The 2 nights of Scór na mBunscoileanna took place in the Mayflower Drumshanbo Thursday 14th and  Friday 15th November. 
The standard of performances were a credit to the schools, parents and teachers, the children really promoted the culture and talent of the schools 
The best performance on each night in each event got medals and the Cormac MacGiolla shield for the best school overall was won by Aughnasheelan National School.

 Leitrim Scór na mBunscoileanna winners

Rince Foirne: Aughavas & Drumcong
Amhranaíocht: Drumlea, Rory Grassi & Elenor Smith Scoil Mhuire Carrick
Ceol: Leitrim NS & Drumcong
Recitation: Yvonne Quinn Aughwillan NS & Rachel Mc Girl Aughnasheelan
Rince Aonair: Ava Carney Aughavas & Shane Mc Gourty Mohill
Trath na gCeist: Aughavas & Drumcong
Nuachleas: Ballinamore & Scoil Brid Ballinamore
Ceol Aonair: Dremlea B & Scoil Mhuire Carrick, Ava Brogan
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Leitrim NS & Aughnasheelan
Rince sean Nós: Conor Short Aughavas & Grainne Reynolds Aughnasheelan
Rince Seit: Aughavas & Aughnasheelan



03-Dec-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

Scór na mBunscoileanna is just around the corner on the 14th and 15th November. Both nights will be held in the Mayflower Drumshanbo starting at 6pm. 

Scór na nÓg is a bit later this year, to be held in January 2014. The first of the Semi Finals will be on the 4th January in the Cannon Donohue Hall Mohill with the second semi final the following day January 5th in Drumshanbo.

The county Final will be in St Marys Hall Carrick-on-Shannon on Jan 12th.
Semi-Final  –  Mohill Saturday 4 January 2014 at 5.00pm
Semi- Final – Drumshanbo Sunday 5 January at 3.00pm

County Final  –  Carrick on Shannon, Sunday 12 January at 3.00pm



04-Nov-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

No wins for leitrim participants in this years All-Ireland Scór Final.

St Marys figure dance team gave an outstanding performance as they were the first of our acts to hit the stage in The Venue in Derry, the 8 ladies gave it all they had and it was very much felt that they stood a great chance of lifting the title but St Endas of Omagh were declared figure dance champions.

Brendan Brennan from the Ballinamore Seán OHeslins club gave the audience a great laugh with his recitation piece, well delivered as always, the title was won by Noel Joyce of JK Brackens club of Tipperary.

The Venue was in raptures of laughter as Ballinamore Seán OHeslins took to the stage for Novelty Act, Ross Dooner and Michael Fanning carried out “The Raffle”, the sketch went down a storm with the audience, however the judges were defiantly split as results read Moate All Whites as the All-Ireland Champs.

Fenagh had a long wait throughout the day as they were third to the stage in the set dance, they once againÓgave a fabulous performance and danced their feet off but it wasnt to be their night either as Tipperary lifted their third All Ireland title of the night.

Connacht was represented by Norrie Keane of Galway in solo singing, she gave a beautiful performance on Saturday, also representing the province was St Farnans of Sligo in Instrumental Music, a fabulous and talented bunch of young people, no doubt they will give Leitrim musicians good competition again next year, having savoured their first taste of an All-Ireland experience. St Dominics of Roscommon won the Ballad Group and Clan na Gael secured the first definite win of the night in Question Time.

Congratulations to all involved, fine performances were delivered on stage on Saturday, each Leitrim act represented the county and their clubs to the finest degree, well done to all.  Many thanks to all who travelled the journey to Derry on Saturday.

All Ireland Scór winners 2013

Figure Dancing – St Endas Omagh, Tyrone
Solo-Singing – Sinead Grant, Tipperary
Instrumental Music – Dóchas Eireann, Dublin
Recitation – Noel Joyce, JK Brackens, Tipperary
Ballad Group – St Dominics, Roscommon
Question Time – Clan na Gael, Roscommon
Novelty Act – Moate All Whites, Co Westmeath
Set Dancing –
JK Brackens, Tipperary



