Following an inspection the referee called the game off with about 20+ minutes to go before throw-in due to water logging on some areas of the field.

The field was inspected yesterday (Saturday) at 4pm and also this morning at 10:00 am and was declared fit for play. However persistent rain from 11am caused the water to log in a few key areas of the field and the referee made the final call in consultation with his officials and with team management members of both Leitrim and Fermanagh. The situation is regrettable but unavoidable.

Despite media reports of a definite re-fixture next weekend it is not know at this stage when the game will be re-scheduled however, next weekend is a free weekend for both teams and is considered a possibility.




03-Feb-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO


Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm the Allianz National League will open for Leitrim in a home game against neighbours Fermanagh. Both teams will be looking for an early opportunity to get established on the League table and get settled into the competition which will span the next 10 weeks.

Leitrim have not annnounced a team yet but will be playing a new team from the one that participated in the FBD League due to a large injury list.

Our biggest change will be in the full back line as John McKeon (Thumb injury) and Michael McGuinness (Knee injury) are out of the equation for a number of weeks. In the Half back line we will be without the services of Barry Prior (Hand injury). This will bring a number of interesting permutations as our defensive substitutes are called on. Adrian OFlynn, Ciaran Kennedy, James Glancy, Gary Reynolds and Stephen Feeney are all likely to be in the mix to fill the three roles as Dermot Reynolds, Shane Foley and Barry McWeeney will probably fill the other three.

The middle of the field will be between the two Bornacoola menÓgary McCloskey and Michael Duignan and Aughnasheelins Niall Murray.

In the forwards section Colin Regan (Calf injury) is also ruled out and Donal Brennan is unavailable for duty. Possible re jigging of the forwards might include Michael Foley, Philip McGuinness, Darren Duignan, David OConnor, Ciaran Duignan or Philip Howard, assuming of course that Emlyn Mulligan, James Glancy or Declan Maxwell have a green light.

Mohills RonanÓgallagher is also on the injury list and Fintan McBrien is unavailable this weekend.

The Fermanagh squad will be eager to impress their new Manager Malachy ORourke as each player fights to concrete their position on the squad and of course the collective team desire will be to carry home the early season points.

Weather conditions on Sunday wont be perfect but at least it is forecast to be the better of the next 3 days and on that note the players and team management are calling on all Leitrim Supporters to fill the stand and make your support heard in Páirc Seán on Sunday.


Liatroim abú




01-Feb-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

County Minor training:

County Minor training takes place next Sunday in Gortletteragh at 11.30am
Bus routes and times will be published shortly.



Minor Club Fixtures:

Minor fixtures are now available via the Leagues link in the Coiste na nÓg section of the left hand menu. This year the competitions are divided into 3 categories 9 aside, 13-side (2 Groups) and 15 a-side.

The 9 a-side includes:
Fenagh St. Caillins


The 13 a-side includes:

Group A –
Sean O Heslins

Group B –
Allen Gaels
Glencar Manorhamilton
Melvin Gaels


The 15 a side is a new competition and includes 3 amalgamated teams:

Sheemore Gaels (Leitrim Gaels and Kiltubrid)
St. Manachans (Eslin and Mohill)
St. Marys
Garadice Gaels (Drumreilly and Aughawillan)



31-Jan-08 by Coiste na nÓg

The GAA have announced details of their upcoming Club forum which will be held in Croke Park on February 9th next. The forum, which will involve representatives from over 300 clubs, is intended as one of a series of initiatives which will contribute to the development of a National Strategic Plan for the Association which will be launched later in the year by incoming Director General of the GAA, Mr Paraic Duffy.

The development of this plan will involve an extensive consultation process which will see the GAA canvassing a broad range of views from across a wide spectrum of Irish society and from within the Association itself. Each County committee will be nominating ten club representatives to attend the forum where they will be involved in a series of workshops covering many areas of GAA activity. The forum has been designed to allow discussion on key aspects of Association policy and to elicit feedback as to the direction and emphasis that club members feel the GAA should be taking over the next five years.

The President of the GAA, Mr Nickey Brennan said that the forum was a great opportunity for club members from around the country to put their points across in relation to matters of importance to them and to their clubs generally.

Paraic Duffy said the Club Forum will play an important role in the development of the National Strategic Plan: "It is intended that the plan will identify priority areas for the Association in the short to medium term, outline our goals in these areas and most importantly, how we intend to achieve them. The club forum will be the first step in identifying what club members see as the main areas of immediate concern for the Association", he said.

Mr Duffy said that ideally the Forum would have featured representation from every single club in the country, but that the numbers involved would have proven unmanÓgeable and that for the Forum to best achieve its goals effectively, it was necessary to limit the numbers involved.





