Cumann Peil na mBán Liatroma
Our Senior team recorded a victory over Longford on Sunday last in Ballinamore, in Round 5 of the Bord Gais National League. The final score was 1-13 to 0-04. Each and every player kept going to the end which helped them stay on top for the duration of the game. They are now away for the remainder of the league.
They play Fermanagh in Round 6, the game is fixed for Garrison at 2pm on Sunday. Please keep an eye on the official website and Radio updates with local radio stations in case of any changes.

U14 & U16
Both teams are training together now. Contact will be made to parents for training arrangements this week.

Our Minor team are now out training also and we wish Michael Bohan and his backroom team the best of luck for the coming year.

We would like to thank Paul Maye of Katie Mullens, the Swan Bar and Dunnes for coming back on board for sponsorship this year. It is greatly appreciated by all associated with Leitrim Ladies football at all levels.
The presentation of the sponsorship took place after the win over Longford in Ballinamore on Sunday last, which was a great way to top the win off.

Rest in Peace
On behalf of Cumann Peil na mBán, Liatroma we would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Family and Friends of Seamus Dillon, Glenfarne/Kiltyclogher who passed away last week. He is a former Leitrim player and dedicated clubman with Glenfarne/Kiltyclogher. He will be forever remembered as a true gentleman of the game who faced adversity with great dignity. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Also on behalf of Cumann Peil na mBán, Liatroma we would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Tony Hayden, formerly Bornacoola. He played for Leitrim in the Late 1950s and was selected at left half back on the Leitrim team of the Millennium. Ar dhies Dé go raibh a anam.



08-Mar-11 by Camilla McDonagh – PRO

Coiste Chontae Liatroma congratulates Gerry Mahon, Ballinamore Sean O Heslins GAA Club who has been chosen as one of the recipients of the 2011 GAA Presidents Awards in light of his outstanding voluntary contribution to the GAA over a prolonged period.

These awards are organised and presented on an annual basis to honour those who go above and beyond the call of duty in their commitment and dedication to their chosen field within the wider GAA family.

A special banquet will take place at Croke Park on the evening of Wednesday March 16 at which all winners will be present.

Tickets for the banquet event, priced at €30 per person, can also be purchased through Paula OBrien at 01-8658672 /

The closing date for purchasing tickets is 11.3.11.

Well done Gerry.



08-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

Coiste Chontae Liatroma extend congratulations to Tommy Moran from the Ballinamore Sean OHeslins Club who has taken up the role of Connacht GAA PRO.  Tommy takes over from Mick Rock from Roscommon. 

Tommy will no doubt bring his unique style to the role and we look forward to working with him over the next 3 years. 



07-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

Referees in service training workshop will take place on this Friday night March 11th at 8pm in thBush hotel. Workshop will be conducted by Francis Finan.

Kindly notify all referees in your club.



07-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

The following are the proposed dates for Club Coaching Officers meetings in Leitrim in 2011. All Club Chairpersons and Secretaries will also be asked to attend one of these meetings in order to update them on plans for coaching and to get their views on what can be done to help clubs from a coaching point of view.  Clubs will be advised on which meeting they are to attend closer to the date.

Proposed Coaching Officers Meetings

Tuesday 15th March 2011
Tuesday 31st May 2011
Tuesday 23rd August 2011
Tuesday 18th October 2011

