaleen club from Limerick emerged the All-Ireland winners. Ferbane of Offaly came in second and St Josephs of Westmeath in third.

In Solo singing, Sean O Heslins Aisling Maxwell was first of the singers to the stage. Fabulous deliverance of the “Evelyn- Marie” by the Ballinamore lady, unfortunately not to be her day as it was won by Newport Tipperary, Katie Shanahans “Orphan girl” won the judges vote.

Recitation was a very diverse competition, each of the performers offering very different pieces. Aiden Dockerys deliverance of his self-penned James Connolly piece was passionate and has to be said put all his heart and soul into his rendition on the day but Noel Joyce of JK Brackens Tipperary took the title with his comedy piece.

St Marys representing the province in Instrumental Music delivered a fabulous and uplifting array of tunes. A very talented bunch of people, also with previous All-Ireland experience -no doubt they gave the adjudicator from a tough choice to make but the award the title to Newport Tipperary for their 3rd victory of the night.

Glencar-Manorhamilton had a long wait throughout the day as they were last to the stage in the set dance, they once again gave a fabulous performance and danced their feet off but it wasnt to be their night either as Omagh St Endas lifted the All-Ireland title in this competition.

Overall it was a fantastic weekend with the Leitrim contingent occupying quite a large number of seats in the Waterfront auditorium.

Bhí sé soiléir go raibh croí an chontae sa chultúir ghaelach agus muintir an chontae ag baint taitneamh as.

All-Ireland Winners:
Figure Dancing – Glencar-Manorhamilton, Leitrim
Solo-Singing – Katie Shanahan, Tipperary
Recitation – Noel Joyce, JK Brackens, Tipperary
Ballad Group – Clonduff, Down
Leiriu- Gweedore, Donegal
Instrumental – Newport, Tipperary
Set Dancing – St Endas Tyrone



09-May-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

All-Ireland Scór Finals
An incredible weekend for Leitrim Scór as 6 acts from the county take part in this weekends All-Ireland final in Belfast.

Glencar Manorhamilton represents Connacht in both Figure & Set dance competitions. Having won the figure on 2 previous occasions, the club will be hoping to add to their medal count this Saturday. Aidan Dockery from Bornacoola is taking part in Recitation. He will also be a strong contender for a medal, having won previously. Aisling Maxwell from the Sean O Heslins club is the participant in Solo Singing. No stranger to the Scór stage, Leitrim will be behind the Ballinamore lady. St Marys Instrumental music group are taking part for their second time, the club only has 1 prior All-Ireland medal for recitation, their strong participation for the last number of years may hopefully be rewarded this weekend. Bornacoola Quiz team are taking part in the All-Ireland Table Quiz.

Quiz starts at 11am sharp in the Waterfront hall, Belfast. Entry to this competition is free of charge. The main stage competition starts at 3pm. There is a box office available on the day, Tickets are priced at €20.

Wishing all of the Leitrim Competitors the very best of luck, Liatroim Abú.



05-May-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

Scór na mBunscoileanna

The 2 nights of Scór na mBunscoileanna took place in Cloone Community Hall Friday 31st of March the Mayflower Drumshanbo on Saturday April 1st. Fourteen schools took part over both nights. The standards of performances were an absolute credit to the schools, parents and teachers, the children really promoted the culture and talent of the schools. Some very strong and youthful contenders to possibly go forward to Scór na nÓg next Autumn. Question Time was a tough competition with teams with top marks right to the end on both nights.

Many thanks and credit to our Mná an Ti, Friday night was compered by Carrigallens, Grainne Ni Mhaille and Friday was hosted by St Marys Laura Crossan.

The best performance on each night in each event got medals in first and second place. Very strong performances and big numbers in Solo Singing & Recitation on Friday night, to which the judges also gave highly, commended medals.

The Cormac Mac Giolla shield for the best school overall was won by Scoil Muire National School, Carrick-on-Shannon.

Leitrim Scór na mBunscoileanna winners:
Rince Foirne: Fri – Scoil Muire, Carrick, Sat – Aughnasheelin NS
Amhranaíocht: Fri – Anna Rose McLoughlin, Leitrim NS, Sat – Jessica Mulvey, Aughnasheelin NS
Ceol: Fri- St Hughs NS, Dowra, Sat – Carrigallen NS
Recitation: Fri – Michael Connorton, Scoil Muire NS Carrick, Sat – Tommy Reilly, Aughnasheelin NS
Trath na gCeist: Fri – St Josephs NS Leitrim. A, Sat – Drumcong NS B Team
Leiriu : Fri – Scoil Muire NS, Carrick, Sat – no competitors
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Fri – Annaduff NS, Sat – Drumcong NS
Rince Sean Nós: Friday – Shane Lowe, St Hughs NS Dowra, Sat – Eoin Reynolds, Aughnasheelin NS
Rince Seit: Fri – Annaduff NS, Sat – Aughnasheelin NS

All Ireland Scór Finals 2017

The Senior Scór All-Ireland Final will be held in the Waterfront Theatre, Belfast on Saturday, May 6th. The quiz starts at 11am. This event is free of charge for supporters. The main stage competition is at 3pm.