31-Jan-08 by Croke Park

Foundation Level Coaching course.

The first of our Foundation Level coaching courses for 2008 will take place in Gortletteragh community centre on Friday 08/02 commencing at 7.30pm., with the practical on Saturday 09/02 in Gortletteragh GAA park.

Level one course 2008

All those currently completing the level one course, please note the next session will take place on Monday 11/02 at 8 pm in the Bush hotel.

Workshop – Integrating ball work and fitness.

A workshop, Integrating ball work and fitness for Gaelic games will be presented by Nicholas Walsh and will take place on Saturday 16/02. See next week’s news for more details.

Fun Do Resource Pack.

Clubs and coaches are reminded that the new Fun Do packs are available from our offices in Pairc Sean, or by contacting Thomas Keenan 087-6591049. Packs are available for a limited time at the special price of €50 each.

Coaching Calendar 2008

Our coaching calendar for 2008 is now available from our office in Pairc Sean and will also be distributed at all coaching related events, and at the next Coiste na nÓg and senior board meetings. This publication outline’s all our coaching projects, workshops and seminars planned for 2008 and all clubs should ensure that there coaches attend as many of these as possible.

Following a number of inquires in relation to the dates for our 2008 Vhi GAA summer camp’s, the following is the list of dates and venues. Please note new camp in Leitrim Gaels GAA grounds from Monday 21/07/08 to Friday 25/07/08.

Monday 30/06/2008 – Manorhamilton, Ck-on-Shannon, Aughawillan.

Monday 07/07/2008 – Kinlough, Drumshanbo, Mohill.

Monday 14/07/2008 – Aughavas, Gortletteragh, Dromahair.

Monday 21/07/2008 – Fenagh, Drumkeerin, Leitrim.



30-Jan-08 by Thomas Keenan


Leitrim people at home and away are always proud and supportive of their county and the achievements of fellow Leitrim people. This was never more true than when the Leitrim Ladies won the All-Ireland Intermediate Championship in Croke Park in 2007 and the home-coming reception they received throughout the county. Leitrim County Council hosted a civic reception for them and The Leitrim Guardian Committee have awarded the team the prestigious Person of the Year Award for 2008. Further honours have followed with Sarah McLoughlin from Ballinamore receiving an All Star Award.

2008 represents an unprecedented opportunity at Senior level for Leitrim to build on the success of this year and bring further honours to the county. With this in mind, a Leitrim Ladies Supporters Club has been formed to provide the necessary finance to fund their campaign in 2008. We are seeking the support of all Leitrim people at home and abroad to achieve this aim.

We are hosting the popular entertainment night "Who wants to be a Thousandaire" on February 1st. This show is run on a nation-wide basis by Pallas Marketing and attracts large audiences in venues all over the country. The show is completely computerised with 50/50, phone a friend and ask the audience etc.

We are offering businesses the unique opportunity of large screen advertising on two large 8ft x 6ft screens on the night of the show. Each advert will be seen approximately 8 to 10 times and the adverts can include digital images of you or your premises. We will arrange the photographs for you or your can email a pre-set powerpoint advert with corporate logos etc. to Mary Glancy at

The adverts are available at €200 each which is tax allowable, if you pay tax at the high rate the net cost could reduce to €118 approx. Each advertiser will also receive 2 complimentary tickets for the show which is a great nights entertainment.

We are conscious of the demands made on your business for sponsorship but we would urge you to look favourably at this request to get behind the Leitrim Ladies in order that they can compete favourably in 2008 and do lovely Leitrim proud. We attach a short summary on the main benefits of this form of advertising. A member of our committee will contact you in the next few days to discuss this further.

Tickets for the night are on sale throughout the county and can be purchased from any committee member listed below:-

Damien Brennan, Cloone – Ph 086 264 6159
Mary Glancy, Carrick-on-Shannon Ph 086 844 6960
Mary Shanley, Annaduff Ph 087 642 7585
Kathleen McManus, Drumshanbo Ph 087 271 9643
Geraldine Cremer, Ballinaglera Ph 086 329 0256
Gerry Stenson, Eslin Ph 087 288 9304
Jerome Quinn, Aughawillan Ph 087 945 6887
Maureen McTernan Manorhamilton/Dromahaire



29-Jan-08 by Mary Glancy

GAA clubs promoting the Irish Language

There will be a meeting of the Oifigigh Gaeilge or Scór Officers from all of Leitrims GAA clubs in Páirc Seán MacDiarmada this Thursday night at 8.30. All clubs are asked to ensure they are represented at this meeting

The Connacht Council are organising a Cúrsa Gaeilge for club officers or members from the province on the weekend of 22-23 February.