For further details contact our Coaching Officer:-

Padraig McGourty
Mobile Phone: 086-8106431
Home Phone: 071-9133829



07-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

My names Edwina Guckian from Drumsna, Co. Leitrim. Im am writing to you about my Sean Nós dancing group in the All Ireland Talent Show. Heres a quick bit of info about us.
Were called Sean Nós ar an tSionann and were representing Daithí Ó Sé and the West in The All Ireland Talent Show.
The 10 of us come from Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon and Kerry and range from 8 – 26 years old.Between us all we have 6 all ireland titles, to world titles, an all ireland champion bodhran player and oireachtas sean nos champions.
On New Years eve we took to the stage on the first of the live shows. We topped the Public vote putting us straight through to the semi finals in March.
On March 13th we take to the stage again to battle it out with 4 other contestants in a bid to win the All Ireland Talent Show.
If we win we want to give €10,000 of the prize money to Our Ladys Hospital for sick children, Crumlin.
There are quite a few very special children who attend my sean nós classes every week that would not be dancing with us if it were not for Our Ladys Hospital. We want to do it for those children and everyone who attends that hospital. They receive no Government funding so its a very worthy cause. Doing it for sean nós, for Daíthí, for our counties, for Our Ladys Hospital and FOR THE WEST!
The public vote is what makes the difference so we need every vote we can get.
 So if you could pass the word on to all your club members or publicise us in anyway we would really appreciate it.
Heres a link to a promo video i made including our performance.
Thank you for your time.
Edwina & Sean Nós ar an tSionann



07-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

Coiste Chontae Liatroma extend deepest sympathy to the family of the late Tony Hayden.  Tony played on the great Leitrim teams of the late 1950s which contested 4 Connacht titles in a row.   He played Railway Cup for Connacht and was selected at left half back on the Leitrim Team of the Millennium in 2000.  He captained the last Bornacoola team to win a Leitrim Senior Championship in 1957 and remained a loyal supporter of his native club throughout his life.  He is survived by his wife Nina (nee McSharry), brothers Seamus and Noel, sons Cathal and Darragh and daughter Ciara. 

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Death Notice for information purposes:-

Tony Hayden, Ex ESB, Oakfield Road Sligo, and late of Bornacoola, Co. Leitrim. Remains reposing at his home today Saturday and tomorrow Sunday from 3 to 9 pm.  Removal on Monday morning to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for 12 o clock mass of the ressurection followed by burial in Sligo cemetery.  House private on Monday morning please.





06-Mar-11 by

 Dia daoibh uile,

Beidh Seachtain na Gaeilge ag tosú ar an 5 Márta agus ag dul suas to dtí 17 Marta.

The following are some suggestions for club to promote píosa Gaeilge during the next couple of weeks



  • Club Notes. PROs are asked to use some Irish in next weeks notes. Even headings like “Bua mór ag ár bhfoireann sinsear”, “Cluichí faoi Aois”. “Rinneamar go maith i Scór”. “Cluichí don deireadh Seachtaine” Bain triail as

  • [/ol]



  • Club Rúnaí. Maybe change the club name on the registration to Gaeilge

  • [/ol]



  • Píosa Gaeilge a labhairt .

  • [/ol]



  • Gaeilge a chur ar do shuíomh gréasáin (Website)

  • [/ol]



  • Lotto night a bheith as Gaeilge

  • [/ol]



    06-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

    Leitrim coaches/clubs welcome to attend.

    Sligo County GAA
    Coaching night

    Sligo Park Hotel
    Wednesday, 9th March 2011 – 7-10pm

    Sligo County Coaching & Games Committee are delighted to announce
    details of their upcoming Coaching night, which will be held in Sligo
    Park Hotel, on Wednesday March 9th, starting at 7.00pm Sharp

    With an expert panel of coaches and players including Packie Bonner,
    Matin Carney, Mark Breheny, Maurice Sheridan and Mickey McGeehin, this
    is sure to a fantastic evening. Along with discussing the various
    aspects of coaching, video coverage will also be included illustrating
    coaching drills/techniques in the areas of Goalkeeping, Tackling and
    Attacking Play.

    MC for the night will be well known analyst and commentator, Martin
    Carney, who also had a distinguished career as a footballer, and more
    recently as an analyst and coach.

    Packie Bonner has enjoyed legendary status in Ireland for his
    goalkeeping heroics playing with both Ireland and Glasgow Celtic.
    Packie has also commanded senior goalkeeping coaching roles, and will
    discuss the different aspects of goalkeeping coaching.

    Mickey McGeehin, director of Coaching Ireland, is an expert coach,
    previously working with the Ulster Council GAA, and has vast
    inter-county coaching experience with Mayo, Fermanagh, Roscommon,
    Laois and Clare. Mickey will speak about coaching the tackle, and
    demonstrate various coaching exercises and conditioned games held at a
    recent U21 training session.

