Message from the Organisers
Preparations are entering the final stages for the special 10km & 4km run/walk in memory of our team-mate Sandra Earley. The run/walk will take place THIS Sunday February 24th commencing at 2pm from The Sheemore Inn, Kilclare, with registration starting at 12.30 on the day. Entry fee is €10 per adult/€15 per family with all funds raised going to The Heart Appeal at the Mater Foundation, Dublin. This is a special heart screening clinic for family members who have lost a loved one to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. For more information contact 0871337322. Hope to see you all out to support this great cause.
Important notes – Parking
Parking on the day will be available at Kilclare, however space may be limited so parking is also available at Drumcong NS and the Church car park with a free shuttle bus provided. If at all possible we would encourage locals to park at the school to avoid congestion at Kilclare.
RED is the ï”Heart” colour this month so if anybody is interested in joining us in wearing red for the run please do!
We will be closing the online registration on Saturday the 23rd Feb @ 6.30pm so please get registering before then Don’t worry if not however you can always register on the morning of the run. As always thank you for your continued support with the event.
Ard na Spéire 10Km & 4Km Run/Walk
Sunday 24th February 2013 in memory of the late Sandra Earley
‘€’Ard na Spéire’€’ 10KM and 4KM Run/Walk
Sunday 24th February 2013 at Kilclare, Co. Leitrim
Registration from 12.30pm at Sheemore Inn (McNamas) Kilclare
Run/Walk Commences at 2pm. Entry Fee €10
Anja on 087-1337322 or Micheal on 086-3862196
Email: ardnaspeirerunÓ
or check out the ‘€’Ard na Speire Facebook page’€’ for regular updates.
22-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Coaches for Kelloggs GAA Cul Camps
General05-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Seachtain na Gaeilge Traith na gCeist
GeneralSeachtain na Gaeilge, Tráth na gCeist
Bhí seacht gclub páirteach sa Chomórtas Tráth na gCeisteanna do Sheachtain na Gaeilge i gclubtheach Ghaeil na hAilne ar an Satharn seo caite. Bhí an bua arís ag Barr na Cúille. Sa dara háit bhí Cumann Sheáin Uí Eislin agus Gaeil na hAilne sa tríú hait.
In all seven clubs took part: Barr na Cúile, Achadh na Síleann, Achadh an Mhuilinn, Droim Caorthainn, Seán Ó hEislin, Fíonach Naomh Caillin agus Gaeil na hAilne. The winning Barr na Cúile team was comprised of Aodhán Ó Dochraigh, Pól Ó Dochraigh agus Brian Ó Dubhthaigh. Beidh comórtas Chonnacht ar anÓgCéadaoin seo i gClár Chlainne Mhuiris. There was surprise to learn that there will be no All Ireland Final this year in a competition which started in 2006.
This event which is organised “as Gaeilge” was enjoyed by all and the Fear na gCeist was Sean Mac Colla from Co an Cabháin.
05-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Cuman na mBunscoil National Finals
HandballCongratulations to Fergal McLoughlin and Cormac Scollan St Caillins NS Fenagh who represented Connacht along with the other provincial winners in the Boys u11 Doubles section at the Cumann na mBunscoil All-Ireland Handball Finals in Kingscourt on Saturday. All players were presented with a medal and a certificate after the games.
04-Mar-13 by Niall Scollan – Handball PRO
Leitrim v Offaly
County FootballFixture Details Allianz League Division 4 – Round 4
Leitrim v Offaly this Sunday 10/3/13 at 2.30 in Páirc Seán.
Please put Sunday in your Diary – Lets ALL get behind the team.
04-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Post Match Reaction
County FootballJoint Leitrim Manager Brian Breen in a post match interview with Shannonside FM reporter Seamus Gallagher after our victory over Carlow today.
03-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Carlow v Leitrim
County FootballLink to an article on todays match against Carlow by John Lynch on Shannonside and an interview with Barney Breen.
03-Mar-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
All-Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals Results
ScórSolo Singing – St Lawerence, Maynooth
Instrumental Music – Leinster
Recitation – Clones Monaghan
Ballad Group – Aughamore, Mayo
Novelty Act – Templederry Keyons, Tipperary
Question Time – Glenn, Down
Set Dancing – Crusherlough, Cavan
26-Feb-13 by Claire Crossan – PRO – Scor
Handball News week beginning 25th February 2013
Handball25-Feb-13 by Niall Scollan – Handball PRO
Ard na Speire 10Km & 4Km RunWalk
GeneralMessage from the Organisers
Preparations are entering the final stages for the special 10km & 4km run/walk in memory of our team-mate Sandra Earley. The run/walk will take place THIS Sunday February 24th commencing at 2pm from The Sheemore Inn, Kilclare, with registration starting at 12.30 on the day. Entry fee is €10 per adult/€15 per family with all funds raised going to The Heart Appeal at the Mater Foundation, Dublin. This is a special heart screening clinic for family members who have lost a loved one to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. For more information contact 0871337322. Hope to see you all out to support this great cause.
Ard na Spéire 10Km & 4Km Run/Walk
Sunday 24th February 2013 in memory of the late Sandra Earley
‘€’Ard na Spéire’€’ 10KM and 4KM Run/Walk
Sunday 24th February 2013 at Kilclare, Co. Leitrim
Registration from 12.30pm at Sheemore Inn (McNamas) Kilclare
Run/Walk Commences at 2pm. Entry Fee €10
Anja on 087-1337322 or Micheal on 086-3862196
Email: ardnaspeirerunÓ
or check out the ‘€’Ard na Speire Facebook page’€’ for regular updates.
22-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Allianz Football League – Carlow v Leitrim
County FootballLeitrim Supporters Club are organising a bus (subject to numbers travelling) to Carlow v Leitrim Allianz National League game on Sunday 3 March.
Venue Carlow.
Fare €15
Booking essential to Shay Reynolds 0879030882 or Attracta O Reilly 0861708499 on or before Thursday 28 February.
Bus Route
Drumshanbo 9.15am
Carrick on Shannon 9.30am
Dromod 9.50
21-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
John Murray RTE Walk
GeneralJohn Murray RTE Walk Glenfarne Co Leitrim 17th February 2013
On Sunday last, 17th February 2013 the Radio 1 John Murray Walk was in Glenfarne in Lovely Leitrim where in excess of 1,200 people turned out. John Murray kindly invited representatives from the Leitrim Senior Football Team who recently won the Connacht FBD League to the walk. James Glancy and Gerry Hickey with the FBD Cup in hand were interviewed and presented to the 1,200 plus crowd and received rapturous applause. Photos from the walk are available in the photo gallery on the Leitrim GAA website, on our Facebook page and on the Connacht GAA website.
Tune in tomorrow morning (Wednesday 20th February) between 9 and 10 am for a report on John’s visit to Lovely Leitrim.
19-Feb-13 by Colette Fox – PRO
Cumann na mBunscoil Connacht Finals
Handball19-Feb-13 by Niall Scollan – Handball PRO