Seachtain na Gaeilge Quiz

The annual Seachtain na Gaeilge quiz which starts at county level and ends up with the All Ireland Finals in Croke Park on St Patricks Day will take place in Leitrim on Friday 15 February in Smyths Siopa Ól in Ballinamore. This year three teams will qualify for the Connacht Finals from each County. The Connacht Finals are on 7 March

Gaeltacht Scholarships

Forms are mow available from club secretaries or from Irish teachers in secondary schools for GAA gaeltacht scholarships. Alternatively forms can be had from the Oifigeach Cultúir agus Teanga, Seán O Suilleabháin (071- 9644227). Closing date is 8 March

Scór Sinsear

Preparations are well underway in most clubs for this years Scór Sinsear which will start with the first rounds in Bornacoola on Friday 29 February and in Drumreilly on Saturday 1 March.



28-Jan-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Thanks to all our supporters who attended the Leitrim Supporters Club Launch in the Herbert Park Ballsbridge Dublin 4. It was the largest attendance ever at the Dublin Launch. All the supporters believe the senior team are good enough to win the Connacht Championship in 2008.

The club presented Louise Loughlin ( vice captain) & Lorraine Brennan of the Leitrim Ladies with a beatiful team photo on canvas and a portrait of team Captain holding the Mary Quinn Memorial Cup on that memorable day in Croke Park.

The supporters club was launched by Leitrim Native Sean McGoldrick well known columnist with the Sunday World.



25-Jan-08 by Eamonn Duignan


Leitrims U21 round 3 Hastings cup game originally scheduled for a Westmeath venue is moved to Cloone and will be played tonight (Friday) under lights at 8pm.



25-Jan-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Coaching news

Development plan Launch and seminar.
Our 2008 programme of coaching events commenced on Wednesday night last with the launch of our coaching and games development plan 2008 to 2011.This document outlines the aims and objectives of Leitrim GAA coaching and games development committee for the next three years. It also contains some recommendations for changes to our current competition which will no doubt generate much discussion and debate. Copies are available from Pairc Sean and will also be available at the next meetings of the senior and minor boards. Following the launch of our development plan John TobinÓgave an excellent presentation on recommended coaching structures for clubs. We would appeal to all clubs to use this model and we will offer assistance and advice if required.

Workshop – Fundamentals for hurling.
Next coaching workshop on our calendar takes place on this Tuesday evening 22/01 at 8pm in the sports complex Ck-on-Shannon. Paudi Butler, the National director of hurling and Damien Coleman will present a workshop on Fundamentals for hurling. Everybody with an interest in hurling/camogie coaching should ensure they attend this workshop.

Referees Workshop.
A workshop for all current referees in the County will be held on Friday next 25/01 in the Bush hotel commencing at 8.00pm. All referees are asked to make a special effort to attend this workshop as we will have some guest speakers on the night. A foundation level course for all new referees will be held shortly and all clubs are asked to please forward the names of club members interested in taking up refereeing at any level to Seamus Prior 086 6016086 or Thomas Keenan 087 6591049.

Coaching the tackle.
A practical workshop "coaching the tackle" will be presented by Des Newton on Saturday 26/01 in the sports complex Ck-on-Shannon commencing at 11.00am. Coaches working at all levels should note this workshop as one not to be missed.

Fun Do Resource Pack.
Clubs and coaches are reminded that the new Fun Do packs are available from our offices in Pairc Sean, or by contacting Thomas Keenan 087-6591049. Packs are available for a limited time at the special price of €50 each.

Coaching Calendar 2008
Our coaching calendar for 2008 is now available from our office in Pairc Sean and will also be distributed at all coaching related events, and at the next Coiste na nÓg and senior board meetings. This publication outlines all our coaching projects, workshops and seminars planned for 2008 and all clubs should ensure that there coaches attend as many of these as possible.

GAA Vhi Cul Camps 2008
Following a number of inquires in relation to the dates for our 2008 Vhi GAA summer camps, the following is the list of dates and venues. Please note new camp in Leitrim Gaels GAA grounds from Monday 21/07/08 to Friday 25/07/08.

Monday 30/06/2008 – Manorhamilton, Ck-on-Shannon, Aughawillan.
Monday 07/07/2008 – Kinlough, Drumshanbo, Mohill.
Monday 14/07/2008 – Aughavas, Gortletteragh, Dromahair.
Monday 21/07/2008 – Fenagh, Drumkeerin, Leitrim.



22-Jan-08 by Thomas Keenan

FBD League – Round 3

Leitrim 0-12 Sligo 0-7


It was the last round robinÓgame of the FBD league for 2008 and Leitrim put in a good work man like performance in the second half to take the spoils against a lack lustre Sligo squad. Three players from last weeks game were not available today due to injury. Barry Prior was replaced by Drumkeerin’s Stephen Feeney and Leitrim had a completely new half forward line as Darren Duignan, Ciaran Duignan and Philip McGuinness replaced Colin Regan and Michael Foley while Emlyn Mulligan moved into the full forward line with James Glancy and Donal Brennan. It remained dry throughout the game but the going was heavy as Sligo played into the scoreboard end in the first half.