Please note it is a ticket only event and non-refundable. Single ticket is €20 & a Family Ticket (2 adults, 2 children) is priced at €60. They can be ordered through Club Cultural officers. All orders must be placed by Friday, April 7th.



04-Apr-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

Connacht Scór Results 2017

Fantastic results for Leitrim at Connacht senior Scór finals last Saturday in Tubbercurry, taking 5 of the 6 provincial titles home. Glencar-Manorhamilton won the Figure & Set Dancing titles.  Aisling Maxwell of Sean O’Heslins, Ballinamore seen off stiff competition in Solo Singing. Aidan Dockery of Bornacoola won Recitation title & will be a strong contender to add to his prior All-Ireland wins.

St Marys ballad group narrowly missed out on a title this year to St Dominics of Roscommon. Always tight in this competition between the neighbouring counties. Instrumental Music was won by the Carrick club for the 2nd year running.

The All Ireland is set for Saturday May 6th in the Waterfront, Belfast. The days competition starts with the 32 county table Quiz at 11am. Leitrim will be represented by Aidan Dockery, Seoirse Reynolds, Declan Bohan & Paul Dockery of Bornacoola, winners of the Leitrim final.

Entry to this competition is free of charge to supporters. The stage competition starts at 3pm. This is a ticket only event. Priced at €20 each or a family ticket (2 adults & 2 u16) is €60.

To order tickets, please contact your club cultural officer as soon as possible or alternatively Claire at 087-6472547.

Connacht Senior Scór winners
Rince Foirne- Glencar-Manorhamilton, Leitrim
Solo-Singing- Aisling Maxwell, Sean OHeslins, Leitrim
Recitation- Aidan Dockery, Bornacoola, Leitrim
Ballad Group- St Dominics, Roscommon
Leiríu- Elphin, Roscommon
Sean Nós- Elphin, Roscommon
Set Dancing- Glencar-Manorhamilton, Leitrim

Cormac Mac Giolla Cup, Connacht County Winners 2017 – Leitrim




01-Apr-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

2017 Scór Sinsir County Finals
The County Finals took place last Saturday, March 11th in the Mayflower, Drumshanbo. Navan O Mahonys Kathy Butler did an excellent job hosting the Senior table quiz final & Bean an Tí for the evenings entertainment.
The Leitrim county finalists took to the stage to present their best-polished performance to the judges from Cavan & Westmeath. Well done to all 10 clubs who took part. It was a lovely evening of music, song & dance. It was great to see some familiar faces returning to Scór Liatroma aris. Maith sibh go Leir. The quiz was held in the full table quiz format prior to the stage competition. Bornacoola emerged the winners after the 10 rounds were complete. They now represent Leitrim at the 32 county All-Ireland final. It will be held on May 6th in the Waterfront in Belfast alongside the Stage competition.
Medals were presented to the winners by Chairperson of Leitrim County Board Chairman Terence O Boyle.  Eilis McGourty from Glenfarne accepted the Cormac MacGiolla Shield for Club na Bliana on behalf of Assumpta Clancy (cultural officer Glenfarne). It was proudly presented to Eilis by Ailbhe McGill, Bornacoola .
Leitrim winners: 
Rince Foirne:  Glencar-Manorhamilton
Solo Singing:  Aisling Maxwell, Sean OHeslins
Recitation:  Aidan Dockery, Bornacoola
Ballad Group: St Marys, Carrick
Léiriú:  No Competitors
Instrumental Music: St Marys Carrick
Set Dancing:  Glencar – Manorhamilton
Rince Sean nOs – No Competitors
Scór na mBunscoileanna
Scór na mBunscoileanna dates are set for Friday 31st March in Cloone Community Centre & Saturday April 1st in the Mayflower Drumshanbo.
Both nights starting at 6pm. Reminder to schools to submit entries by march 20th, indicating which night your school is taking part.
For clubs, It would be encouraged that Schools Scór be promoted by the county clubs for participation as this is where the talent and love of the music song & dance is nurtured. It is a fantastic outlet & will help identify new people in your community that may not necessarily be involved in field games but may like to join the club and get involved in the area.