    Attacking Play
    Mark Breheny & Maurice Sheridan are two of the games masters in the
    art of free-taking and attacking play. Having played at the highest
    level in the game, they will discuss the finer points of forward play
    and free-taking techniques, included some excellent exercises from a
    recent workshop.

    This is an excellent opportunity for all coaches to learn from these
    leading coaches/players.

    Tickets are €20 each, and are available from Mattie Coleman
    (087-6296914), Liam Óg Gormley (086-8254420), Stephen Carty
    (086-8326908) and Eamonn McMunn (087-0524574)



    05-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

    Scoláireachtái do dhaoine a ghlac páirt i Scór

    Michaelaigh Nolan, Drumkeerin – 200 Euro
    Fiach Mac Conmara – Cara Droma Ruisc – 100 Euro
    BronÓgh Ní Ruairc – Carraig Alainn – 100 Euro
    Meghan Ni Cuinn – Aughawillan – 100 Euro

    Scolaireachta­ Eile

    Jack Ledwith – Carrigallen – 250 Euro
    Robert Lee – Drumkeerin – 100 Euro
    Roisin Rooney – Manorhamilton – 100 Euro
    Cormac Whelan – Carrigallen – 100 Euro
    Enda Charters – Dromahair – 100 Euro
    Éanna OHara – Kinlough 100 Euro
    Leah Egan – Drumshanbo – 100 Euro
    Tara Drugan – Drumkeerin – 100 Euro



    05-Mar-11 by Maura Mulvey

    It is with deep sadness that Coiste Chontae Liatroma report the passing of former Leitrim Footballer Seamus Dillon.

    Seamus was one of lifes true gentlemen.  He had a great love for his club Glenfarne/Kiltyclogher and always took great pride in togging out for them.  He had the distinction of captaining their senior team on a number of occasions and he also won an U21 County medal with GlenManor Gaels in 1998. In recent years he was also involved in managing underage teams for his club.

    He was an extremely talented player who represented the Green and Gold with distinction.  Seamus played for the Leitrim senior team in the 1998/1999 season and made his senior championship debut against Roscommon in 1999 and made his league debut against Dublin in 1999.  

    Despite his recent injury Seamus remained a loyal supporter of both his Club and County.  Chontae Liatroma take this opportunity to extend our deepest sympathy to his family, the Glenfarne/Kiltyclogher GAA Club and his many, many friends.

    Ar Dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.


    Please be advised that due to the sad passing of Seamus the following weekend games have been postponed as a mark of respect:

    ACL D1 Glenfarne/Kiltyclogher v Glencar/Manorhamilton

    ACL D5 Mohill v Glenfarne/Kiltyclogher

    Funeral Arrangements;

    Seamus Dillon, Kiltyclogher, Co Leitrim. Peacefully at Sligo General hospital. Reposing at his home in Kiltyclogher this evening (Thursday) from 7pm.  Removal from his home on Friday at 7.45 pm to arrive at St. Patrick’s Church Kiltyclogher at 8pm.  Funeral mass on Saturday at 11am.  Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.   





    03-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO

    Following a meeting of the coaching and games development committee, it was proposed that as part of developing coaching in clubs, a pilot programme would be rolled out where members of our coach education team would attend a number of training sessions at U-12/U-10 /U-8 grades in four clubs.

    The coach tutors would attend in an advisory capacity and offer advice and assistance to the coaches. The club coaches would still control the training session, with the tutors offering advice on best practice and appropriateness of the activities in the session for the age group concerned. The tutors would also provide information on where to source appropriate material for inclusion in the training session and answer any questions the club coaches may have. Coaches participating in this programme will be deemed to have completed the practical section of the foundation award course.

    Once the scheme is piloted in the initial four clubs and we are happy that it is giving clubs the appropriate assistance, it will be rolled out on a phased basis to all clubs.

    If your club would like to be considered for inclusion in the initial pilot programme please contact Padraig McGourty via email or on 086-8106431. If more than 4 clubs express an interest inÓgetting involved in the pilot programme it is proposed to conduct a draw at the March meeting of Coiste na nÓg to select the clubs to take part.



    03-Mar-11 by Colette Fox – PRO