29-Apr-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

The All-Ireland Senior Scór final will be held this weekend in the Venue in Derry. The competition starts at 3pm sharp. Some Tickets for the event are still available for anyone wishing to travel to support our Leitrim competitors.  St Marys figure dance team are heading to the competition for the 2nd year in a row, the 8 ladies are hoping for a good outcome in Saturdays event. Brendan Brennan from Ballinamore Sean OHeslins club represents Connacht in the recitation, the club will also be featuring in the Novelty Act, having won the All-Ireland title in 2009, their witty sketch will no doubt go down a storm again this year with the adjudicators. Fenagh St Caillins are the Connacht Set Dance winners, their fantastic performance in the Connacht finals will give them a great fighting chance of clinching the title on Saturday.
Wishing all of the competitors the very best of luck and safe journey to all travelling to Derry.
Figure DanceSt Marys
RecitationBrendan Brennan, Ballinamore Sean OHeslins
Novelty Act– Ballinamore Sean OHeslins
Set DanceFenagh St Caillins



22-Apr-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

An incredible night for Leitrim in the Connacht Scór Finals in St Marys Hall Carrick on Shannon on Saturday. Leitrim topped the polls of titles on the night by winning 5 of the 8 events. This brings our Connacht titles to 110 in Scór since it started in 1970. Leitrim also retained the Cormac MacGilla cup which was won in recognition of our success, the cup has never been outside of Leitrim since it was introduced to the competition, it was presented to Rúnai Maura Mulvey by Ailbhe McGill.

St Marys were first to the stage in Rince Foirne and won the Figure Dance on home ground, beating the 8 ladies from Kilglass, Co Roscommon. This is the clubs 2nd trip in a row to the All-Ireland, having won it for the first time in 2012 and they will be hoping to go the extra mile and bring the title back to Leitrim.

Aisling Maxwell from Ballinamore gave a fabulous performance in solo singing but Norrie Kane of Abbeyknockmoy took the title back to Galway.

Drumkeerin represented Leitrim in Instrumental Music, they gave a flawless foot tapping performance but unfortunately St Farnans of Sligo were announced the winners.

Brendan Brennan from Sean OHeslins club went down a treat in RecitationÓgiving all in the crowd a very entertaining piece and clinched his Connacht medal on his fabulous performance.

An unfortunate loss for the St Marys Ballad group who gave yet another outstanding All-Ireland standard performance, but yet were pipped to the post by our Roscommon neighbours. Having made it to the All Ireland on 2 separate occasions in the last 5 years, disbelief was felt among the Leitrim supporters when the adjudicators results were read out and it was not to be for this exceptional group.

It wasnt the night either for our 2012 All Ireland champs Bornacoola in the Question Time as the final marks were totted up, Clann Na nGael of Roscommon were the quiz winners.

The fantastic and witty Seán OHeslins won the Novelty Act. Having last won the All-lreland in 2009 they will be hoping for success again in Derry.

Leona Reynolds from Aughnasheelin competed in Rince Sean-Os, a very well executed performance, mixing the traditional old style steps with some very nice quirky modern clicks and lifts and successfully won the title.

Set Dancing was won by the fabulous young Fenagh team, a fine performance and worthy winners.

Tickets for the All Ireland

Tickets for the All Ireland Finals in the Venue, Derry on Saturday 27th April must be ordered in advance. For the competing clubs, tickets must be ordered through your clubs Scór officer by Friday 12th April.

For people outside those clubs they can be ordered directly through County Scór Rúnaí, Maura Mulvey on 087-6486967 or contact your Scór officer asap. Clubs are also asked to make sure that anyone who orders tickets pays for them with the order, as tickets are non-refundable and the clubs must pay for all tickets when ordered.

Tickets are priced at €20.



08-Apr-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

Connacht Scór in Carrick on Saturday


The Connacht Scór Sinsear Finals take place in St Mary’€’s Hall, Carrick on Shannon on Saturday week 6 April and are billed as part of the Carrick 400 celebrations.

Leitrim has a strong entry in all nine events and will be hoping to take a few Connacht titles. Leitrim are the kingpins of Connacht Senior Scór having won 105 titles since the inception of Scór in 1970 while the next best placed are Mayo and Galway at 79 each. Roscommon are on 42 and Sligo 28.

Leitrim Line up

Naomh Muire take part in Rince Foirne with most of the group which reached the All Ireland Final last year. Aisling Maxwell from Ballinamore is in the Amhránaíocht Aonair. The Grúpa Ceoil is from Drumkeerin and Brendan Brennan from Ballinamore is Leitrim’€’s representative in Recitation. Naomh Muire are in the Bailéad Ghrúpa and All Ireland champions, Bornacoola, are in the Trath na gCeist. In Nuachleas it is Ballinamore Sean O’€’Heslin’€’s while the sean-nós dancer is Leona Reynolds from Aughnasheelin. Fenagh St Caillin’€’s are in the Rince Seit. The winners qualify for the All Ireland Finals in Derry on Saturday 27 April.

