Coiste Chontae Liatroma Awards 2013
Jim Lynch Hall of Fame Matt Gaffey (Mohill)
County Player of Year Robert Lowe(St. Marys Kiltoghert)
Senior Club Player of Year James Glancy (St. Marys Kiltoghert)
Intermediate Club Player of Year Fergal Clancy (Glenfarne Kiltyclogher)
Junior Club Player of the Year Barry Lupton (Mohill)
Referee of Year Ray Mc Brien (Aughavas)
Club Grounds of Year (Fenagh St. Caillins GAA)
Minor Player of Year Michael Clancy (Dromahair)
U 16 Player of Year Alan Mc Tigue (Allen Gaels)
Coiste na nÓg Referee of Year Gerry Gallogly (Aughavas)
County Hurler of Year Clement Cunniffe (Carrick Hurling)
Club Hurler of Year Stephen Feeney (Cluainín Iomaint)
Young Hurler of Year Pierce Dolan(Ballinamore Hurling)
Lady Handballer of Year Mary Shanley (Allen Gaels)
Juvenile Handballer of Year Alan Doonan (Fenagh St. Caillins)
Junior Handballer of Year Shane Doonan (Fenagh St. Caillins)
Senior Handballer of Year Leo Logan (Allen Gaels)
The recipients will receive their awards at the County Awards night in the Bush Hotel on Saturday 25th January, 2014.
13-Dec-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Leitrim Supporters Club 2014
GeneralLaunch of Leitrim Supporters Club 2014
Thursday, January 30th at 8pm in Croke Park
The Dublin Branch of the Leitrim Supporters Club invite all loyal supporters and friends to attend the launch of the Leitrim Supporters Club at a unique function in Croke Park.
Special guests on the night include Eleanor Shanley, Leitrim Person of the Year and Declan Darcy, Leitrim Connacht Championship winning captain of 1994 and selector with the All Ireland Football Champions of 2013.
You can travel FREE from Leitrim to Croke Park on our special coach.
Please contact
Shay Reynolds (087) 9030882 or Diarmuid Sweeney (0868961686)
Early booking advised.
16-Jan-14 by Colette Fox – PRO
FBD League – Leitrim v Sligo
County Football16-Jan-14 by Colette Fox – PRO
Scór na nÓg County Final Results
ScórThe County Finals took place last Sunday 12th January in St Marys Hall Carrick on Shannon. Naomh Muires Kathy Butler did an excellent job hosting the afternoons competition as Bean an Tí.
The county finalists took to the stage to give their best polished performance to an eager audience and most importantly the judges from Westmeath. The level of competition was very tight among the Leitrim clubs, performances displayed a lot of time and energy was spent by the clubs over the holidays to make their county final showcase memorable.
Medals were proudly presented to the winners by Chairperson of Leitrim Scór Maura Mulvey.
Leitrim Gaels were awarded the Cormac MacGiolla Shield for Club na Bliana.
The Leitrim County Finalists are as follows:
Rince Foirne: Bornacoola
Amhranaíocht Aonair: Sorcha Nic Conmara, StMarys
Ceol Uirlise: St Marys
Aithriseoireacht: Patrick Sweeney, Leitrim Gaels
Bailéad Ghrúpa: St Marys
Trath na gCeist: Bornacoola
Rince Seit: Aughnasheelan
The Connacht Finals in The Travellers Friend, Castlebar, Co Mayo on Saturday the 25th January at 3pm.
Wishing all of the clubs the very best of Luck.
13-Jan-14 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor
Tackle Bullying Workshop
Club FootballThe GAA have a new programme to help to tackle bullying.
Leitrim will be the first to launch the programme. We are holding a Tackle Bullying Workshop on the 17th January at 7pm in the Bush Hotel, Carrick on Shannon. Places will be limited so clubs are asked to forward the names of those interested as soon as possible to Terence Boyle or Barbara Byrne.
12-Jan-14 by Colette Fox – PRO
Club Promotion Off the Booze On the Ball
GeneralClub Promotion
Off the Booze, On the Ball
Clubs interested inÓgetting ‘Off the Booze & On the Ball’ are reminded that registration for this fun health challenge is ongoing and will remain open until February 1st.
The fundraising element remains an incentive for participating clubs, with individuals and/or teams and panels choosing to abstain from alcohol for a period of four weeks to kick start their New Year on a health footing. Everyone who registers receives an information pack with practical tips on how to implement a healthier lifestyle as well as a sponsorship card.