14-Mar-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

Scór Sinsir Liatroma
The County Scór Finals take place this Saturday 11th March in the Mayflower Drumshanbo at 8pm. The table quiz will be held prior to the stage competition at 6.30pm.  All Entries to be submitted to  by this Friday March 10th please. Our Leitrim winners will represent their county on Saturday March 25th in the Connacht final which will be held in Tubbercurry. The Leitrim Quiz winners will qualify straight to the All-Ireland final on May 6th in Belfast. Best of Luck to all the clubs taking part.
Categories as follows: Question Time (4 persons per team-leitrim winners qualifying directly to the All-Ireland Table Quiz). Figure Dancing, Recitation, Solo Singing, Instrumental Music, Ballad Group, Leiriu, Set Dancing, Rince Sean Nos.
Scór na mBunscoileanna
Scór na mBunscoileanna dates are set for Friday 31st March in Cloone Community Centre & Saturday April 1st in the Mayflower Drumshanbo. Both nights starting at 6pm.
It would be encouraged that Schools Scór be promoted by the county clubs for participation as this is where the talent and love of the music song & dance is nurtured. It is a fantastic outlet & will help identify new people in your community that may not necessarily be involved in field games but may like to join the club and get involved in the area.




07-Mar-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

All -Ireland Scór na nÓg 2017
No joy for Leitrim participants at this years All-Ireland. The new Question time quiz took place separately than the main event early on Saturday morning in The Waterfront Theatre, Belfast. Leitrim were represented by Fenagh Naomh Cailins. The 4 young men held up very well maintaining top 5 for the first half of the quiz. After the final round 10 with just 8 points between Leitrims position and the top of the leader board, they finished up in joint 8th place, and 13th as an overall on the final Scór board. It was a very tough and tricky set of questions set by Cork All-Star Valarie Mulcahy. The second and third places fended up tied and went to an additional round. The two teams then still tied had to go to sudden death to determine the places between Westmeath and Limerick. Fine and proud result for Fenagh.
St Marys Ballad group represented Connacht. The 5 Carrick-on-Shannon ladies sang beautifully but lost out to Moate, All-Whites from Westmeath. Fabulous singing from, the girls,  and no doubt they will be back again next year.
Laura Crossan, St Marys had one of the hardest job of the days hosting proceedings from the stage as the Bean an Ti. Nonetheless, An honourable job she took on, conducting with ease, assuring competitors side stage before announcing them on to perform, a situation she herself has been in many times. Her delight at receiving a presentation from Antoin Mac Gabhann, Cathaoirleach of the National Scór Committee. An-math Laura, fabulous job done, representing club, county & province.
Despite no All-Ireland titles, a fine days entertainment was provided and each act and group truly earned their place in the final. Sincere thanks to all who travelled to Belfast, the support from the crowd certainly added to the atmosphere and eased the competitors nerves.
All-Ireland winners:
Rince Foirne:   Whitecross, Armagh
Solo Singing: Niamh Mc Dowall, Glassdrumman, Down
Recitation:  Emily Shaw,Westmeath
Ballad Group:  Moate All-Whites, Westmeath
Léiriú: St Dominics, Roscommon
Instrumental Music:  St Patricks DonnÓghmore, Tyrone
Set Dancing:  Spá, Kerry
Tráth na gCeisteanna Boird:
1st Place: Donegal,
2nd Place: Westmeath,
3rd place: Limerick

Senior Scór :

The senior members are just at the starting block of their Scór journey with the County Final being held  March 11th.  Further details and notification has been issued to all club Secretaries for follow up with Cultural Officers.

Connacht Senior Scór – 25th March, Tubbercurry, Sligo (note change of date &venue)

Senior All-Ireland Scór  – May 6th, waterfront hall, Belfast





14-Feb-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga

2017 Scór na nÓg All-Ireland Finals

The All-Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals takes place this  Saturday 11th February in The Waterfront Theatre Belfast.

St Marys Ballad group and Fenagh Question Time will be hoping to bring the prestigious All-Ireland medals and glory back to Leitrim. Laura Crossan, St Marys has also been selected by the National Committee to host the days proceedings as the Bean an Ti.   An honourable job to take on representing club, county & province. No stranger to the stage, she took part in a historic 4 items at last years Scór Sinsir final in Killarney.  Wishing Laura the very best of luck hosting the final and to the Carrick girls and Fenagh men in their participation on Saturday. Go n-eiri an t-adh Libh.

Senior Scór :  The senior members are just at the starting block of their Scór journey with the County Final being held March 11th. Further details and notification has issued to all club Secretaries for follow up with Cultural Officers.

Connacht Senior Scór – 25th March, Tubbercurry, Sligo (note change of date & venue) Senior All-Ireland Scór – May 6th, waterfront hall, Belfast

08-Feb-17 by Claire Crossan – Oifigeach Cultura agus Teanga