The first half was very low Scóring with a total of seven points registered and it was Leitrim who headed for the dressing rooms with a 1 point advantage. The half started with 3 wides for Leitrim from James Glancy, Donal Brennan and Emlyn Mulligan. Followed by a wide from Sligo from Mark Breheny. Daniel Daveys attempt was successful as he opened the Sligo account with a point from play. Another Sligo point followed from Eamon Cawley and Sligo were in control of the middle of the field as they applied a lot of pressure on the half backs and midfield. Another wide for Sligo and it was in the 14th minute Leitrim got a break and Darren Duignan who appeared on the right wing to kick over a point from distance. Darren’s next attempt was a wide but Ciaran Duignan made his mark with a point from play. Leitrim were back winning possession in defence as they held tight with notable performances from John McKeon, Stephen Feeney and Dermot Reynolds but once the ball went passed midfield a lot of attacks went astray due to poor passing. Leitrim were lucky on two occasions when Sligo hit the upright and the ball fell nicely to a green and gold jersey each time.


Gerry McGowan brought Sligo’s score to 3 points while both teams traded wides at the either end. James Glancy put Leitrim in front and this was followed up by Emlyn Mulligan. Half Time Leitrim 0-4 Sligo 0-3


Leitrim took over in the second half despite a bright start from Sligo with 3 attempts resulting in a point and two wides. Donal Brennan was replaced by David O’Connor and Michael Foley who was also brought on at half time for McGuinness pointed for Leitrim. This was followed quickly by a point from play from Ciaran Duignan flowing a nice move through centre field. Brehany and Cawley came back with two points from play and then Leitrim responded with six unanswered points. Four from Mulligan and two inspirational points from Shane Foley and Michael Duignan both long range and from sweeping moves from defense.


The final score came from Sligo’s Eamon Cawley but the game was in the bag for Leitrim at this stage. The introduction of all 5 substitutes in the second half definitely added a breath of fresh air and life to a hard working team with satisfactory performances in many areas of the field.


While both teams are in need of more training this game at least will give Sligo something to think about on their return in the National League on March 16th.

Full Time Leitrim 0-12 Sligo 0-7



nÓgill, D Reynolds, J McKeon, A O’Flynn, S Feeney, B McWeeney, S Foley (0-1), G. McCloskey, M Duignan (0-1), D Duignan (0-1), C Duignan (0-2), P McGuinness, J Glancy (0-1), E Mulligan (0-5), D Brennan.


Subs: M Foley (0-1) for P McGuinness (HT), D O’Connor for D Brennan for (HT), C Kennedy for A O’Flynn (57min), P Howard for J Glancy, N Murray for G McCloskey (60m).


P Greene, B Kivlehen, N McGuire, P Naughton, P McGovern, M McNamara, J Davey, K Byrne, P Wilson, D Davey (0-1), M Breheny (0-2), P Lyons, E Cawley (0-3), D McTernan, G McGowan (0-1)


Subs: B Curran for E Cawley, P Gallagher for D Davey (55 min) K Quinn for J Davey (58 min)


Ref: Ollie Kelly (Roscommon)




20-Jan-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Leitrim were the big winners at the Connacht Scór na nÓg Finals in Claremorris yesterday. Leitrim clubs took four of the eight events on a night where the high standard of Scór in Leitrim shone through. It was a Connacht Final with a wonderfully high standard of performance on stage and a packed Town Hall in Claremorris.

Leitrim were declared the winners in Solo Singing, Recitation, Ballad Group and Set Dance. Roscommon also had a successful night with the Kilglass Gaels club winning both the Figure Dance and the Question Time. Galway won the Instrumental Music and Sligo won the Novelty Act.

The full list of winners was as follows:

Rince Foirne : Kilglass Gaels, Roscommon

Amhranaíocht Aonair: Rachel McLoughlin, Mohill, Leitrim

Ceol Uirlise: Ardrahan, Galway

Aithriseoireacht: Fintan Fitzpatrick, Aughnasheelin, Leitrim

Bailéad Ghrúpa: Sean OHeslins, Leitrim

Trath na gCeist: Kilglass Gaels, Roscommon

Nuachleas: St Farnans, Sligo

Rince Seit: Fenagh, St Caillins, Leitrim



The All Ireland  Scór na nÓg Finals are in Athlone on Saturday 16 February




20-Jan-08 by Sean O Suilleabhain