Traditionally focused on GAA clubs and members during the month of January, the Challenge, as it is also known, invites participants to abstain from alcohol for four weeks in order to give their New Year a healthy kick-start.
Driven by the GAA’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) programme, a partnership with the HSE, ‘The Challenge’ offers participants the opportunity to press pause following the hectic social calendar of the holiday season. For some clubs, The Challenge is also used as an opportunity to fundraise in a fun and healthy way – everyone who registers receives an information pack with practical tips on how to implement a healthier lifestyle as well as a sponsorship card.
“This is a novel way of addressing an issue that is of importance to every one of us – our health and wellbeing,” explains Uachtarán CLG, Liam O’Neill, who launched the 2014 Off the Booze & On the Ball challenge in Croke Park in November. “Engaging with your local GAA club is one of the best things you can do for your physical, mental, social, and emotional health. How we engage with alcohol has an impact on all of those aspects of our health. We are delighted to have this events as part of our annual calendar, and I hope our club members continue to take up the challenge as they have done over the past two years.”
The GAA will be promoting The Challenge through their Facebook and Twitter accounts and will be offering participants support and incentives throughout the campaign period.
Visit for more details and to register for ‘Off the Booze and On the Ball’.
Alternatively, email should you need any information not available on our website.
08-Jan-14 by Colette Fox – PRO
Scór na nÓg County finalists 2014
ScórLeitrim Scór na nÓg County finalists are as follows…..
Rince Foirne:
Mohill B
Amhranaíocht Aonair:
Naomh Muire C
Naomh Muire B
Mohill A
Naomh Muire
06-Jan-14 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor
Junior Scór semi finals
ScórJunior Scór semi finals are being held this coming weekend
– Saturday 4th in the Canon Donohue Hall Mohill at 5pm
– Sunday 5th in the Mayflower Drumshanbo at 3pm.
Any last minute entries please contact Maura Mulvey for venue details as soon as possible. The county final is set for St Marys Hall Carrick on Shannon for the following Sunday January 12th.
Wishing all of the competitiors the very best of luck and safe travel to the competition in this stormy weather.
29-Dec-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor
Leitrim Ladies appoint new Manager
LadiesLeitrim Ladies appoint new Manager
At a meeting of Leitrim Ladies County Board Martin Dolan (former St Josephs Manager) was ratified as intermediate Manager 2014 with his assistant Manager Brid Dolan from Cavan.
The new Manager requests to start off the new year in Leitrim ladies football with a clean sheet and he would like all clubs to send in the names and phone numbers of all interested players to take part in the Leitrim ladies panel 2014 as soon as possible.
18-Dec-13 by Clare Noone RunaÃ
Scór na nÓg semi finals – closing date
Scór16-Dec-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor
Leitrim GAA Award Winners 2013 announced
GeneralCoiste Chontae Liatroma Awards 2013
Jim Lynch Hall of Fame Matt Gaffey (Mohill)
County Player of Year Robert Lowe(St. Marys Kiltoghert)
Senior Club Player of Year James Glancy (St. Marys Kiltoghert)
Intermediate Club Player of Year Fergal Clancy (Glenfarne Kiltyclogher)
Junior Club Player of the Year Barry Lupton (Mohill)
Referee of Year Ray Mc Brien (Aughavas)
Club Grounds of Year (Fenagh St. Caillins GAA)
Minor Player of Year Michael Clancy (Dromahair)
U 16 Player of Year Alan Mc Tigue (Allen Gaels)
Coiste na nÓg Referee of Year Gerry Gallogly (Aughavas)
County Hurler of Year Clement Cunniffe (Carrick Hurling)
Club Hurler of Year Stephen Feeney (Cluainín Iomaint)
Young Hurler of Year Pierce Dolan(Ballinamore Hurling)
Lady Handballer of Year Mary Shanley (Allen Gaels)
Juvenile Handballer of Year Alan Doonan (Fenagh St. Caillins)
Junior Handballer of Year Shane Doonan (Fenagh St. Caillins)
Senior Handballer of Year Leo Logan (Allen Gaels)
The recipients will receive their awards at the County Awards night in the Bush Hotel on Saturday 25th January, 2014.
13-Dec-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
County Football U21 Trials
County Football12-Dec-13 by Diarmuid Sweeney
Conditioning programme for next years under 15 & under 16 squads
Coaching11-Dec-13 by Thomas Keenan