The show on Saturday starts at 5.00pm and admission is taken at the door. Admission for adults is €8 and underage is €5. It will be an evening of great variety and entertainment. BainÓgí sult as.



28-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

A great nights entertainment at the Leitrim Scór Finals in The Mayflower Drumshanbo on Saturday night last.  Congratulations to all of the clubs on winning their respective categories. The Leitrim representatives will take to the stage in the Connacht Finals in St Marys Hall, Carrick on Shannon on Saturday 6th April, at 5pm sharp.

Leitrim Winners:

Rince Foirne : St Marys
Amhranaíocht Aonair: Aisling Maxwell, Ballinamore Seán OHeslins
Ceol Uirlise: Drumkeerin
Aithriseoireacht: Brendan Brennan, Ballinamore Seán OHeslins
Bailéad Ghrúpa: St Marys
Tráth na gCeist: Bornacoola
Nuachleas: Ballinamore Seán OHeslins
Sean Os: Leona Reynolds, Aughnasheelin
Rince Seit: Fenagh Naomh Caillin 
The Cormac MacGiolla Shield for Club na Bliana was presented to Aughnasheelin to Maedhbh Nic Taidhg Oifigeach Cultuir agus Teanga for the club by Ailbhe Mc Gill. The very best of luck to all our Leitrim finalists in Carrick on Shannon.



25-Mar-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

The County Scór Finals take place this Saturday 23rd March in the Mayflower Drumshanbo at 7.00pm sharp. All Entries to be with Maura Mulvey please as soon as possible.  Our Leitrim winners will represent their county on Sunday April 6th in the Connacht final which will be hosted by Leitrim in St Marys Hall Carrick on Shannon. Best of Luck to all the clubs taking part.



18-Mar-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta 2013


There were a large number of applicants for the Leitrim Co Board GAA Gaeltacht Scholarships and the draw for the winners resulted in the following offers of from  €200 to €400.


Buíochas do na buachaillí agus na cailíní go léir a chuir isteach ar na scoláireachtaí agus comhghairdeas do na buaiteoirí. Buíochas freisin do Coláiste na bhFiann agus Coláiste Ó Direáin a thug páirt- scoláireachtaí dúinn.


Seo iad na daoine a fuair scoláireachtaí don bhliain seo:


1)                  Darragh Rooney, Stracklerin, Glenade

2)                  Pádraig Sheridan, Millbrook, Kinlough

3)                  Arlene Ní Chonbhuí, Achadh na Síleann

4)                  Dara Morahan. Sráidbhaile Liatroma

5)                  Aindriú Mac Eochagáin, Sráidbhaile Liatroma

6)                  Laura Creaven, Cill Aithnín, Béal an Atha Móir

7)                  Rónán Ó Meisceail, Crockawaddy, Béal an Atha Móir


Coláiste na bhFiann has also offered a number of €200 discounts for students who can attend their three week course in Sligo. Any boys or girls, members of GAA clubs who are interested, please ring Seán Ó Súilleabháin, Rúnaí Coiste Cultúir agus Teanga at 071 9644227 by this weekend.



05-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

Below find a link containing brief highlights of the sights and sounds of the All-Ireland Scór na nÓg finals held recently in Derry.

sights and sounds




05-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO

The  All-Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals  took place on Saturday 23rd February in the Venue, Derry.  Leitrims Grace OReilly from the Ballinamore Sean OHeslins club gave a fabulous performance but lost out to Monaghan, Well done to Grace she did her county proud. Connacht had only one winner with Aughamore Ballad group from Mayo.
The full results from the weekend are as follows:
Rince Foirne – Cork
Solo Singing – St Lawerence, Maynooth 
Instrumental Music – Leinster
Recitation – Clones Monaghan
Ballad Group – Aughamore, Mayo
Novelty Act – Templederry Keyons, Tipperary
Question Time – Glenn, Down
Set Dancing – Crusherlough, Cavan



26-Feb-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor

The annual Seachtain na Gaeilge quiz is due to take place on Saturday 2nd March in the Allen Gaels clubhouse at 7pm, the team is made up of 4 people with all questions for the team as Gaeilge.
The Connacht final is scheduled for Wednesday 6th March in the Centre of Excellence Ballyhaunis Co Mayo with the All-Ireland final to be held in Croke Park on St Patrick’s Day.
It provides a great night out to brush up on Irish skills.  Contact your clubs Oifigigh Cultuir or any of the Scór committee for further details



19-Feb-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor