Part 5 in a series of wonderful work by Sean ? Suilleabh?in. This time we look at the County Senior Championship Finalists starting way way back in 1890 !!!
Year ? Result —– Venue —– Referee[/b]
1890 – Mohill 2-2 — Ballinamore 0-1 — Keshcarrigan(Dooloughan) — Michael Murphy Fenagh
1891 – Eslin 1-4 — Mohill 0-2 — Kilmore, Co Roscommon — T. Daly, Drumsna.
(First game at Drumard abandoned, game continued at Kilmore)
1892-1903 — No competition
1904 – Bornacoola 0-4 — Mohill 0-2 — in Jamestown
(Mohill objected and cship was let fall through)
1905 – Bornacoola 0-4 — Gortletteragh 0-2 — in Mohill — John O Neill Mohill
(Gortletteragh objected, awarded title)
1906 – Fenagh awarded title — in Ballinamore (Reynolds Rock)
(Gorvagh were leading Fenagh 0-4 to 0-3 when match was abandoned)
1907-1909 — No competition
1910 – Fenagh or Mohill, probably Fenagh
1911 – Cloone
1912 – Fenagh 1-1 — Mohill 0-1 — in Mohill — M. O Grady (Ballinamore)
1913 – Ballinamore 2-3 — Mohill 1-0 — in Corriga, Aughavas
1914 – Mohill
1915 – Aughavas 1-2 — Mohill 0-2 — in Dromod — M. O Grady (Ballinamore)
1916 – Eslin beat Fenagh — in Cloone, Grange
1917 – Eslin (awarded title)
1918 – Aughnasheelin beat Cloone — in Fenagh — P. McKenna, Mohill
1919 – Fenagh 1-2 — Aughavas 0-1 — in Ballinamore
1920-1921 — No competition
1922 – Ballinamore 4-1 — Mohill 2-2 — in Mohill — Played 9th March 1924
1923 – Kiltyhugh 3-2 — Ballinamore 2-3 — in Fenagh — John McGuinness (Eslin)
1924 – Gorvagh 3-2 — Fenagh 2-2 — in Ardrum,Ballinamore
1925 – Gorvagh 1-5 — Fenagh 0-5
1926 – Gorvagh 2-1 — Fenagh 0-3 — in Ardrum Ballinamore — M. O Grady, (Ballinamore)
1927 – Gorvagh 1-3 — Annaduff 0-3 — in Ardrum Ballinamore
1928 – Annaduff 2-1 — Gorvagh 2-0 — in Ardrum Ballinamore — Guard Phil McMahon
1929 – Mohill 0-6 — Fenagh 0-3 — in Ardrum Ballinamore — P Murray,(Gorvagh) — Played 29 March 1930
1930 – Ballinamore Cship played on league system, Ballinamore beat Mohill in playoff.
1931 – Drumreilly 1-5 — Fenagh 1-1 — in Ardrum, Ballinamore
1932 – Fenagh(Drumreilly beat Fenagh in final but lost title on objection)
1933 – Ballinamore beat Aughnasheelin by a point in replay Draw was 0-6 each on 12/11/1933
1934 – Cloone 1-1 — Ballinamore 0-1 — in Ardrum — Fr A. Lynch, Kiltubrid
1935 – Ballinamore 1-5 — Kiltubrid 0-5 — in Fenagh — on 3/11/1935 P Donlon
1936 – Ballinamore 1-6 — Tully 1-5 — in Cloone, — on 15/11/1936
1937 – Cloone 3-7 — Tully 2-2 — in Ardrum — Fr. A Lynch, Kiltubrid
1938 – Bornacoola beat Tully by a point
1939 – Ballinamore awarded title, Tully refused to play
1940 – Aughavas 3-4 — Bornacoola 1-3 — inÓgrange, Cloone — Fr. A Lynch, Kiltubrid
(Final played in Dec 1940 Aughavas won 1-4 to 1-3 Objected to, replayed 16/02/1941)
1941 – Carrigallen — Mohill — Fr.A Lynch, Kiltubrid
(In the final Ballinamore beat Carrigallen by 2-1 to 1-1 but lost on objection) Played 1/3/1942
1942 – Cloone 1-8 — Carrigallen 1-3 — in Mohill — J Shanley, Dromod
1943 – Bornacoola 3-9 — Fenagh 1-4 — in Mohill — L Moran, Eslin
1944 – Cloone 1-5 — Tully 0-4 — in Mohill — M J Gralton, Ballinamore
1945 – Tully beat Cloone — in Carrigallen — Jimmy Holohan, Drumreilly
1946 – Cloone 4-4 — Aughawillan0-3 — in Mohill — Mick McGowan, Bornacoola — played 4/4/1948
1947 – Cloone 2-2 — Aughawillan 1-1 — in New Park, Ballinamore — Mick McGowan, Bornacoola
1948 – Cloone 2-5 — Aughavas 0-4 — in Ballinamore — P. Rourke
1949 – Aughavas 4-7 — Carrick on Sh 0-1 — in Ballinamore — Serg. Martin
(Aughavas won the first day on 8thSept but Carrick lodged an objection)
1950 – Cloone 1-9 — Ballinamore 0-5 — in Mohill — Columba Quinn, Aughawillan
1951 – Cloone 1-8 — Carrigallen Harps 1-3 — in Ballinamore — Columba Quinn, Aughawillan
1952 – Aughavas 1-8 — Fenagh 0-1 — in Ballinamore — H. Doherty, Cloone
1953 – Bornacoola 1-4 — Aughavas 1-3 — in Ballinamore — J. Creamer Ballinamore
1954 – Aughavas 0-6 — Sean Treacys 0-4 — in Ballinamore — P. Mulvey Roscommon
1955 – Aughavas awarded the title after a long series of disputes.
1956 – Ballinamore 3-9 — Melvin Gaels 1-4 — in Carrick — S. Slevin, Ballyshannon
Replay (drawnÓgame in Manorhamilton)
1957 – Bornacoola 3-7 — Melvin Gaels 0-5 — Ballinamore — M.O Callaghan,Roscommon
1958 – Carrick on Shannon 0-8 — Ballinamore 1-3 — Ballinamore — J.P. Newton, Annaduff
1959 – Melvin Gaels 1-6 — Ballinamore 0-0 — Carrick on Shannon — T. Greenan, Fenagh.
1960 – Melvin Gaels 1-5 — Carrick on Sha 0-7 — Ballinamore — Mick Higgins, Cavan — (Replay)
1961 – Melvin Gaels 1-6 — Carrick on Sha 0-5 — Ballinamore — Tom Mollaghan, Aughavas
1962 – Declared null and void.
1963 – Aughavas 1-7 — Carrick on Sha 0-6 — Ballinamore — Hugh Leddy, Annaduff
1964 – Ballinamore 0-5 — Melvin Gaels 0-4 — Pairc MacDiarmada — Sergt. Waters,Drumshanbo
1965 – Melvin Gaels 0-12 — Gortletteragh 0-1 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — S. Cox. Dromod.
1966 – Aughavas 1-14 — Annaduff 1-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — John Martin, Mohill
1967 – Ballinamore 1-4 — Melvin Gaels 0-3 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — T. O Riordan Carrick
1968 – Ballinamore 2-6 — Melvin Gaels 1-4 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — T. O Riordan Carrick
1969 – Ballinamore 1-11 — Aughavas 2-5 — Gortletteragh — J.P. Newton Annaduff
1970 – Gortletteragh 1-11 — Aughavas 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Tommy Moran Ballinamore
1971 – Mohill 0-6 — Ballinamore 0-4 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Sean Murray, Carrick
1972 – Ballinamore 1-12 — Mohill 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady Drumkeeran
1973 – Ballinamore 2-5 — AllenGaels 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady Drumkeeran – Replay
1974 – Sheemore Gaels 1-10 — Mohill 0-8 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Cull, Aughnasheelin
1975 – Ballinamore 0-11 — St Marys 1-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — T.P. Cox, Annaduff
1976 – Aughawillan 1-11 — Glencar/Manor 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Tommy Moran Ballinamore
1977 – Glencar/Manor1-12 — St Marys 2-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1978 – Aughawillan 2-5 — Gortletteragh 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1979 – Ballinamore 0-7 — Gortletteragh 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Joe Flynn Carrick
1980 – Cloone 2-9 — Gortletteragh 0-9 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Tommy Moran Ballinamore
1981 – Gortletteragh 0-10 — Fenagh 1-4 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1982 – Ballinamore 2-3 — Gortletteragh 0-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Joe Flynn Carrick – Replay
1983 – Aughawillan 0-7 — St Marys 0-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1984 – Aughawillan 0-10 — Ballinamore 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1985 – Gortletteragh 1-13 — Ballinamore 0-4 — Cloone. — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
(DrawnÓgame Gortletteragh 0-6 Ballinamore 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada)
1986 – Ballinamore 0-9 — Aughawillan 1-5 — Cloone — Padraig Flynn, Manorhamilton
1987 – Gortletteragh 1-8 — Aughawillan 1-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1988 – Ballinamore 1-7 — Aughawillan 0-8 — Cloone — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1989 – Aughawillan 2-7 — Ballinamore 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1990 – Ballinamore 4-7 — Aughawillan 3-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1991 – Allen Gaels 0-14 — Ballinamore 2-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1992 – ?ughawillan 0-10 — Carrigallen 1-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Anthony Noone, St Marys
1993 – Aughawillan 0-12 — St Marys 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Gerry McGovern, Cloone
(Replay – DrawnÓgame Aughawillan 1-8 St Marys 0-11)
1994 – Aughawillan 1-8 — Allen Gaels 0-10 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Enda Stenson, Eslin
1995 – St Marys 0-8 — Fenagh 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Sean McCartan, Aughavas
1996 – Allen Gaels 2-11 — St Marys 0-15 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Brian Gordon, Mohill
– Replay (DrawnÓgame St Marys 1-7 Allen Gaels 1-7)
1997 – Allen Gaels 2-14 — Aughavas 1-11 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — James McCaffrey, Aughnasheelin
1998 – Melvin Gaels 2-7 — Ballinamore 2-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1999 – GlencarManor1-8 — Fenagh 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Gerry McGovern, Cloone
2000 – Aughavas 0-10 — Gortletteragh 0-3 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — James McCaffrey, Aughnasheelin
2001 – Allen Gaels 2-10 — Aughavas 0-10 — P?irc Mac Diarmada — Paddy Kane, Gortletteragh
2002 – Allen Gaels 0-11 — Melvin Gaels 0-7 — P?irc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady, (Drumkeerin)
2003 – St Marys 0-10 — Fenagh 0-8 — P?irc Mac Diarmada — Paddy Kane, Gortletteragh
2004 – Annaduff 0-7 — Gortletteragh 0-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady, Drumkeeran
2005 – Kiltubrid 4-11 — Bornacoola 0-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Michael Leydon,
[b]Senior “B”” Championship —– (Started 2002)[/b]
20-Apr-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain
Leitrim Ladies through to Div 3 League Final
LadiesCongratulations to Leitrim Ladies who won their semifinal today against Fermanagh in the Suzuki National League Division 3.
The final result was
Leitrim 2-10 Fermanagh 2-04
Full report to follow !
23-Apr-06 by Brendan Doyle
Aughnasheelin win an All Ireland Scór Title !
ScórHeartiest Congratulations to Aughnasheelin who have won an All Ireland Title in the Ballad Group section this evening at the Scór Sinsear Finals in Killarney.
Aughnasheelin are very deserving of their All Ireland title. They have been outstanding in Bail?ad Ghr?pa for a long number of years. Four times in the last five years they have reached the All Ireland Finals. They have been close on all those occasions and could make the break through on this occasion.
Their singers are: C?it Cullen, Sin?ad Egan, S?le McNulty, Brendan and Declan Sammon.
Well done also to Glencar Manor and Bornacoola clubs for making the finals and giving Leitrim supporters lots to cheer about.
Once again congratulations to Aughnasheelin – no doubt but there will be big celebrations for the Winners on their home coming tomorrow !
22-Apr-06 by Brendan Doyle
All Ireland Scór Finals
ScórIt will be a big occasion for Leitrim Scór in the Gleneagle Hotel in Killarney on Saturday next when no less than four items take the stage in pursuit of All Ireland honours. Glencar/Manorhamilton, Aughnasheelin and Bornacoola are the clubs involved. All of them are no strangers to the All Ireland scene and two of them have tasted All Ireland success already.
It isn?t unusual for Leitrim to have four items in the All Ireland Finals. They had four items in last year?s finals and in fact for three years in a row, 1998, 1999 and 2000; Leitrim had four items on the stage. The outcome varied. In 1999 in the Ulster Hall in Belfast, Leitrim won no less than three All Ireland titles. On that occasionÓglencar/Manorhamilton won the Rince Foirne, Aidan Dockery from Bornacoola won the Aithriseoireacht and Carrigallen won the Nuachleas. By coincidence, two of these clubs are back in the same events: Glencar/Manorhamilton and Aidan Dockery. In 1998 and 2000, Leitrim were not so lucky as none of their four items won. Last year Fenagh won in the Nuachleas.
Glencar/Manorhamilton are always strong in Rince Foirne. As last week?s Leitrim Observer indicated in a fine article on the club?s Scór history, they have won the County title in this discipline on 21 occasions and have won in Connacht on 13 occasions. They won the All Ireland twice, in 1993 and 1999. This is their fourth year in a row in the Finals and they could do it this time. They certainly are wonderful performers and with Clair McMorrow at the helm nothing will be left undone in their quest for the honours. Their dancers are: Nicole O?Hara, Amanda Sweeney, Michelle Kelly, Ciara Flynn, Aidan McLoughlin, Michael J Rooney, Craig and Emmet McMorrow.
Bornacoola are another of Leitrim?s great Scór clubs. After a relatively quite period they were back in Scór big this year. However, it was during a period of relatively less participation that their first ever All Ireland title came when Aidan Dockery won in the Ulster Hall in Belfast in 1999 in recitation. Aidan is back again and will make a bold bid for another title. Bornacoola are also competing in the Trath na gCeist. Aidan Dockery, Marie Therese Dockery and Liam Rabbitte will take some beating. As is happens, Bornacoola were competing in these two events in 1999 when they won the Recitation but lost the Question Time.
Aughnasheelin would richly deserve an All Ireland title at this stage. They have been outstanding in Bail?ad Ghr?pa for a long number of years. Four times in the last five years they have reached the All Ireland Finals. They have been close on all those occasions and could make the break through on this occasion. Their singers are: C?it Cullen, Sin?ad Egan, S?le McNulty, Brendan and Declan Sammon.
A large number of supporters will be traveling to Killarney and we hope that All Ireland titles will be coming back to Leitrim on Sunday morning. T? seans maith go mbeidh ceann n? dh? ar a laghad.
21-Apr-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain
Part 5 in a series of wonderful work by Sean ? Suilleabh?in. This time we look at the County Senior Championship Finalists starting way way back in 1890 !!!
Year ? Result —– Venue —– Referee[/b]
1890 – Mohill 2-2 — Ballinamore 0-1 — Keshcarrigan(Dooloughan) — Michael Murphy Fenagh
1891 – Eslin 1-4 — Mohill 0-2 — Kilmore, Co Roscommon — T. Daly, Drumsna.
(First game at Drumard abandoned, game continued at Kilmore)
1892-1903 — No competition
1904 – Bornacoola 0-4 — Mohill 0-2 — in Jamestown
(Mohill objected and cship was let fall through)
1905 – Bornacoola 0-4 — Gortletteragh 0-2 — in Mohill — John O Neill Mohill
(Gortletteragh objected, awarded title)
1906 – Fenagh awarded title — in Ballinamore (Reynolds Rock)
(Gorvagh were leading Fenagh 0-4 to 0-3 when match was abandoned)
1907-1909 — No competition
1910 – Fenagh or Mohill, probably Fenagh
1911 – Cloone
1912 – Fenagh 1-1 — Mohill 0-1 — in Mohill — M. O Grady (Ballinamore)
1913 – Ballinamore 2-3 — Mohill 1-0 — in Corriga, Aughavas
1914 – Mohill
1915 – Aughavas 1-2 — Mohill 0-2 — in Dromod — M. O Grady (Ballinamore)
1916 – Eslin beat Fenagh — in Cloone, Grange
1917 – Eslin (awarded title)
1918 – Aughnasheelin beat Cloone — in Fenagh — P. McKenna, Mohill
1919 – Fenagh 1-2 — Aughavas 0-1 — in Ballinamore
1920-1921 — No competition
1922 – Ballinamore 4-1 — Mohill 2-2 — in Mohill — Played 9th March 1924
1923 – Kiltyhugh 3-2 — Ballinamore 2-3 — in Fenagh — John McGuinness (Eslin)
1924 – Gorvagh 3-2 — Fenagh 2-2 — in Ardrum,Ballinamore
1925 – Gorvagh 1-5 — Fenagh 0-5
1926 – Gorvagh 2-1 — Fenagh 0-3 — in Ardrum Ballinamore — M. O Grady, (Ballinamore)
1927 – Gorvagh 1-3 — Annaduff 0-3 — in Ardrum Ballinamore
1928 – Annaduff 2-1 — Gorvagh 2-0 — in Ardrum Ballinamore — Guard Phil McMahon
1929 – Mohill 0-6 — Fenagh 0-3 — in Ardrum Ballinamore — P Murray,(Gorvagh) — Played 29 March 1930
1930 – Ballinamore Cship played on league system, Ballinamore beat Mohill in playoff.
1931 – Drumreilly 1-5 — Fenagh 1-1 — in Ardrum, Ballinamore
1932 – Fenagh(Drumreilly beat Fenagh in final but lost title on objection)
1933 – Ballinamore beat Aughnasheelin by a point in replay Draw was 0-6 each on 12/11/1933
1934 – Cloone 1-1 — Ballinamore 0-1 — in Ardrum — Fr A. Lynch, Kiltubrid
1935 – Ballinamore 1-5 — Kiltubrid 0-5 — in Fenagh — on 3/11/1935 P Donlon
1936 – Ballinamore 1-6 — Tully 1-5 — in Cloone, — on 15/11/1936
1937 – Cloone 3-7 — Tully 2-2 — in Ardrum — Fr. A Lynch, Kiltubrid
1938 – Bornacoola beat Tully by a point
1939 – Ballinamore awarded title, Tully refused to play
1940 – Aughavas 3-4 — Bornacoola 1-3 — inÓgrange, Cloone — Fr. A Lynch, Kiltubrid
(Final played in Dec 1940 Aughavas won 1-4 to 1-3 Objected to, replayed 16/02/1941)
1941 – Carrigallen — Mohill — Fr.A Lynch, Kiltubrid
(In the final Ballinamore beat Carrigallen by 2-1 to 1-1 but lost on objection) Played 1/3/1942
1942 – Cloone 1-8 — Carrigallen 1-3 — in Mohill — J Shanley, Dromod
1943 – Bornacoola 3-9 — Fenagh 1-4 — in Mohill — L Moran, Eslin
1944 – Cloone 1-5 — Tully 0-4 — in Mohill — M J Gralton, Ballinamore
1945 – Tully beat Cloone — in Carrigallen — Jimmy Holohan, Drumreilly
1946 – Cloone 4-4 — Aughawillan0-3 — in Mohill — Mick McGowan, Bornacoola — played 4/4/1948
1947 – Cloone 2-2 — Aughawillan 1-1 — in New Park, Ballinamore — Mick McGowan, Bornacoola
1948 – Cloone 2-5 — Aughavas 0-4 — in Ballinamore — P. Rourke
1949 – Aughavas 4-7 — Carrick on Sh 0-1 — in Ballinamore — Serg. Martin
(Aughavas won the first day on 8thSept but Carrick lodged an objection)
1950 – Cloone 1-9 — Ballinamore 0-5 — in Mohill — Columba Quinn, Aughawillan
1951 – Cloone 1-8 — Carrigallen Harps 1-3 — in Ballinamore — Columba Quinn, Aughawillan
1952 – Aughavas 1-8 — Fenagh 0-1 — in Ballinamore — H. Doherty, Cloone
1953 – Bornacoola 1-4 — Aughavas 1-3 — in Ballinamore — J. Creamer Ballinamore
1954 – Aughavas 0-6 — Sean Treacys 0-4 — in Ballinamore — P. Mulvey Roscommon
1955 – Aughavas awarded the title after a long series of disputes.
1956 – Ballinamore 3-9 — Melvin Gaels 1-4 — in Carrick — S. Slevin, Ballyshannon
Replay (drawnÓgame in Manorhamilton)
1957 – Bornacoola 3-7 — Melvin Gaels 0-5 — Ballinamore — M.O Callaghan,Roscommon
1958 – Carrick on Shannon 0-8 — Ballinamore 1-3 — Ballinamore — J.P. Newton, Annaduff
1959 – Melvin Gaels 1-6 — Ballinamore 0-0 — Carrick on Shannon — T. Greenan, Fenagh.
1960 – Melvin Gaels 1-5 — Carrick on Sha 0-7 — Ballinamore — Mick Higgins, Cavan — (Replay)
1961 – Melvin Gaels 1-6 — Carrick on Sha 0-5 — Ballinamore — Tom Mollaghan, Aughavas
1962 – Declared null and void.
1963 – Aughavas 1-7 — Carrick on Sha 0-6 — Ballinamore — Hugh Leddy, Annaduff
1964 – Ballinamore 0-5 — Melvin Gaels 0-4 — Pairc MacDiarmada — Sergt. Waters,Drumshanbo
1965 – Melvin Gaels 0-12 — Gortletteragh 0-1 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — S. Cox. Dromod.
1966 – Aughavas 1-14 — Annaduff 1-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — John Martin, Mohill
1967 – Ballinamore 1-4 — Melvin Gaels 0-3 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — T. O Riordan Carrick
1968 – Ballinamore 2-6 — Melvin Gaels 1-4 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — T. O Riordan Carrick
1969 – Ballinamore 1-11 — Aughavas 2-5 — Gortletteragh — J.P. Newton Annaduff
1970 – Gortletteragh 1-11 — Aughavas 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Tommy Moran Ballinamore
1971 – Mohill 0-6 — Ballinamore 0-4 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Sean Murray, Carrick
1972 – Ballinamore 1-12 — Mohill 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady Drumkeeran
1973 – Ballinamore 2-5 — AllenGaels 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady Drumkeeran – Replay
1974 – Sheemore Gaels 1-10 — Mohill 0-8 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Cull, Aughnasheelin
1975 – Ballinamore 0-11 — St Marys 1-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — T.P. Cox, Annaduff
1976 – Aughawillan 1-11 — Glencar/Manor 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Tommy Moran Ballinamore
1977 – Glencar/Manor1-12 — St Marys 2-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1978 – Aughawillan 2-5 — Gortletteragh 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1979 – Ballinamore 0-7 — Gortletteragh 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Joe Flynn Carrick
1980 – Cloone 2-9 — Gortletteragh 0-9 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Tommy Moran Ballinamore
1981 – Gortletteragh 0-10 — Fenagh 1-4 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1982 – Ballinamore 2-3 — Gortletteragh 0-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Joe Flynn Carrick – Replay
1983 – Aughawillan 0-7 — St Marys 0-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1984 – Aughawillan 0-10 — Ballinamore 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1985 – Gortletteragh 1-13 — Ballinamore 0-4 — Cloone. — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
(DrawnÓgame Gortletteragh 0-6 Ballinamore 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada)
1986 – Ballinamore 0-9 — Aughawillan 1-5 — Cloone — Padraig Flynn, Manorhamilton
1987 – Gortletteragh 1-8 — Aughawillan 1-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1988 – Ballinamore 1-7 — Aughawillan 0-8 — Cloone — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1989 – Aughawillan 2-7 — Ballinamore 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1990 – Ballinamore 4-7 — Aughawillan 3-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1991 – Allen Gaels 0-14 — Ballinamore 2-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Pat Egan, Fenagh
1992 – ?ughawillan 0-10 — Carrigallen 1-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Anthony Noone, St Marys
1993 – Aughawillan 0-12 — St Marys 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Gerry McGovern, Cloone
(Replay – DrawnÓgame Aughawillan 1-8 St Marys 0-11)
1994 – Aughawillan 1-8 — Allen Gaels 0-10 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Enda Stenson, Eslin
1995 – St Marys 0-8 — Fenagh 0-6 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Sean McCartan, Aughavas
1996 – Allen Gaels 2-11 — St Marys 0-15 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Brian Gordon, Mohill
– Replay (DrawnÓgame St Marys 1-7 Allen Gaels 1-7)
1997 – Allen Gaels 2-14 — Aughavas 1-11 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — James McCaffrey, Aughnasheelin
1998 – Melvin Gaels 2-7 — Ballinamore 2-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Seamus Prior, Aughnasheelin
1999 – GlencarManor1-8 — Fenagh 1-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Gerry McGovern, Cloone
2000 – Aughavas 0-10 — Gortletteragh 0-3 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — James McCaffrey, Aughnasheelin
2001 – Allen Gaels 2-10 — Aughavas 0-10 — P?irc Mac Diarmada — Paddy Kane, Gortletteragh
2002 – Allen Gaels 0-11 — Melvin Gaels 0-7 — P?irc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady, (Drumkeerin)
2003 – St Marys 0-10 — Fenagh 0-8 — P?irc Mac Diarmada — Paddy Kane, Gortletteragh
2004 – Annaduff 0-7 — Gortletteragh 0-5 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Eamon O Grady, Drumkeeran
2005 – Kiltubrid 4-11 — Bornacoola 0-7 — Pairc Mac Diarmada — Michael Leydon,
[b]Senior “B”” Championship —– (Started 2002)[/b]
20-Apr-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain
GAA Presidents Launch of 3 Projects
GeneralThe Bush hotel was the venue on Easter Monday evening for the very successful launch of the Development projects and this the county website.
Declan Bohan was the MC and Gerry McGovern opened proceedings with a detailed presentation of the two major development projects namely the 2,500 seater stand at P?irc Se?n Mac Diarmada and the County Training Facilities at Annaduff.
Brendan Doyle gave a brief presentation of the recently redesigned website followed by GAA President Sean Kelly who officially launched the 3 projects during his informative speech.
Tommy Moran finished off proceedings with a very hearty speech and we would like to wish him well at Congress this weekend as he is one of eight people going for the position of Association Trustee, which is regarded as the second highest electable office in the GAA.
The group moved to Cox?s Steakhouse in Dromod for an informal evening where Fergal McGill assisted by numerous musicians, singers and dancers, including All Ireland Scór Final participants provided great entertainment.
19-Apr-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO
Leitrims Reps in Connacht U17 Trip to US
Club HurlingLeitrim has four participants in the forthcoming trip by the Connacht U17 Squad to Boston and New York.
Travelling this Friday, April 30th the players are:
Wayne McKeon (Sean O?Heslins)
Thomas Beirne (Eslin)
Barry Reilly (Carrigallen)
DamienÓgilheaney (Aughnasheelin)
The group is made up of students from second level schools throughout the province and they were chosen from 150 players who attended trials last November in Ballyhaunis.
Leitrim will have additional representatives travelling in an official capacity and they are Enda Stenson (Referee), Jimmy Holohan (Trainer) and Joe Flynn who is Chairman of Connacht Post Primary Schools.
This is a great opportunity and we at Leitrim GAA wish the players and mentors well on the trip.
19-Apr-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO
Leitrim Ladies Notes-
LadiesLeitrim Ladies Notes:
[b] Suzuki National League:[/b]
Leitrim successfully advanced to the semi final stage of the competition on Sunday last with a deserved 1-13 to 0-02 win over Antrim at St Paul?s GAA club in Belfast. While Leitrim entered the game as favourites having topped Division 3A after an unbeaten campaign to date, Antrim certainly made things difficult on the day, There were good performances from a number of Leitrim players, however finishing Scóring opportunities will have to be improved next weekend if Leitrim are to progress to the final. At the time of writing word has just come through that our opponents in the semi final next Sunday will be Fermanagh and as our last encounter was in Irvinestown, this will be a home game for Leitrim. A venue is unlikely to be confirmed before going to press but will be announced on Shannonside Radio. Although having defeated Fermanagh in February, they had an impressive win over Derry in the quarter final on Sunday and will be confident of overturning the previous result against Leitrim . A win is a must for Leitrim in order to keep the momentum going and more importantly to secure Division 2 status for next year. This will be a closely fought game and Leitrim will have to be at their best to win on Sunday.
[b] Opening of St Marys GAA Pitch, Swanlinbar:[/b]
Owing to the death of the husband of Lily Reilly, Cavan Ladies County Secretary, Cavan did not field a full strength team for the challenge game on Monday. However it gave a number of club players from the Templeport and Swanlinbar areas an opportunity to represent their county. Leitrim fielded a strong team of players from the squad many of whom did not get an opportunity to start on Sunday against Antrim and put in a good performance. All of the subs played 10 minutes at midfield. The final score was Leitrim 7-12 Cavan 0-2. Leitrim: Emer Horan, Emer Kelly, Mairead Stenson, Alanah Bohan, Lisa McGowan, Eilish Quinn, Camilla McDonagh, Maeve Quinn, Sarah McLoughlin, Anna Conlan, Phillipa Maguire, Michelle McNulty, Erin Farrell, Naomi Faughnan, Lorraine Brennan: Subs Emer McGlade, Sinead Brennan, Carla Creegan, Sharon Kerrigan, Ann Marie Cox, Sinead Quinn, Louise Loughlin, Clare Owens, Mary McKeon, Amanda Sweeney. Thanks to the St Marys Club for their hospitality on Monday and we wish them the best of luck with with their excellent new facilities. Unfortunately it was not a Leitrim double as the men?s team were unlucky to be defeated by Fermanagh by a single point.
[b] Division 2 Club League: [/b]
Bornacoola and Ballinaglera played out another close encounter in Dromod on Friday evening last as the home team put a disappointing start to the campaign behind them as they recorded a 1-8 to 0-07 win. Siobhan McGovernÓgot the visitors off to the perfect start with a point from play after two minutes and Louise Loughlin increased the lead almost immediately with a second point. Louise Staunton was unlucky to see a shot onÓgoal go narrowly wide as the home team responded. However Tanya McPartland scored a third point after ten minutes before Bornacoola scored their first point of the campaign with a great Naomi Faughnan effort from thirty five meters. Ballinaglera?s Ailish Curnyn hit a huge free from forty meters to restore the visitors advantage moments later as Bornacoola struggled to make an impact. Midway through the half Kelly Howard reduced the arrears from play with a fine point as Curnyn hit another great effort from a free. Bornacoola suddenly came more into the game and Faughnan was unlucky to see a good effort come off the crossbar as Staunton managed to hit the rebound wide. Orla Bohan was then called on to gather a dangerous high ball before Niamh Reynolds and Sarah Duffy defended well to cut out another Glera move. Again Bohan dealt was to Bornacoolas rescue with a great save at McPartland?s feet. Bornacoola finished the half with a Howard point after good work from Joanne McGushin. The second half saw a big improvement in the Bornacoola teamwork and a great battle at midfield between Naomi Faughnan and Ailish Curnyn.. Tara McGovern sent Glera further ahead after two minutes but Louise Staunton hit two good frees to reduce the lead to the minimum. Chances were then at a premium as both sides defended well. Curnyn pointed again after ten minutes but surprisingly this was their last score of the game. Another fine Faughnan point reduced the lead again as mindway through the half Victoria Duignan was fouled in the square. Faughnan dispatched the resulting penalty to the net to give the home team the lead for the first time in the game. Two further points from Faughnan and Staunton wrapped up the points for Bornacoola in an entertaining game.
[b] 9 A Side League: [/b]
Competition at Junior and Senior level began last weekend and the following are the results: Junior- Aughnasheelin 7-15, Gortlettragh 3.05; Fenagh 5.03, Dromahair 2.08; Sean O Heslins 4.13 Glenfarne 1.01; Senior ? Aughawillan 6.07, Cloone 3.07, Kiltubrid 4.03, Mohill 4.08.
[b] U14 Championship:[/b]
A busy start to the under 14 competitions with the following results ? Cloone 6.02, Melvin Gaels 4.15; Kiltubrid 4.20 Leitrim Gaels 1.05; Sean O Heslins 2.06, St Josephs 4.12; Dromahair 3.05 Glencar Manor 1.02; Mohill 3.02, St Marys 2.12
[b] All Ireland Scór Final: [/b]
Best of luck to Glencar Manors Amanda Sweeney, Leitrim Vice Captain who will take part in the figure dancing at the All Ireland Scór Finals on Saturday next in Killarney and we wish her the best of luck a safe journey back for the Fermanagh game on Sunday.
[b] Connacht Feile 2006:[/b]
This years competition will take place on 10th June and will be hosted by Leitrim with the assistance of venues in Roscommon and Sligo. All ladies clubs have been contacted regarding entry and further information will be forwarded during the week. It is important that all eligible clubs enter as the target is for entries from 32 girls clubs with the majority to come from Leitrim, Sligo and Roscommon.
19-Apr-06 by Patricia Bohan
Suzuki Ladies National League Division 3 Qtr Final
LadiesSuzuki Ladies National League Division 3 Quarter Final
Leitrim 1-13 Antrim 0-02
Leitrim qualified for the semi final on Sunday last in Belfast but had to battle their way past an Antrim team determined to upset the form book. From the start was clear that the home team had nothing to lose and set about unsettling Leitrim with a number of tough tackles as the game progressed. Indeed in the second half Antrim?s play degenerated into the unacceptable with a series of unnecessary fouls that were often dangerous and were lucky to finish the game with fourteen players. Leitrim were superior in most areas of the field, where much higher fitness levels was significant in avoiding serious injury. Antrim had a number of very skilful players on show but sadly did nothing to enhance their reputation as a team for the future with their performance. Leitrim remain unbeaten to date but next weekend?s semi final will be their biggest challenge of the year to date.
Antrim played with a strong wind in the first half and set up the first attack of the game from the throw in and earned a free as Kelly McCoy was fouled forty meters from goal. Her resulting free was well held by Louise Loughlin in the Leitrim goals and from her clearance Leitrim set up a point taking opportunity as Sarah McLoughlin was fouled but Ann Marie Cox hit the free wide. Three minutes later Antrim hit a wide from play and a minute later spurned another opportunity to open the Scóring as Clare Dowdall hit a wide. Ten minutes into the game Sarah McLoughlin registered a second Leitrim wide as the visitors took some time to settle into the game. However a minute Later Emer McGlade was fouled and Ann Marie Cos pointed to open the Scóring. Two minutes later Cox saw a great effort hit the crossbar as Leitrim began to assert some dominance on the game. Maeve Quinn won an Antrim kickout and combined well with McGlade as Sarah McLoughlin found space to fire over a second point. Midway through the half, Sharon Kerrigan made a great run through the Antrim defence from half back and hit over a great point to stretch the Leitrim lead. Maeve Quinn won the resulting kickout and found Ann Marie Cox in the corner whose perceptive pass to McLoughlin was again well pointed. Antrim began to come back into the game over the next ten minutes and Louise Loughlin had to be alert to parry a Mary McCann effort as Sinead Brennan and Carla Creegan cleared the danger. A minute later the ever dangerous McCann found herself in front of goals but hit a bad wide with only the keeper to beat. With ten minutes remaining in the half Sinead Quinn fired over a great point after good work from McGlade and Cox. Again Antrim tried to respond but Mairead Stenson and Carla Creegan again defended well to set up another Leitrim attack. Emer McGlade combined well with Anna Conlan and McGlades effort was deflected over the bar by Antrim keeper Melissa Hardy for another Leitrim point. Cox was unlucky to see an effort from tight on the endline go narrowly wide as Leitrim continued to pressurise the Antrim defence. With two minutes remaining Cox had to go off as a result of a blood injury after a heavy tackle and was replaced by Lorraine Brennan. Antrim finally got off the mark with a long range effort from Aisling Reilly but almost immediately Mary McKeon pointed from play after a great move up the field from the Leitrim defence to leave Leitrim leading by 0-7 to 0-1 at the break.
Antrim started the second half with a flourish as Claire Dowdall pointed from a free to reduce the arrears to five points but this was as good as it got from the home team. Lorraine Brennan responded with a fine point from play wide on the left as Leitrim settled back into the game. After five minutes Cox reentered the play with Brennan staying on and Eilish Quinn substituted. Almost immediately Sharon Kerrigan was heavily fouled as she made another great run at the Antrim defence and Seaneen Daykin was sinbinned for ten minutes while Cox punished Antrim with the resulting free. Ten minutes into the half Clare Owens found herself in space but was dangerously tackled and the Antrim player was lucky to remain on the pitch as Cox punished Antrim yet again from the free. Sharon Kerrigan had another effort go narrowly wide and Lorraine Brennan likewise as Leitrim refused to be intimidated by the heavy tackling of the Antrim team. Midway through the half another goal opportunity came Leitrims way but Anna Conlans effort was well saved by Hardy however the rebound fell to Sinead Quinn who was again fouled and Cox obliged with another easy point. Naomi Faughnan replaced Conlan in the Leitrim attack with thirteen minutes remaining as Antrim launched a rare attack. A dangerous ball was brilliantly fielded by Sinead Brennan and Leitrim cleared their lines to set up yet another attack. Sinead Quinn had a goal opportunity at the other end but her shot went narrowly wide. Naomi Faughnan was fouled two minutes later and again Cox pointed as Leitrim continued to press forward. Clare Owens hit another Leitrim wide with five minutes remaining when Eimear McGlade was hit off the ball and wrestled to the ground by Daykin in an extraordinary incident. Daykin was immediately shown the red card and McGlade had to be substituted by Phillipa Maguire for a blood injury. Leitrim again responded with a great McLoughlin point from play and in the final minute of the game Naomi Faughnan signed Leitrims efforts off with a flourish as she hit a great goal following good work from Maeve Quinn and Cox.
Leitrim: Louise Loughlin, Amanda Sweeney, Sinead Brennan, Mairead Stenson, Sharon Kerrigan (0-1), Mary McKeon (0-1), Carla Creegan, , Maeve Quinn, Eimear McGlade (0-1) Anna Conlan, Sarah McLoughlin (0-3), Eilish Quinn, Ann Marie Cox (0-5), Sinead Quinn (0-1), Clare Owens. Subs: Lorraine Brennan (0-1) for E. Quinn, Naomi Faughnan (1-0) for A. Conlan, Phillipa Maguire for E McGlade.
Antrim: M Hardy, C Weir, C Drain, A Quinn, R McCann, S Daykin, C McMullan, G McCann, A Reilly, H Fairbairn, C Dowdall, K McCoy, F Walsh, M McCann, F Connors.
Referee: S O?Neill (Armagh)
18-Apr-06 by Patricia Bohan
Coaching News
Coaching[b]Under 10 blitz[/b]
Our under 10 blitz continue this weekend in Gortletteragh and Ballinaglera. Clubs taking part in Gortletteragh are, Gortletteragh – Mohill – Carrigallen – Bornacoola And Drumreilly/Aughawillan. Clubs taking part in Ballinaglera are, Ballinaglera – Glenfarne Kilty – Kiltubrid and St. Osnetts.
[b]Foundation Level Coaching Course[/b]
Our last foundation level coaching course for the season will take place in Ballinamore (Smyths)on Thursday evening at 7.30pm and on Saturday morning at 10.00am in the pitch.
[b]Drills + Skills Teaching Technique[/b]
A pratical demonstration on the teaching Techniques for skills of GAA will take place in Allen Gaels GAA park Drumshanbo on Friday 28/04/06 at 7.00pm.This demonstration should be a must for any new coaches or those working with under age teams but is open to all coaches.
18-Apr-06 by Thomas Keenan
GAA President Mr Sean Kelly to visit Leitrim
Club FootballPresident of the GAA, Mr Sean Kelly, will attend the Bush Hotel on Monday evening, April 17th, next at 6:30pm to officially launch the two major development projects located at P?irc Se?n Mac Diarmada and Annaduff and also the recently redesigned County Board Website.
The 2,500 Seater Stand in P?irc Se?n Mac Diarmada is now at contract stage and it is anticipated that the works will commence later this summer. It is hoped to have a new stand and full facilities in place for the start of next years National League.
The County Training facilities in Annaduff is ready to go to tender stage and the completed project will incorporate two all weather training fields and associated buildings including indoor training and handball areas.
(This) very popular county website has recently received a face lift and has had many useful features added to it including a calendar outlining up and coming events. The site attracts 1,000?s of visitors each week and one of the most popular sections is on the player profiles. By the end of the summer it is hoped to have a complete list of all County players including Ladies, Underage and Hurling added to the current list of Senior footballers.
The Presidents visit is an endorsement of the work being carried out by the County Board on behalf of the players and supporters of Leitrim GAA.
All clubs and club officers are invited to attend as Mr Kelly will meet all GAA officials including county board officers and sub committee members.
Following the three launch?s the evening will finish with a social event in Cox?s Steakhouse Dromod where entertainment will be provided.
13-Apr-06 by Brendan Doyle – PRO
Coaching Programme – List of events
CoachingThe following is a list of coaching and developments events which will be run over the next few months.
[b]U-10 Blitz[/b]
[b]Week 1 – Saturday 15/04/06[/b]
In Aughnasheelin:
Aughnasheelin, Allen Gaels, Aughavas, Cloone .
In Fenagh:
Fenagh, St.Marys, Annaduff, Leitrim Gaels, Sean O?Heslins.
In Dromahair:
Dromahair, Drumkeerin, Manorhamilton, Melvin Gaels.
[b]Week 2- Saturday 22/04/06[/b]
Grtletteragh, Mohill, Bornacoola, Carrigallen,Drumreilly/Aughawillan.
In Ballinaglera:
Ballinaglera, Kiltubrid, St.Osnetts, Eslin, GlenfarneKilty.
All blitz to commence at 11am?.10 min per half.
[b]Foundation Level Course in Ballinamore[/b]
Thursday 20/04/06 7.30pm
Saturday 22/04/06 10.00am
[b]Drills + Skills -Teaching Techniques[/b]
Friday 28/04/06 in Drumshanbo (provisional)
[b]Coming in May ??.. [/b]
Teaching basic Hurling skills.
For club coaches and Teachers who wish to promote Hurling.
[b]Hurling Development Squads:[/b]
Schools of excellence / Development squads for Hurling at under 12 , 14 and 16 will commence in Ballinamore on Saturday 27/05/06 and will run for eight weeks . Full details in the next few weeks.
[b]School Coaching[/b]
Coaching will recommence in our primary schools from Monday 24/04/06 and will continue until the summer holidays. It will restart again in September.
Post Primary:
Coaching has recommenced in our Post Primary schools over the past number of weeks.
[b]Vhi Cul Summer Camps:[/b]
Application forms for our Vhi Cul Camps will be distributed when our coaches call to the schools after the Easter holidays. Details can also be got from the GAA web site.
12-Apr-06 by Thomas Keenan
Under-16 Finals
Coiste na nÓgThursday 13th April
13-a-side: Drumreilly v Bornacoola in Cloone @ 7.00pm
Friday 14th April
15-a-side: St. Marys v Dromahair @ 7.00pm
Monday 17th April
11-a-side: Carrigallen v Annaduff @ 5.00pm
Venues and referees to be arranged.
11-Apr-06 by Attracta OReilly